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Jans Config API configuration enables to manage application-level configuration.

Config API Configuration Parameters:#

Field named Example Description
configOauthEnabled true property can be used to enable or disable the oAuth2 authorization. By default, its set to true.
apiApprovedIssuer ["https://,https://,https://"] Enables to set more than one authorization servers. By default, the current auth-server is set. You can add more server separated by comma.
apiProtectionType oauth2 Currently support mechanisms is OAuth 2.0 tokens.
apiClientId 1800.52eb1bed-ab5c-4ba6-b87e-90aad26058d0 Jans Config API Client.
apiClientPassword lwI/8mcMkF63mvueYTZ0mQ== Encrypted secret of Jans Config API Client
endpointInjectionEnabled false To be used in-case endpoint needs to be injected.
authIssuerUrl URL of underlying auth-server.
authOpenidConfigurationUrl Metadata url of the authorization server.
authOpenidIntrospectionUrl Authorization server endpoint ro check the state of an OAuth 2.0 token and to determine meta-information about token.
authOpenidTokenUrl Authorization server endpoint to obtain an Access Token, an ID Token, and optionally a Refresh Token.
authOpenidRevokeUrl Authorization server endpoint to notify an OAuth 2.0 authorization server that a previously obtained refresh or access token is no longer needed, allowing the server to clean up security credentials.
smallryeHealthRootPath /health-check Deprecated param for health-check
exclusiveAuthScopes ["jans_stat","",""] Scopes that are only validated against the underlying Jansen Authorization server.
corsConfigurationFilters [{"filterName":"CorsFilter","corsEnabled":true,"corsAllowedOrigins":"*","corsAllowedMethods":"GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH,HEAD,OPTIONS","corsAllowedHeaders":"","corsExposedHeaders":"","corsSupportCredentials":true,"corsLoggingEnabled":false,"corsPreflightMaxAge":1800,"corsRequestDecorate":true}] This list specifies the CORS configuration filters.
exclusiveAuthScopes ["jans_stat","",""] Scopes that are only validated against the underlying Jansen Authorization server.
loggingLevel "INFO" or "TRACE" or "DEBUG" Logging level for Config API.
loggingLayout "text" Contents of logs as plain text format.
externalLoggerConfiguration Path to external log4j2 logging configuration.
disableJdkLogger true Boolean to disable JDK loggers.
maxCount 200 To be used to set maximum records returned in response.
userExclusionAttributes ["userPassword"] List of attributes to be excluded in User response.
userMandatoryAttributes ["mail","displayName","jansStatus","userPassword","givenName"] List of attributes mandatory for creating a User.
agamaConfiguration {"mandatoryAttributes":["qname","source"],"optionalAttributes":["serialVersionUID","enabled"]} Configuration parameters like mandatory, optional, etc for agama flow.
auditLogConf {"enabled":true,"ignoreHttpMethod":[],"headerAttributes":["User-inum"]} Audit Log configuration.
dataFormatConversionConf {"enabled":true,"ignoreHttpMethod":[""]} DB specific data format conversion configuration for Date field.
plugins [{"name":"admin","description":"admin-ui plugin","className":""},{"name":"fido2","description":"fido2 plugin","className":""},{"name":"scim","description":"scim plugin","className":""},{"name":"user-management","description":"user-management plugin","className":""}] List of configured plugin.

Configuring the Config API:#

1. Read Configuration parameters:#

Use the following command to obtain configuration parameters:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id get-config-api-properties


javascript { "configOauthEnabled": true, "apiApprovedIssuer": ["https://<your-jans-host>"], "apiProtectionType": "oauth2", "apiClientId": "1800.0a6a17a0-0d3b-4ce5-881c-f98b2f2b75a7", "apiClientPassword": "BlRk0TlvJp8QJg1vs5e1vw==", "endpointInjectionEnabled": false, "authIssuerUrl": "https://<your-jans-host>", "authOpenidConfigurationUrl": "https://<your-jans-host>/.well-known/openid-configuration", "authOpenidIntrospectionUrl": "https://<your-jans-host>/jans-auth/restv1/introspection", "authOpenidTokenUrl": "https://<your-jans-host>/jans-auth/restv1/token", "authOpenidRevokeUrl": "https://<your-jans-host>/jans-auth/restv1/revoke", "smallryeHealthRootPath": "/health-check", "disableJdkLogger":true, "loggingLevel":"INFO", "loggingLayout":"text", "externalLoggerConfiguration":"", "exclusiveAuthScopes": [ "jans_stat", "", "" ], "corsConfigurationFilters": [ { "filterName": "CorsFilter", "corsAllowedOrigins": "*", "corsAllowedMethods": "GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH,HEAD,OPTIONS", "corsAllowedHeaders": "", "corsExposedHeaders": "", "corsSupportCredentials": true, "corsLoggingEnabled": false, "corsPreflightMaxAge": 1800, "corsRequestDecorate": true, "corsEnabled": true } ], "userExclusionAttributes": [ "userPassword" ], "userMandatoryAttributes": [ "mail", "displayName", "jansStatus", "userPassword", "givenName" ], "agamaConfiguration": { "mandatoryAttributes": [ "qname", "source" ], "optionalAttributes": [ "serialVersionUID", "enabled" ] } }

2. Update configuration parameters:#

Config API configuration parameters can be updated via PATCH request. Steps: A. Create a JSON file say /tmp/config_values.json by editing the JSON with JSON Patch operation list. Refer JSON Patch document [RFC 6902] (


javascript [ { "op": "replace", "path": "/loggingLevel", "value": "TRACE" }, { "op": "add", "path": "/exclusiveAuthScopes/3", "value": "" } ]

B. Use the following command /opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id patch-config-api-properties --data /tmp/config_values.json

3. Two options to make effect any manual changes done to the configuration#

  1. Restart jans-config-api
  2. Increment the jansRevision property of the configuration without restarting the application. The timer job will detect the change and fetch the latest configuration from the DB.

4. Locating Config API configuration in Persistence Layer#

While it is not recommended that an administrator directly edits a configuration at the persistence layer, it may be useful information for a developer.


    jansAppConf {
        string doc_id PK ""
        string ou  "jans-config-api"
        string jansConfDyn "json configuration for the app"


graph LR
A[ou=jans] --> V(ou=configuration)
     V --> V5[ou=jans-config-api]

Important attributes#

OAuth authorization#

configOauthEnabled property can be used to enable or disable the oAuth2 authorization. By default, its set to true.

javascript ... "configOauthEnabled": true ...

Api protection#

apiProtectionType property states the protocol used for API authorization. Currently supported value is oauth2.

"apiProtectionType": "oauth2"

Api protection auth server#

apiApprovedIssuer property enables to set more than one authorization servers. By default, the current auth-server is set. You can add more server separated by comma.

apiApprovedIssuer": ["https://<jans.auth.server>,https://<gluu.server>,https://<anyAuth.server>"]

Logging level#

loggingLevel property can be used to the change the logging level to the desired values (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR). By default, the level is set to INFO

`javascript ... "loggingLevel":"DEBUG", ...

Scopes other than the one defined by config-api#

Config API endpoints are oAuth2 protected. These scopes are created while installation. However, there are few endpoints that require scopes defined by other modules like auth-server.

A list of these scopes is maintained in configuration in order to avoid creation of these scopes during Config API start-up. exclusiveAuthScopes property can be used to the change the logging level to the desired value (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR). By default, the level is set to INFO

 "exclusiveAuthScopes": [

User - Mandatory and exclusion attributes#


userMandatoryAttributes can be used to define mandatory attributes for User while creation and update.

  "userMandatoryAttributes": [

Exclusion attributes#

userExclusionAttributes can be used to define User attributes that are not to be returned in API response. More attributes that are to be skipped in response can be added to the list.

 "userExclusionAttributes": [

Agama flow configuration#

agamaConfiguration stores Agama related configuration used in Agama related endpoints.

mandatoryAttributes list defines required attributes for Agama flow creation and update. optionalAttributes list specify the optional attributes.

 "agamaConfiguration": {
    "mandatoryAttributes": [
   "optionalAttributes": [

Last update: 2023-08-03
Created: 2022-07-21