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Cedarling Sidecar Tutorial#


The goal of this tutorial is to show how to use the Cedarling Sidecar. To demonstrate this, we'll build a very simple Python Flask API Gateway that calls the Cedarling sidecar Authzen REST endpoint to authorize access based on the content of a JWT access token.

Sequence diagram#

title API Gateway
actor User
participant Gateway
participant Sidecar

User->Gateway: GET /protected\nAuthorization: Bearer ...
Gateway->Sidecar: POST /cedarling/evaluation\n{"subject": {"type": "JWT", "id": "cedarling", "properties": {"access_token": "..."} }}
Sidecar->Sidecar: cedarling.authorize(access_token)

    Sidecar->Gateway: {"decision": true}
    Gateway->User: 200 {"result": "protected resource"}
else DENY
    Sidecar->Gateway: {"decision": false, "context": {...}}
    Gateway->User: 403 Forbidden

Sample Authzen request#

    "subject": {
        "type": "token_bundle",
        "id": "some_id",
        "properties": {
            "access_token": ""
    "resource": {
        "type": "Jans::HTTP_Request",
        "id": "some_id",
        "properties": {
            "header": {},
            "url": {
                "protocol": "http",
                "host": "www.acme.tld",
                "path": "/protected"
    "action": {
        "name": "Jans::Action::\"GET\""
    "context": {}


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Docker installed on your machine
  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • pipx and Poetry installed if you're not using Docker

Policy Store Setup (Agama Lab)#

To begin using Cedarling, you need to set up a policy store. We’ll use this Agama Lab for this purpose.

  1. Sign in to Agama Lab using your GitHub account and click on Policy Designer. image
  2. Choose a repository to store your Cedarling policies and schemas. Ensure that the repository has at least one commit on the default branch. image
  3. After initialization, create a policy store named gatewayDemo. image
  4. Open the policy store and navigate to Policies.
  5. Click Add Policy, select Text Editor. image
  6. Paste the following Cedar policy:
      principal is Jans::Workload,
      action == Jans::Action::"GET",
      resource is Jans::HTTP_Request
    when {
      principal has access_token.scope &&
  7. Click Save. Agama Lab will validate your policy.
  8. Next, click on Trusted Issuers and add the following issuer:

    • Name: Gluu
    • Description: Gluu
    • OpenID Configuration Endpoint:
    • Copy the URL for your policy store; you'll need it for the sidecar setup. image

Deploy Cedarling Sidecar#

Docker Instructions#

Create a file named bootstrap.json. You may use the sample file.

  • Set CEDARLING_POLICY_STORE_URI to the URL you copied from Agama Lab.
  • Set CEDARLING_USER_AUTHZ to "disabled"
  • Set CEDARLING_TOKEN_CONFIGS to the following value:
  "access_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "Jans::Access_token",
    "iss": "disabled",
    "aud": "disabled",
    "sub": "disabled",
    "nbf": "disabled",
    "exp": "disabled",
    "jti": "disabled"
  "id_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "Jans::id_token",
    "iss": "disabled",
    "aud": "disabled",
    "sub": "disabled",
    "nbf": "disabled",
    "exp": "disabled",
    "jti": "disabled"
  "userinfo_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "Jans::Userinfo_token",
    "iss": "disabled",
    "aud": "disabled",
    "sub": "disabled",
    "nbf": "disabled",
    "exp": "disabled",
    "jti": "disabled"


Pull the Docker image:

docker pull

Run the Docker image, replacing </absolute/path/to/bootstrap.json> with the absolute path to your bootstrap file:

docker run -e APP_MODE='development' -e CEDARLING_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_FILE=/bootstrap.json -e SIDECAR_DEBUG_RESPONSE=True --mount type=bind,src=</absolute/path/to/bootstrap.json>,dst=/bootstrap.json -p 5000:5000 -d

The sidecar is now running on Keep track of the output of the previous command, it is your Docker container ID.

Python instructions (if Docker is unavailable)#

  • Clone the Janssen repository and navigate to jans/jans-cedarling/flask-sidecar.
  • Run poetry install to install dependencies.
  • Download and install the latest Cedarling nightly wheel:
  • Install the nightly wheel:
    poetry run pip install cedarling_python-0.0.0-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_31_x86_64.whl
  • Modify secrets/bootstrap.json to your specifications.

  • Navigate to jans/jans-cedarling/flask-sidecar/main

  • Create a file called .env and paste in the following content. Alternatively, set the following environment variables:


  • Run the sidecar: poetry run flask run

  • The sidecar is now running on

Setup Test Gateway#

We will use Flask to create a simple API Gateway.

  • Create a folder called demo and navigate to it.
  • Create a virtual environment and activate it:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  • Install Flask and requests.
pip install flask requests
  • Create a file called with the following content:
from flask import Flask, abort, request
import requests

app = Flask(__name__)

def protected():
    token = request.headers.get("Authorization")
    if token is None:
    token_jwt = token.split(" ")[1]
    payload = {
        "subject": {
            "type": "token_bundle",
            "id": "some_id",
            "properties": {
                "access_token": token_jwt
        "resource": {
            "type": "Jans::HTTP_Request",
            "id": "some_id",
            "properties": {
                "header": {},
                "url": {
                    "protocol": "http",
                    "host": "www.acme.tld",
                    "path": "/protected"
        "action": {
            "name": "Jans::Action::\"GET\""
        "context": {}
    response ="", json=payload)
    if response.ok and response.json()["decision"] == True:
        return {"protected_content": "secret"}

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Run the gateway:
flask --app gateway run --port 5001

Test the Setup#

  • Access the protected endpoint via browser: You should get a 403 Forbidden response.

  • Access the protected endpoint via curl with the provided JWT:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJjb25uZWN0X2Y5YTAwN2EyLTZkMGItNDkyYS05MGNkLWYwYzliMWMyYjVkYl9zaWdfcnMyNTYiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.Pt-Y7F-hfde_WP7ZYwyvvSS11rKYQWGZXTzjH_aJKC5VPxzOjAXqI3Igr6gJLsP1aOd9WJvOPchflZYArctopXMWClbX_TxpmADqyCMsz78r4P450TaMKj-WKEa9cL5KtgnFa0fmhZ1ZWolkDTQ_M00Xr4EIvv4zf-92Wu5fOrdjmsIGFot0jt-12WxQlJFfs5qVZ9P-cDjxvQSrO1wbyKfHQ_txkl1GDATXsw5SIpC5wct92vjAVm5CJNuv_PE8dHAY-KfPTxOuDYBuWI5uA2Yjd1WUFyicbJgcmYzUSVt03xZ0kQX9dxKExwU2YnpDorfwebaAPO7G114Bkw208g"
  • If the JWT is valid and the policy allows access, you should receive the following response:
  "protected_content": "secret"

Check Logs#

The cedarling decision log will be outputted by the Docker container or directly by the API to stdout. In the case of Docker, this can be retrieved like so:

$ docker logs <container ID>
  "request_id": "0194cdbc-b8c7-798d-8cc8-fb483448e6fa",
  "timestamp": "2025-02-03T21:34:44.935Z",
  "log_kind": "Decision",
  "pdp_id": "e122cc37-14f7-4033-a547-6791f339218b",
  "policystore_id": "c92b24bb010b772e7702811ae0725986bf7d3b39656e",
  "policystore_version": "1.6.15",
  "principal": "Workload",
  "Workload": {"client_id": "slkacm3cv5-vat1u~elog"},
  "diagnostics": {
    "reason": ["840da5d85403f35ea76519ed1a18a33989f855bf1cf8"],
    "errors": []
  "action": "Jans::Action::\"GET\"",
  "resource": "Jans::HTTP_Request::\"some_id\"",
  "decision": "ALLOW",
  "tokens": {
    "access_token": {
      "jti": "uZUh1hDUQo6PFkBPnwpGzg"
  "decision_time_ms": 0

Customizing the policy#

Let's add one more check in the policy. This time we want to check if the acr in the access token matches a particular value, for example simple_password_auth. This change will essentially involve two changes.

  1. Update the schema
  2. Update the policy

Let's update the schema first using steps the below:

  1. Go to the Policy Designer.
  2. Navigate to SchemaEntity Types.
  3. Edit the access_token entity type.
  4. Add a new field acr with the type set to String.
  5. Save the schema.

Once the schema has been updated, your new updated Access_token entity type json should be similar to the one below:

  "shape": {
    "type": "Record",
    "attributes": {
      "aud": {
        "type": "EntityOrCommon",
        "name": "String"
      "exp": {
        "type": "EntityOrCommon",
        "name": "Long"
      "iat": {
        "type": "EntityOrCommon",
        "name": "Long"
      "iss": {
        "type": "EntityOrCommon",
        "name": "TrustedIssuer"
      "jti": {
        "type": "EntityOrCommon",
        "required": false,
        "name": "String"
      "nbf": {
        "type": "EntityOrCommon",
        "required": false,
        "name": "Long"
      "scope": {
        "type": "Set",
        "required": false,
        "element": {
          "type": "EntityOrCommon",
          "name": "String"
      "acr": {
        "type": "String",
        "required": false

Let's make the corresponding changes in the policy.

  principal is Jans::Workload,
  action == Jans::Action::"GET",
  resource is Jans::HTTP_Request
when {
  principal has access_token.acr &&
  principal.acr == "simple_password_auth"

The policy now checks whether the acr value in the access token is present and matches simple_password_auth.

Last update: 2025-03-04
Created: 2022-07-21