Attributes are individual pieces of user data, like uid or email, that are required by applications in order to identify a user and grant access to protected resources. In OpenID Connect, these are called user claims.
Listing existing attributes#
(gets list of attributes based on search parameters)
### Parameters
> | name | param type | data type | type |default value | description |
> |------------|-------------|----------------|-----------|--------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | limit | query | integer | optional |50 |Search size - max size of the results to return |
> | pattern | query | string | optional |N/A |Comma separated search patter. E.g. `pattern=edu`, `pattern=edu,locale,License` |
> | status | query | string | optional |all |Search size - max size of the results to return |
> | startIndex | query | integer | optional |1 |Index of the first query result |
> | sortBy | query | string | optional |inum |Field whose value will be used to order the returned response |
> | sortOrder | query | string | optional |ascending |Search size - max size of the results to return |
### Responses
> | http code | content-type | response |
> |---------------|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | `200` | `application/json` | `Paginated result` |
> | `401` | `application/json` | `{"code":"401","message":"Unauthorized"}` |
> | `500` | `application/json` | `{"code":"500","message":"Error msg"}` |
### Example cURL
> curl -k -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer 697479e0-e6f4-453d-bf7a-ddf31b53efba" -X GET http://my.jans.server/jans-config-api/api/v1/attributes?limit=5&pattern=edu,locale,carLicense&startIndex=1
"start": 0,
"totalEntriesCount": 78,
"entriesCount": 2,
"entries": [
"dn": "inum=08E2,ou=attributes,o=jans",
"selected": false,
"inum": "08E2",
"name": "departmentNumber",
"displayName": "Department",
"description": "Organizational Department",
"origin": "jansCustomPerson",
"dataType": "string",
"editType": [
"viewType": [
"claimName": "department_number",
"status": "inactive",
"saml1Uri": "urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:departmentNumber",
"saml2Uri": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.2",
"urn": "urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:departmentNumber",
"oxMultiValuedAttribute": false,
"custom": false,
"requred": false,
"whitePagesCanView": false,
"adminCanEdit": true,
"userCanView": true,
"userCanEdit": false,
"adminCanAccess": true,
"adminCanView": true,
"userCanAccess": true,
"baseDn": "inum=08E2,ou=attributes,o=jans"
"dn": "inum=0C18,ou=attributes,o=jans",
"selected": false,
"inum": "0C18",
"name": "telephoneNumber",
"displayName": "Home Telephone Number",
"description": "Home Telephone Number",
"origin": "jansCustomPerson",
"dataType": "string",
"editType": [
"viewType": [
"claimName": "phone_number",
"status": "inactive",
"saml1Uri": "urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:telephoneNumber",
"saml2Uri": "urn:oid:",
"urn": "urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:phone_number",
"oxMultiValuedAttribute": false,
"custom": false,
"requred": false,
"whitePagesCanView": false,
"adminCanEdit": true,
"userCanView": true,
"userCanEdit": true,
"adminCanAccess": true,
"adminCanView": true,
"userCanAccess": true,
"baseDn": "inum=0C18,ou=attributes,o=jans"
(gets attribute based on inum)
### Parameters
> | name | param type | data type | type |default value | description |
> |------------|-------------|----------------|-----------|--------------|----------------------------------------|
> | `inum` | path | string | required | NA | Attribute unique identifier |
### Responses
> | http code | content-type | response |
> |---------------|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | `200` | `application/json ` | `attribute details` |
> | `401` | `application/json` | `{"code":"401","message":"Unauthorized"}` |
> | `500` | `application/json` | `{"code":"500","message":"Error msg"}` |
### Example cURL
> curl -k -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer 697479e0-e6f4-453d-bf7a-ddf31b53efba" -X GET http://my.jans.server/jans-config-api/api/v1/attributes/08E2
"dn": "inum=08E2,ou=attributes,o=jans",
"selected": false,
"inum": "08E2",
"name": "departmentNumber",
"displayName": "Department",
"description": "Organizational Department",
"origin": "jansCustomPerson",
"dataType": "string",
"editType": [
"viewType": [
"claimName": "department_number",
"status": "inactive",
"saml1Uri": "urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:departmentNumber",
"saml2Uri": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.2",
"urn": "urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:departmentNumber",
"oxMultiValuedAttribute": false,
"custom": false,
"requred": false,
"whitePagesCanView": false,
"adminCanEdit": true,
"userCanView": true,
"userCanEdit": false,
"adminCanAccess": true,
"adminCanView": true,
"userCanAccess": true,
"baseDn": "inum=08E2,ou=attributes,o=jans"
Creating new attribute#
(creates a new attribute)
### Parameters
> | name | param type | data type | type |default value | description |
> |------------|-------------|----------------|-----------|--------------|----------------------------------------|
> | None | request | object (JSON) | required | NA | Attribute json |
### Responses
> | http code | content-type | response |
> |---------------|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | `201` | `application/json ` | `attribute details json` |
> | `401` | `application/json` | `{"code":"401","message":"Unauthorized"}` |
> | `500` | `application/json` | `{"code":"500","message":"Error msg"}` |
### Example cURL
> curl -X POST -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ba9b8810-7a2b-4e4a-a18a-689d7eacf7d1' -i 'https://my.jans.server/jans-config-api/api/v1/attributes' --data @post.json
"adminCanAccess": true,
"adminCanEdit": true,
"adminCanView": true,
"custom": false,
"dataType": "string",
"description": "QAAdded Attribute",
"displayName": "QAAdded Attribute",
"editType": [
"name": "qaattribute",
"origin": "jansPerson",
"jansMultivaluedAttr": false,
"requred": false,
"status": "active",
"urn": "urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:qaattribute",
"userCanAccess": true,
"userCanEdit": true,
"userCanView": true,
"viewType": [
"whitePagesCanView": false
Updating existing attribute#
(updates an existing attribute)
### Parameters
> | name | param type | data type | type |default value | description |
> |------------|-------------|----------------|-----------|--------------|----------------------------------------|
> | None | request | object (JSON) | required | NA | Attribute json |
### Responses
> | http code | content-type | response |
> |---------------|-----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | `200` | `application/json ` | `attribute details` |
> | `404` | `application/json` | `{"code":"404","message":"The requested curl -X PUT -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ba9b8810-7a2b-4e4a-a18a-689d7eacf7d1' -i 'https://my.jans.server/jans-config-api/api/v1/attributes' --data @put.json
"dn": "inum=08E2,ou=attributes,o=jans",
"selected": false,
"inum": "08E2",
"name": "departmentNumber",
"displayName": "Department",
"description": "Organizational Department",
"origin": "jansCustomPerson",
"dataType": "string",
"editType": [
"viewType": [
"claimName": "department_number",
"status": "inactive",
"saml1Uri": "urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:departmentNumber",
"saml2Uri": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.2",
"urn": "urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:departmentNumber",
"oxMultiValuedAttribute": false,
"custom": false,
"requred": false,
"whitePagesCanView": false,
"adminCanEdit": true,
"userCanView": true,
"userCanEdit": false,
"adminCanAccess": true,
"adminCanView": true,
"userCanAccess": true,
"baseDn": "inum=08E2,ou=attributes,o=jans"
Patching existing attribute#
(patches an existing attribute)
### Parameters
> | name | param type | data type | type |default value | description |
> |------------|-------------|--------------------|-----------|--------------|----------------------------------------|
> | inum | path | string | required | NA | Attribute unique identifier |
> | None | request | json-patch object | required | NA | json-patch request |
### Responses
> | http code | content-type | response |
> |---------------|-----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | `200` | `application/json ` | `attribute details` |
> | `404` | `application/json` | `{"code":"404","message":"The requested curl -X PATCH -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ba9b8810-7a2b-4e4a-a18a-689d7eacf7d1' -i 'https://my.jans.server/jans-config-api/api/v1/attributes/08E2' --data @patch.json
[ {"op":"replace", "path":"/displayName", "value": "PatchCustomAttribute123" } ]
Deleting existing attribute#
(deletes an existing attribute)
### Parameters
> | name | param type | data type | type |default value | description |
> |------------|-------------|--------------------|-----------|--------------|----------------------------------------|
> | inum | path | string | required | NA | Attribute unique identifier |
### Responses
> | http code | content-type | response |
> |---------------|-----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | `204` | `application/json ` | `No Content` |
> | `404` | `application/json` | `{"code":"404","message":"The requested curl -X DELETE -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ba9b8810-7a2b-4e4a-a18a-689d7eacf7d1' -i 'https://my.jans.server/jans-config-api/api/v1/attributes/08E2'
Last update:
Created: 2022-11-22
Created: 2022-11-22