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Auth Server Configuration

Jans Lock Token Stream Service#

To enable Jans Auth PubSub messages 2 configuration should be configured: * Lock messaging connection details * Jans Auth messaginbg configuration

It's possible to modify them with jans-config-api.

First configuration Jans stores in ou=configuration,o=jans entry. This is reusable configuration. Other application which uses jans-core-message.jar library also should use it. Default configuration after CE install when messaging API is not enabled:

  "messageProviderType": "DISABLED",
  "postgresConfiguration": {
    "connectionUri": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres",
    "dbSchemaName": "public",
    "authUserName": "postgres",
    "authUserPassword": "",
    "messageWaitMillis": 100,
    "messageSleepThreadTime": 200
  "redisConfiguration": {
    "servers": "localhost:6379"

It has 2 section for PostgreSQL (postgresConfiguration) and Redis (redisConfiguration) connection details.

messageProviderType can have 3 values: DISABLED, REDIS, POSTGRES

Full list of properties defined in jans-config-api-swagger.yaml.

Second configuration is needed for Jans Auth. In current version Jans Auth calls message API after access_token persistence/removal from/to DB from GarntService. Jans Messages API library provides generic API to hide actual PubSub messages publishing/receiving implementation.

This is default configuration after server install:

    "lockMessageConfig": {
        "enableTokenMessages" : false,
        "tokenMessagesChannel": "jans_token"
First property control sending messages to PubSub server. Second one tokenMessagesChannel specify channel name to send token messages.

The format of messages which Jans Auth issue is JSON. And it has minimum data for quick processing. Here is message pattern:

{"tknTyp" : "access_token", "tknId" : "token_identifier", "tknOp" : "add/del"}

Note: For demo purposes in Jans CE with PostgreSQL and Lock server selected to install messages enabled by default.

List of Lock flows:

Combined diagram Link


title Lock token flows

actor Person
participant RP
participant Auth Server
participant PubSub
participant PDP
participant DB

fontfamily mono

group 1. RP flow
Person->RP: AuthN & AuthZ
RP<->Auth Server: ...
Auth Server->PubSub: Publish short message: {"tknTyp" : "access_token", "tknId" : "token_code", "tknOp" : "add"} to specified channel

group 2. Lock tokens update
PubSub->Lock: Consume message from channel and parse it
Lock<->DB: Load token by tknCde
Lock<->Lock: Prepare data entry for PDP with scope, creationDate, expirationDate, userId, clientId
Lock<->Lock: Call external script to add more attributes to data entry
Lock<->PDP: Call PDP API to send data into it
Lock<->Lock: Schedule token clean up on it expiration

group 3. Lock clean up expired before specified date
Auth Server->PubSub: Publish token expired short message {"tknTyp" : "access_token", "tknId" : "token_code", "tknOp" : "del"} to specified channel
PubSub->Lock: Consume message from channel and parse it
Lock<->Lock: Call external script before token clean up
Lock<->PDP: Call PDP API to remove data from it

group 4. Lock policies update
Lock<->Lock: Fetch every 30 seconds policies from specified list of URIs and links to Zips (githab project archive)
Lock<->Lock: Call external script to update policies before calling PDP
Lock->PDP: Add/remove polcies

group 5. PEP flow
PEP->PDP: Send query
PDP->PEP: Response after query evaluation

Last update: 2024-03-07
Created: 2023-11-06