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Cedarling Logs#

Cedarling Audit Logs#

There are three different log records produced by the Cedarling:

  • Decision - The result and diagnostics of an authz decision
  • System - Startup, debug and other Cedarling messages not related to authz
  • Metric- Performance and usage data

The Cedarling has four logging options, which are configurable via the CEDARLING_LOG_TYPE bootstrap property:

  • off - no logging
  • memory - logs stored in Cedarling in-memory KV store, fetched by client via logging interface. This is ideal for batching logs without impeding authz performance
  • std_out - write logs synchronously to std_out
  • lock - periodically POST logs to Jans Lock Server /audit endpoint for central archiving.

System Log Levels#

Set with property CEDARLING_LOG_LEVEL

  • FATAL: Indicates very severe error events that will likely lead the application to abort. These are the most critical issues.
  • ERROR: Designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running but indicate a significant problem.
  • WARN: Designates potentially harmful situations that should be addressed to prevent future issues.
  • INFO: Provides informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at a coarse-grained level.
  • DEBUG: Designates fine-grained informational events useful for debugging the application.
  • TRACE: Provides finer-grained informational events than DEBUG. It is often used for detailed tracing of program execution.

Memory Log interface#

This interface is used to interact with the memory log storage. It provides methods for getting logs and removing them from the storage. This interface is made available to other languages through bindings.

Tags are used to filter logs. It can be log_kind and log_level values from log entry data.

You can obtain the request_id from the result structure of the authorize method call.

/// Log Storage
/// interface for getting log entries from the storage
pub trait LogStorage {
    /// Return logs and remove them from the storage
    fn pop_logs(&self) -> Vec<serde_json::Value>;

    /// Get specific log entry
    fn get_log_by_id(&self, id: &str) -> Option<serde_json::Value>;

    /// Returns a list of all log ids
    fn get_log_ids(&self) -> Vec<String>;

    /// Get logs by tag, like `log_kind` or `log level`.
    /// Tag can be `log_kind`, `log_level`.
    fn get_logs_by_tag(&self, tag: &str) -> Vec<serde_json::Value>;

    /// Get logs by request_id.
    /// Return log entries that match the given request_id.
    fn get_logs_by_request_id(&self, request_id: &str) -> Vec<serde_json::Value>;

    /// Get log by request_id and tag, like composite key `request_id` + `log_kind`.
    /// Tag can be `log_kind`, `log_level`.
    /// Return log entries that match the given request_id and tag.
    fn get_logs_by_request_id_and_tag(&self, request_id: &str, tag: &str)
    -> Vec<serde_json::Value>;

Jans Lock Server#

In enterprise deployments, Janssen Lock Server collects Cedarling logs and can stream to a database or S3 bucket. The Cedarling decision logs provide compliance evidence of usage of the domain's externalized policies. The logs are also useful for forensic analysis to show everything the attacker attempted, both allowed and denied.

Sample logs#

The JSON in this document is formatted for readability but is not prettified in the actual implementation.

Startup Message#

    "request_id": "0193b8a8-efc0-77ce-bd90-4a62a2998462",
    "timestamp": "2024-12-12T04:18:19.456Z",
    "log_kind": "System",
    "pdp_id": "d47e245e-beaa-4ea4-b899-b8184cd3eb7e",
    "level": "DEBUG",
    "msg": "configuration parsed successfully"
    "request_id": "0193b8a8-efc1-7e42-9678-b2480268b91f",
    "timestamp": "2024-12-12T04:18:19.457Z",
    "log_kind": "System",
    "pdp_id": "d47e245e-beaa-4ea4-b899-b8184cd3eb7e",
    "level": "INFO",
    "msg": "Cedarling Authz initialized successfully",
    "application_id": "My App",
    "cedar_lang_version": "4.1.0",
    "cedar_sdk_version": "4.2.2"

Decision Log#

Example of decision log.

    "request_id": "019394db-f52b-7b06-88b8-a288670a32c2",
    "timestamp": "2024-12-05T05:27:43.403Z",
    "log_type": "Decision",
    "pdp_id": "9e189c4b-96ae-4818-8e7f-75a42186af15",
    "policystore_id": "a1bf93115de86de760ee0bea1d529b521489e5a11747",
    "policystore_version": "undefined",
    "principal": "User & Workload",
    "User": {
        "username": ""
    "Workload": {
        "org_id": "some_long_id"
    "diagnostics": {
        "reason": [
                "id": "840da5d85403f35ea76519ed1a18a33989f855bf1cf8",
                "description": "policy for user"
        "errors": []
    "lock_client_id": null,
    "action": "Jans::Action::\"Update\"",
    "resource": "Jans::Issue::\"random_id\"",
    "decision": "ALLOW",
    "tokens": {
        "id_token": {
            "jti": "id_tkn_jti"
        "Userinfo": {
            "jti": "usrinfo_tkn_jti"
        "access": {
            "jti": "access_tkn_jti"
    "decision_time_micro_sec": 3

Field Definitions#

  • request_id: unique identifier for the decision request
  • timestamp: Derived if possible from the system or context--may be empty in cases where WASM can't access the system clock, and the time wasn't sent in the context.
  • pdp_id: unique identifier for the Cedarling
  • policystore_id: What policystore this Cedarling instance is using
  • policystore_version: What version of the policystore the Cedarling is using
  • principal: User | Workload
  • User: A list of claims, specified by the CEDARLING_DECISION_LOG_USER_CLAIMS property, that must be present in the Cedar User entity
  • Workload: A list of claims, specified by the CEDARLING_DECISION_LOG_WORKLOAD_CLAIMS property, that must be present in the Cedar Workload entity
  • lock_client_id: If this Cedarling has registered with a Lock Server, what is the client_id it received
  • action: From the request
  • resource: From the Request
  • decision: ALLOW or DENY
  • tokens: Dictionary with the token type and claims which should be included in the log
  • decision_time_micro_sec: how long the decision took

Debug Log Sample#

The result of the authorization is quite extensive because we log all cedar-policy entity information for forensic analysis. We cannot truncate the data, as it may contain critical information.

    "id": "01937015-4649-7aad-8df8-4976e4bd8565",
    "time": 1732752262,
    "log_type": "Decision",
    "level": "DEBUG",
    "pdp_id": "75f0dc93-0a90-4076-95fa-dc16d3f00375",
    "msg": "Result of authorize.",
    "application_id": "TestApp",
    "action": "Jans::Action::\"Read\"",
    "resource": "Jans::Application::\"some_id\"",
    "context": {
        "user_agent": "Linux",
        "operating_system": "Linux",
        "network_type": "Local",
        "network": "",
        "geolocation": [
        "fraud_indicators": [
        "device_health": [
        "current_time": 1732752262
    "entities": [
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::User",
                "id": "qzxn1Scrb9lWtGxVedMCky-Ql_ILspZaQA6fyuYktw0"
            "attrs": {
                "sub": "qzxn1Scrb9lWtGxVedMCky-Ql_ILspZaQA6fyuYktw0",
                "role": [
                "email": {
                    "domain": "jans.test",
                    "uid": "admin"
            "parents": [
                    "type": "Jans::Role",
                    "id": "CasaAdmin"
            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::id_token",
                "id": "ijLZO1ooRyWrgIn7cIdNyA"
            "attrs": {
                "sub": "qzxn1Scrb9lWtGxVedMCky-Ql_ILspZaQA6fyuYktw0",
                "acr": "simple_password_auth",
                "exp": 1731956630,
                "jti": "ijLZO1ooRyWrgIn7cIdNyA",
                "amr": [],
                "aud": "d7f71bea-c38d-4caf-a1ba-e43c74a11a62",
                "iss": {
                    "__entity": {
                        "type": "Jans::TrustedIssuer",
                        "id": ""
                "iat": 1731953030
            "parents": []


            "uid": {
                "type": "Jans::Action",
                "id": "Tag"
            "attrs": {},
            "parents": []
    "person_principal": "Jans::User::\"qzxn1Scrb9lWtGxVedMCky-Ql_ILspZaQA6fyuYktw0\"",
    "person_diagnostics": {
        "reason": [
                "id": "840da5d85403f35ea76519ed1a18a33989f855bf1cf8",
                "description": "simple policy example for principal user"
        "errors": []
    "person_decision": "ALLOW",
    "workload_principal": "Jans::Workload::\"d7f71bea-c38d-4caf-a1ba-e43c74a11a62\"",
    "workload_diagnostics": {
        "reason": [
                "id": "444da5d85403f35ea76519ed1a18a33989f855bf1cf8",
                "description": "simple policy example for principal workload"
        "errors": []
    "workload_decision": "ALLOW",
    "authorized": true

Last update: 2025-03-06
Created: 2024-10-08