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External Secrets and Configmaps


This guide shows how to store and retrieve jans configmaps and secrets externally in AWS Secrets Manager and GCP Secret Manager.


Configmaps and Secrets are stored as a collection of key-value pairs. A secret in AWS/GCP Secret Manager has a max size of 65536 bytes. So the collection of key-value pairs is splitted between secrets, and thus note that during secrets retrieval it's possible that a single key-value pair is to be splitted between 2 AWS/GCP secrets.

Create Secrets#


There are 2 types of Secrets in AWS:

  1. String Secret where the secret can be created and retrieved from the console.

  2. Binary Secret where the secret is binary-encoded and can be created and retrieved only using the CLI/SDK.

Configmaps are stored in a single String Secret. It follows the naming convention of janssen_configs

Secrets are splitted and stored in multiple Binary Secrets due to the max size limitation.

  • Secrets follows the naming convention of janssen_secrets, janssen_secrets_1, janssen_secrets_2..etc

  • Every single secret doesn't have to be a valid json, but instead the collection of all secrets should have a valid json. For example:

    janssen_secrets: {"key1":"value1",

    janssen_secrets_1: "key2":"value2",

    janssen_secrets_2: "key3":"value3"}

Fresh Installation#

You will need the ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY of an IAM user with a SecretsManagerReadWrite policy attached.

Add the following configuration to your override.yaml:

    configAdapterName: aws
    configSecretAdapter: aws 
    cnAwsAccessKeyId: L30E10OME18S1220S221
    cnAwsSecretAccessKey: Z1A1M9A1L1EKALIeHHN~o
    cnAwsDefaultRegion: us-east-1 #Choose based on the desired region
    cnAwsSecretsEndpointUrl: #Choose based on the desired region
    cnAwsSecretsNamePrefix: janssen
    cnAwsProfile: janssen #Choose based on your aws named profile 
    cnAwsSecretsReplicaRegions: [] #Optional if you want secrets to be replicated. [{"Region": "us-west-1"}, {"Region": "us-west-2"}]

Run helm install or helm upgrade if Janssen is already installed:

helm upgrade <helm-release-name> janssen/janssen -f override.yaml -n <namespace>


  • Get the json of the configmap

    kubectl get configmap -n <namespace> cn -o json 

  • Configmaps in AWS are stored as StringSecret, they can be created and retrieved from the console: Click Create Secret > Choose Other type of Secret > Click on Plaintext tab > Paste the json of the key-value pairs.

  • Get the json of the secret

    kubectl get secret -n <namespace> cn -o json 

  • Secrets in AWS are splitted across multiple BinarySecrets which is created and retrieved using the CLI/SDK

  • Assuming the json is stored in a file named binary-secrets.json:

    aws secretsmanager create-secret --name <secret-name> --secret-binary fileb://binary-secrets.json --region <secret-region>


Fresh Installation#

Make sure you enabled Secret Manager API.

You will need a Service account with the roles/secretmanager.admin role. This service account json should then be base64 encoded.

Add the following configuration to your override.yaml:

  configAdapterName: google
  configSecretAdapter: google 
    cnGoogleSecretManagerServiceAccount: SWFtTm90YVNlcnZpY2VBY2NvdW50Q2hhbmdlTWV0b09uZQo= #base64 encoded service account json
    cnGoogleProjectId: google-project-to-save-config-and-secrets-to
    cnSecretGoogleSecretVersionId: "latest" # Secret version to be used for secret configuration. Defaults to latest and should normally always stay that way. 
    cnSecretGoogleSecretNamePrefix: janssen
    cnGoogleSecretManagerPassPhrase: Test1234# #Passphrase for Janssen secret in Google Secret Manager. Used for encrypting and decrypting data from Google's Secret Manager. 
    cnConfigGoogleSecretVersionId: "latest" #Secret version to be used for configuration. Defaults to latest and should normally always stay that way.
    cnConfigGoogleSecretNamePrefix: janssen

Run helm install or helm upgrade if Janssen is already installed:

helm upgrade <helm-release-name> janssen/janssen -f override.yaml -n <namespace>


Get the json of the secret/configmap

kubectl get configmap -n <namespace> cn -o json 

From the console, Go to Secret Manager> Click on Create Secret > Add a name > Upload a json file or add the json to the Secret value field > Create

Retrieve Secrets#


String Secret: To retrieve the secret value from the Console, click on the secret name and then click on Retrieve Secret Value

Binary Secret: To retrieve the secret value using the cli

aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id <secret-name> --query 'SecretBinary' --output text --region <secret-region>

Note that the secret is binary encoded, so in order to have a decoded value, you can run the following

aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id <secret-name> --query 'SecretBinary' --output text --region <secret-region> | base64 --decode

Repeat these commands across all the secrets, to get the full key-value pairs.


Review this to check multiple ways to retrieve secrets stored in GCP Secret Manager.

Last update: 2023-08-03
Created: 2023-04-18