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Config Api interception Script#


The Config Api Interception script implements the ConfigApiType interface. This extends methods from the base script type in addition to adding new methods:

Inherited Methods#

Method header Method description
def init(self, customScript, configurationAttributes) This method is only called once during the script initialization. It can be used for global script initialization, initiate objects etc
def destroy(self, configurationAttributes) This method is called once to destroy events. It can be used to free resource and objects created in the init() method
def getApiVersion(self, configurationAttributes, customScript) The getApiVersion method allows API changes in order to do transparent migration from an old script to a new API. Only include the customScript variable if the value for getApiVersion is greater than 10

New methods#

Method header Method description
authorize(self, responseAsJsonObject, context) responseAsJsonObject - is org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject, you can use any method to manipulate json. context is reference of (in project,)

Sample script which demonstrates basic client authentication#

Script Type: Python#

from import Jwt
from import AuthCryptoProvider
from io.jans.model.custom.script.conf import CustomScriptConfiguration
from io.jans.model.custom.script.type.configapi import ConfigApiType
from io.jans.orm import PersistenceEntryManager
from io.jans.service.cdi.util import CdiUtil
from io.jans.util import StringHelper, ArrayHelper
from io.jans.configapi.model.configuration import ApiAppConfiguration

from org.json import JSONObject
from java.lang import String
from jakarta.servlet.http import HttpServletRequest
from jakarta.servlet.http import HttpServletResponse

class ConfigApiAuthorization(ConfigApiType):
    def __init__(self, currentTimeMillis):
        self.currentTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis

    def init(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "ConfigApiType script. Initializing ..."
        print "ConfigApiType script. Initialized successfully"
        return True

    def destroy(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "ConfigApiType script. Destroying ..."
        print "ConfigApiType script. Destroyed successfully"
        return True

    def getApiVersion(self):
        return 1

    # Returns boolean true or false depending on the process, if the client is authorized
    # or not.
    # This method is called after introspection response is ready. This method can modify introspection response.
    # Note :
    # responseAsJsonObject - is org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject, you can use any method to manipulate json
    # context is reference of (in project, )
    def authorize(self, responseAsJsonObject, context):
        print " responseAsJsonObject: %s" % responseAsJsonObject
        print " context: %s" % context

        print "Config Authentication process"
        request = context.httpRequest
        response = context.httpResponse
        print " request = : %s" % request
        print " response = : %s" % response

        appConfiguration = context.getApiAppConfiguration()
        customScriptConfiguration = context.getScript()
        issuer = context.getRequestParameters().get("ISSUER")
        token =  context.getRequestParameters().get("TOKEN")
        method = context.getRequestParameters().get("METHOD")
        path = context.getRequestParameters().get("PATH")

        print " requese2: %s" % request
        print " response2 new: %s" % response
        print "ConfigApiType.appConfiguration: %s" % appConfiguration
        print "ConfigApiType.customScriptConfiguration: %s" % customScriptConfiguration
        print "ConfigApiType.issuer: %s" % issuer
        print "ConfigApiType.token: %s" % token
        print "ConfigApiType.method: %s" % method
        print "ConfigApiType.path: %s" % path

        #Example to validate method
        if ("GET" == StringHelper.toUpperCase(method) ):
          print "Validate method: %s" % method

        if ("attributes" == StringHelper.toLowerCase(path) ):
          print "ConfigApiType.path: %s" % path

        responseAsJsonObject.accumulate("key_from_script", "value_from_script")
        print " final responseAsJsonObject: %s" % responseAsJsonObject

        return True

Sample Scripts#

Last update: 2024-10-21
Created: 2022-02-17