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Python for Cedarling#

Cedarling provides a binding for Python programs via the pyo3 library. This allows Python developers to use the cedarling crate in their code directly.


  • Rust 1.63 or greater
  • CPython 3.10 or greater
  • For linux systems, installing build-essential using your distribution's package manager is recommended


The recommended way to include cedarling in a Python project is to compile it to a python wheel via Maturin. Follow these steps to compile the wheel:

  • Install maturin in an isolated environment. Using venv is recommended
    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install maturin
  • For linux, install maturin[patchelf] instead to get the necessary dependencies
  • Clone the jans repository and change your working directory to that location
  • Navigate to jans-cedarling/bindings/cedarling_python
  • Compile the binding:
    maturin build --release
  • The wheel will be available in target/wheels/

  • If you are developing a simple project in a venv setup, you can run maturin develop --release and maturin will install the wheel into the currently activated virtual environment. After that, you may run your code directly from the command line.

Including in projects#

In case of more complicated projects with a dependency manager such as poetry, you can either install the wheel via the command line:

poetry add path/to/wheel.whl
Or install it into the virtual environment managed by poetry:
poetry run pip install path/to/wheel.whl
or include it as a static dependency in the dependencies section of your pyproject.toml:
cedarling_python = {path = "path/to/wheel.whl"}

For other dependency managers, please check their documentation on how to include static wheels in a project.


Once the wheel is included in your project, you may use classes from the cedarling_python module in your code, which acts as a Python wrapper around cedarling's functions. See the usage document for details.

Last update: 2025-01-20
Created: 2024-10-09