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Log Management#

Prerequisite: Know how to use the Janssen CLI in command-line mode

To view/update logging configuration, let's get the information of logging Configuration.

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --info ConfigurationLogging

Operation ID: get-config-logging
  Description: Returns Jans Authorization Server logging settings.
Operation ID: put-config-logging
  Description: Updates Jans Authorization Server logging settings.
  Schema: /components/schemas/LoggingConfiguration

To get sample shema type /opt/jans/jans-cli/ --schema <schma>, for example /opt/jans/jans-cli/ --schema /components/schemas/LoggingConfiguration

Table of Contents#

Find Logging Configuration#

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id get-config-logging

Getting access token for scope
  "loggingLevel": "INFO",
  "loggingLayout": "text",
  "httpLoggingEnabled": false,
  "disableJdkLogger": true,
  "enabledOAuthAuditLogging": false,
  "externalLoggerConfiguration": null,
  "httpLoggingExcludePaths": null

Update Logging Configuration#

To update logging configuration, get the schema first:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --schema /components/schemas/LoggingConfiguration > /tmp/log-config.json

  "loggingLevel": "FATAL",
  "loggingLayout": "text",
  "httpLoggingEnabled": true,
  "disableJdkLogger": true,
  "enabledOAuthAuditLogging": false,
  "externalLoggerConfiguration": null,
  "httpLoggingExcludePaths": [

let's update the schema:

nano /tmp/log-config.json

Here I have updated loggingLevel to DEBUG and enabledOAuditLogging to true as below image.

updated logging

Let's do the operation:

/opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id put-config-logging --data /tmp/log-config.json

You will get the updated result as below:

Getting access token for scope
Server Response:
  "loggingLevel": "DEBUG",
  "loggingLayout": "json",
  "httpLoggingEnabled": false,
  "disableJdkLogger": false,
  "enabledOAuthAuditLogging": true,
  "externalLoggerConfiguration": null,
  "httpLoggingExcludePaths": [

Last update: 2023-08-03
Created: 2021-04-22