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Introspection Script Guide#


In OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749], the contents of tokens are opaque to clients. However, there is still a large amount of metadata that may be attached to a token, such as its current validity, approved scopes, and information about the context in which the token was issued. These pieces of information are often vital to protected resources making authorization decisions based on the tokens being presented. Token introspection allows a protected resource to query this information. Introspection scripts allows to modify response of Introspection Endpoint spec and present additional meta information surrounding the token.


Introspection script should be associated with client (used for obtaining the token) in order to be run. Otherwise it's possible to set introspectionScriptBackwardCompatibility global AS configuration property to true, in this case AS will run all scripts (ignoring client configuration).


The introspection interception script extends the base script type with the init, destroy and getApiVersion methods:

Inherited Methods Method description
def init(self, customScript, configurationAttributes) This method is only called once during the script initialization. It can be used for global script initialization, initiate objects etc
def destroy(self, configurationAttributes) This method is called once to destroy events. It can be used to free resource and objects created in the init() method
def getApiVersion(self, configurationAttributes, customScript) The getApiVersion method allows API changes in order to do transparent migration from an old script to a new API. Only include the customScript variable if the value for getApiVersion is greater than 10

The configurationAttributes parameter is java.util.Map<String, SimpleCustomProperty>.

The introspection interception script also adds the following method(s):

Method def modifyResponse(self, responseAsJsonObject, context)
Method Paramater responseAsJsonObject is org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject
context is


# Returns boolean, true - apply introspection method, false - ignore it.
# This method is called after introspection response is ready. This method can modify introspection response.
# Note :
# responseAsJsonObject - is org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject, you can use any method to manipulate json
# context is reference of (in project)
def modifyResponse(self, responseAsJsonObject, context):
    responseAsJsonObject.accumulate("key_from_script", "value_from_script")
    return True

It is also possible to run introspection script during access_token creation as JWT. It can be controlled by run_introspection_script_before_jwt_creation client property which is set to false by default.

If run_introspection_script_before_jwt_creation set to true and access_token_as_jwt set to true then introspection script will be run before JWT (access_token) is created and all JSON values will be transfered to JWT. Also context inside script has additional method which allows to cancel transfering of claims if needed context.setTranferIntrospectionPropertiesIntoJwtClaims(false)

Common Use Cases#

Script Type: Python#

Retrieve Grant, Session and User Details from Access Token#

Following sample code snippet shows how to work backwards from an AccessToken to Grant, Session and User information.

from io.jans.model.custom.script.type.introspection import IntrospectionType
from import SessionIdService
from io.jans.service.cdi.util import CdiUtil

class Introspection(IntrospectionType):
    def __init__(self, currentTimeMillis):
        self.currentTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis

    def init(self, customScript, configurationAttributes):
        print "Introspection script. Initializing ..."
        print "Introspection script. Initialized successfully"

        return True

    def destroy(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "Introspection script. Destroying ..."
        print "Introspection script. Destroyed successfully"
        return True

    def getApiVersion(self):
        return 11

    # Returns boolean, true - apply introspection method, false - ignore it.
    # This method is called after introspection response is ready. This method can modify introspection response.
    # Note :
    # responseAsJsonObject - is org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject, you can use any method to manipulate json
    # context is reference of (in project, )
    def modifyResponse(self, responseAsJsonObject, context):
        authorizationGrant = context.getTokenGrant()
        if authorizationGrant is None:
            print "Introspection. Failed to load authorization grant by context"
            return False

        # Put user_id into response
        responseAsJsonObject.accumulate("user_id", authorizationGrant.getUser().getUserId())

        # Put custom parameters into response
        sessionDn = authorizationGrant.getSessionDn()
        if sessionDn is None:
            # There is no session
            print "Introspection. Failed to load session DN"
            return True

        # Return session_id
        responseAsJsonObject.accumulate("session_id", sessionDn)

        sessionIdService = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService)
        session = sessionIdService.getSessionById(sessionDn, False)
        if session is None:
            print "Introspection. Failed to load session '%s'" % sessionDn
            return True

        sessionAttributes = session.getSessionAttributes()
        if sessionAttributes is None:
            # There is no session attributes
            return True

        # Append custom claims
        if sessionAttributes.containsKey("custom1"):
            responseAsJsonObject.accumulate("custom1", sessionAttributes.get("custom1"))
        if sessionAttributes.containsKey("custom2"):
            responseAsJsonObject.accumulate("custom2", sessionAttributes.get("custom2"))

        return True

Script Type: Java#

Retrieve Grant, Session and User Details from Access Token#

Following sample code snippet shows how to work backwards from an AccessToken to Grant, Session and User information.

import io.jans.model.SimpleCustomProperty;
import io.jans.model.custom.script.model.CustomScript;
import io.jans.model.custom.script.type.introspection.IntrospectionType;
import io.jans.service.custom.script.CustomScriptManager;
import io.jans.service.cdi.util.CdiUtil;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.Map;

public class Introspection implements IntrospectionType {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Introspection.class);
    private static final Logger scriptLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomScriptManager.class);

    public boolean init(Map<String, SimpleCustomProperty> configurationAttributes) {"Init of Introspection Java custom script");
        return true;

    public boolean init(CustomScript customScript, Map<String, SimpleCustomProperty> configurationAttributes) {"Init of Introspection Java custom script");"Introspection Java script. Initializing ...");"Introspection Java script. Initialized successfully");
        return true;

    public boolean destroy(Map<String, SimpleCustomProperty> configurationAttributes) {"Destroy of Introspection Java custom script");"Introspection Java script. Destroying ...");"Introspection Java script. Destroyed successfully");
        return true;

    public int getApiVersion() {
        return 11;

    // Returns boolean, true - apply introspection method, false - ignore it.
    // This method is called after introspection response is ready. This method can modify introspection response.
    // Note :
    // responseAsJsonObject - is org.json.JSONObject, you can use any method to manipulate json
    // context is reference of (in project, )

    public boolean modifyResponse(Object responseAsJsonObject, Object context) {

        JSONObject response = (JSONObject) responseAsJsonObject;
        ExternalIntrospectionContext ctx = (ExternalIntrospectionContext) context;

        response.accumulate("key_from_java", "value_from_script_on_java");

        AuthorizationGrant authorizationGrant = ctx.getTokenGrant();
        if(authorizationGrant == null) {
  "Introspection Java script. Failed to load authorization grant by context");
            return false;

        // Put user_id into response
        response.accumulate("user_id", authorizationGrant.getUser().getUserId());

        // Put custom parameters into response
        String sessionDn = authorizationGrant.getSessionDn();
        if(sessionDn == null) {
            // There is no session
  "Introspection Java script. Failed to load session DN");
            return true;

        // Return session_id
        response.accumulate("session_id", sessionDn);

        SessionIdService sessionIdService = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService.class);
        SessionId session = sessionIdService.getSessionById(sessionDn, false);
        if(session == null) {
  "Introspection Java script. Failed to load session");
            return true;

        Map<String, String> sessionAttributes = session.getSessionAttributes();
        if(sessionAttributes == null) {
            // There is no session attributes
            return true;

        // Append custom claims
        if(sessionAttributes.containsKey("custom1")) {
            response.accumulate("custom1", sessionAttributes.get("custom1"));
        if(sessionAttributes.containsKey("custom2")) {
            response.accumulate("custom2", sessionAttributes.get("custom2"));

        return true;

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-05-18