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Client Registration Interception Script#


The Janssen Authorization Server uses interception scripts to enable you to customize the behavior of the OpenID Provider. During client registration, custom interception scripts can be used to implement custom business logic. For instance, data could be validated, extra client claims could be populated, scopes could be modified, or APIs could be called to determine whether the client should get registered at all.

Configuration Prerequisites#

  • A Janssen Authorization Server installation
  • Client Registration script - included in the default Janssen OpenBanking distribution
  • Setting configuration parameters
  • Setting third party library (Jose4j) in classpath

Adding the custom script#

  1. To add or update custom scripts, you can use either jans-cli or curl. jans-cli in interactive mode, option 13 enables you manage custom scripts. For more info, see the docs.
  2. jans-cli in command line argument mode is more conducive to scripting and automation. To display the available operations for custom scripts, use --info CustomScripts. See the docs for more info.
  3. To use curl see these docs


You can normally find in the /opt/jans/jans-cli/ folder.

Configuring keys, certificates and SSA validation endpoints#

The client registration custom script will use configuration parameters like SSA Validation endpoint, JWKS endpoints, keystores, trust stores etc which are listed in the tabular format below.

Property Description Example
clientScopes Used in SSA validation ASPSPReadAccess AuthoritiesReadAccess TPPReadAccess
keyId Used in SSA Validation, kid used while encoding a JWT sent to token URL XkwIzWy44xWSlcWnMiEc8iq9s2G
signingCert Used in SSA Validation, location of cert used for signing /etc/certs/obieDir/obsigning-axV5umCvTMBMjPwjFQgEvb_NO_UPLOAD.key
signingKey Used in SSA Validation, location of key used for signing /etc/certs/obieDir/obsigning-axV5umCvTMBMjPwjFQgEvb_NO_UPLOAD.key
trustKeyStore Used in SSA Validation, Trust store /etc/certs/obieDir/ob_transport_root.p12
trustKeyStorePassword Used in SSA Validation, Trust store Password, currently plaintext, but should be encrypted abcdefg
transportKeyStore Used in SSA validation, a .p12 file presented by AS to the token URL /etc/certs/obieDir/axv5umcvtmbmjpwjfqgevb_openbanking_pre_production_issuing_ca_.p12
transportKeyStorePassword Used in SSA validation abcdefg
tokenUrl Used in SSA validation to obtain token to query SCIM endpoint. Details here -
tppUrl Used in SSA validation to query SCIM endpoint. Details here -
jwks_endpoint Used for signing software statement and request object for DCR

Steps to add / edit / delete configuration parameters:

  1. Place a JSON file containing the above configuration parameters and the custom script in a folder.

  2. From this folder, run the following command:

    python3 jans-cli-linux-amd64.pyz --operation-id post-config-scripts --data /clientregistration.json \
    --cert-file jans_cli_client.crt --key-file jans_cli_client.key

Adding Jose4j library in classpath#

This script uses jose4j library for JavaScript object signing and encryption.

If using the VM distribution:

  1. Download the jose4j-0.7.7.jar and Place in /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/libs/

  2. Change your current working directory to /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/webapps and edit jans-auth.xml to add this line:

    <Set name="extraClasspath">/opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/libs/jose4j-0.7.7.jar</Set>
  3. Restart the Auth Server, systemctl restart jans-auth

If using the cloud-native distribution:

  1. Download the jose4j-0.7.7.jar

  2. Create a ConfigMap containing the jar.

    kubectl create cm jose4j -n <gluu-namespace> --from-file=jose4j-0.7.7.jar
  3. Add the volume and volume mount to auth-server in your override.yaml helm configuration.

        - name: jose4j
            name: jose4j
        - name: jose4j
          mountPath: "/opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/libs/jose4j-0.7.7.jar"
            subPath: jose4j-0.7.7.jar
  4. Run helm upgrade.

    helm upgrade gluu gluu/gluu -n <gluu-namespace> --version=5.0.0 -f override.yaml

Understanding the Script#

The Client Registration script is available

The following are the mandatory functions which need to be implemented in order to perform registration:

  1. Create a class of the type ClientRegistrationType and initialize the script

    class ClientRegistration(ClientRegistrationType):
        def __init__(self, currentTimeMillis):
            self.currentTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis
        def init(self, customScript, configurationAttributes):
            print "Client registration. Initialization"
            if (not configurationAttributes.containsKey("param")):
           print "Client registration. Initialization. Property keyId is not specified"
           return False
               self.param = configurationAttributes.get("param").getValue2() 
            print "Client registration. Initialized successfully"
            return True
        def destroy(self, configurationAttributes):
            print "Client registration. Destroy"
            print "Client registration. Destroyed successfully"
            return True
  2. The createClient method contains the main business logic, here the context refers to It has several useful methods for SSA validations and options to create and throw custom exception (http status, error and error description):

    def createClient(self, context):
        # 1. obtain client id. certProperty contains the httpRequest.getHeader("X-ClientCert"), inshort client certificate passed to the /register endpoint
        cert = CertUtils.x509CertificateFromPem(configurationAttributes.get("certProperty").getValue1())
        cn = CertUtils.getCN(cert)
        # 2. validate SSA 
        valid = self.validateSoftwareStatement(cn)
        if valid == False:
             print "Invalid software statement"
             return False
        print "Client registration. cn: " + cn
        client.setDn("inum=" + cn + ",ou=clients,o=jans")
        # 3. Used to indicate that only this is a trusted client (note that consent is managed by Internal OP / consent app)
        # 4. in order to run introspection script, assign it to run for this client
        dnOfIntrospectionScript = "inum=CABA-2222,ou=scripts,o=jans"
        # 5. mandatory fields which should be set in the script
        return True 
  3. Miscellaneous mandatory functions

Used for signing the software statement:

def getSoftwareStatementJwks(self, context):
    return JwtUtil.getJSONWebKeys(self.jwks_endpoint).toString()

HMAC not applicable, return an empty string:

def getDcrHmacSecret(self, context):
    return ""

Used for signing the request object (DCR):

def getDcrJwks(self, context):
    return JwtUtil.getJSONWebKeys(self.jwks_endpoint).toString()
  1. An important method of DCR flow to update the client details

  2. The updateClient method

This updateClient method is called when the PUT method is called on registration endpoint to update client details. This method should return True for successful update and to reject any update request this method should return False when the request fulfills the condition to reject it:

def   updateClient(self, context):
     print "Client registration. UpdateClient method"
     return True

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-08-16