MySQL Operation
Below operations require to log into mysql workspace first with command: mysql
Change password for user jans
ALTER USER 'jans'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'TopSecret';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON jansdb.* TO 'jans'@'localhost';
Create new user claims to jansPerson
- You can add additional attributes to
table and use them. This will be similar to LDAP where DB stores all user attributes in one entry. Additional attributes will not affect the server functionality. - Ensure you restart services after DB schema modification
Modify column size of jansPerson :#
Say we want to increase the size of mail
field to 144. Do the following:
* a. Modify column size -
ALTER TABLE `jansdb`.`jansPerson` CHANGE COLUMN `mail` `mail` VARCHAR(144) NULL DEFAULT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE jansdb.jansPerson DROP INDEX `jansPerson_CustomIdx2`;
ALTER TABLE jansdb.jansPerson ADD INDEX `jansPerson_CustomIdx2` ((lower(`mail`)));
Add user in Jans admin group#
- Search for inum of
use jansdb; select * from jansGrp\G;
- Add specific user in this group
- Get
of user- `use jansdb; select * from jansPerson where uid='testUser'\G;
- Copy
of this user. i.e.inum=83d43a5d-3311-4c93-ae26-df80c320557a,ou=people,o=jans
- Perform operation:
use jansdb; update jansGrp set member = '{"v": ["inum=e4fe2c89-f588-41a2-aac5-2f1afa63bed1,ou=people,o=jans", "inum=83d43a5d-3311-4c93-ae26-df80c320557a,ou=people,o=jans"]}';
Update user information#
In this example we are doing to update one user's email address.
- Search for existing email address:
use jansdb; select * from jansPerson where uid='testUser'\G;
- Modify it:
use jansdb; update jansPerson set mail='' where uid='testUser';
Search user :#
use jansdb; select * from jansPerson where uid='admin'\G;
Add custom attribute#
There are two steps here:
- Create attribute in MySQL database:
jansPersonADD COLUMN
cmdAttrVARCHAR(64) NULL;
- Create attribute from TUI:
LDAP to MySQL Migration Script#
Please refer to these steps.
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Last update:
Created: 2022-07-21
Created: 2022-07-21