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Lock Installation#

This document details the steps required to set up a main Jans AS running lock as a service, and a lock client.

Helm Deployments#

This section is a work in progress.

VM Installation#


VM installations are not recommeded for production deployments.

For the purpose of this document, we are using a VM installation with PostgreSQL persistence and OPA as PDP.

Install Lock and OPA on Janssen Server#

The authorization server acts as the source of token data for all lock clients.

  • Follow the Jans AS setup instructions as documented here
  • When choosing persistence, select local PostgreSQL
  • When prompted for Jans Lock [No], select Yes
  • Select the option to install Jans Lock as service. This will add lock as a plugin to the authorization server
  • When prompted to install OPA, select Yes

Install Lock Client#

The Lock client acts as a medium by which an application can get token information from the auth server in real time.

In this setup, the Lock client is installed as a jetty server with OPA running alongside it. This client can be queried by any application that needs to make authorization decision. For example, a Flask API running on the same server can query OPA for token details coming in from the auth server.

To install Janssen Lock Client, you need a main Janssen Server. For the purpose of this document, let us assume that persistence used is PostgreSQL.

  1. Obtain salt by executing the following command on Janssen Server

    cat /etc/jans/conf/salt
    Output will look like:
    encodeSalt = Qm0MCPh20QGsE21ZovVnUIb8
    This is a 24 character string used to encode/decode secret data.

  2. Obtain the decrypted password for PostgreSQL by executing the following command on Janssen Server

    cat /opt/jans/jans-setup/ | grep rdbm`

  3. Enable remote connections to PostgreSQL on your main server

    1. Run this command as root to find the configuration fileee

      su - postgres -c 'psql -U postgres -d postgres -t -c "SHOW config_file;"'

    2. Edit the configuration file, uncomment the line containing listen_addresses and edit it to listen_addresses = '*'. This will allow PostgreSQL to listen on all network interfaces. You should take precautions accordingly, such as setting up firewalls.

    3. Run this command as root to find the client authentication configuration file: su - postgres -c 'psql -U postgres -d postgres -t -c "SHOW hba_file;"'

    4. Add the following line

      host jansdb  jans md5

    5. Save the file, and restart PostgreSQL

      systemctl restart postgresql

  4. Download the lock installer


  5. Run the installer
    python3 --lock-setup
  6. When prompted, enter the salt, and the main server's PostgreSQL details.
  7. Once setup is complete, verify status of lock client by visiting http://<hostname>/jans-lock/sys/health-check

Last update: 2024-03-04
Created: 2024-03-04