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Customize Web pages

All web pages are xhtml files.

Default pages bundled in the jans-auth.war are:#

To override default pages listed above:#

Put a modified login.xhtml or authorize.xhtml or error.xhtml or logout.xhtml under /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages/

Directory structure for customization#

|-- custom
|   |-- i18n (resource bundles)
|   |-- libs (library files used by custom script)
|   |-- pages (web pages)
|   |-- static (images and css files)

Adding a new web page for Person Authentication scripts#

  1. If enterOTP.xhtml is your webpage for step 2 of authentication, place under /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages/auth/enterOTP.xhtml
  2. Reference it in the custom script as follows:
        def getPageForStep(self, configurationAttributes, step):
            # Used to specify the page you want to return for a given step
            if (step == 1):
              return "/auth/login.xhtml"
            if (step == 2)
              return "/auth/enterOTP.xhtml"

Reference login pages:#

Here you will find several login pages for different authentication methods.

Customized resource bundles:#

  1. Resource bundles that are present in the jans-auth.war are present in this folder

  2. To override the defaults, custom .properties files should be placed in the following file under this path : /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/i18n/ Resource bundle names to support other languages should be placed under the same folder /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/i18n/. Some examples of file names are :

  3. To add translation for a language that is not yet supported, create new properties file in resource folder and name it jans-auth_[language_code].properties, then add language code as supported-locale to the faces-config.xml present in the same folder.

Custom CSS files:#

  1. Place the file in /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/static/stylesheet/theme.css
  2. Reference it in .xhtml file using the URL https://your.jans.server/jans-auth/ext/resources/stylesheet/theme.css or /jans-auth/ext/resources/stylesheet/theme.css

Custom image files:#

  1. All images should be placed under /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/static/img
  2. Reference it in .xhtml file using the URL https://your.jans.server/jans-auth/ext/resources/img/fileName.png or /jans-auth/ext/resources/img/fileName.jpg

Templates refers to the common interface layout and style. For example, a banner, logo in common header and copyright information in footer.

  1. mkdir -p /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages/WEB-INF/incl/layout/
  2. Place a modified template.xhtml in the above location which will override the default template file from the war

Last update: 2022-12-16
Created: 2022-08-01