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Managing Key Rotation#

"Key-rotation" is a standard procedure for all OpenID Connect deployment. "Key-rotation" means replacing existing signing key with newer cryptographic key. For Janssen server, that specific cryptographic key is jans-auth-keys.pkcs12.

There are two possible ways to manage key rotation: - built-in key rotation - external key rotation

For VM by default built-in key rotation is on.

Key alias or kid has following format (example connect_76297462-a3f8-498e-afc2-670285292553_sig_rs256):

  • operation_type - specifies operation type of the key, possible values:
  • connect - used for OpenID Connect - usually expirable key
  • ssa - used for SSA - usually with very big expiration date (almost non-expirable)
  • all - key can be use for both connect and ssa
  • guid - unique identifier
  • use - use purpose, possible values are sig for signature and enc for encryption
  • algorithm - algorithm use with given key
  • in signature case it can be RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, PS256, PS384, PS512
  • in encryption case case it can be RSA1_5, RSA-OAEP

Key rotation means that new keys are generated and old one are removed for given algorithm (full replacement).

Keys are stored in:
- key store file (specified by keyStoreFile) - on persistence level jwks representation of the key are stored in jansConfWebKeys attribute of jansAppConf entity

It's important to note that key inside key store file must have representation in jwks and vice versa. It must be always in sync otherwise AS will throw error.

Configuration properties related to key store file: - keyStoreFile - The Key Store File (JKS or PKCS12) - keyStoreSecret - The Key Store password

Built-in key rotation#

jans-auth-server has KeyGeneratorTimer which is responsible for key rotation. Built-in rotation can be switch on/off via keyRegenerationEnabled AS configuration property (by setting true or false value).

graph LR
A[Auth Server] --> V(Properties)
    keyRotation {
        string keyRegenerationEnabled "True"
        string keyRenerationInterval  "48"
        string keySelectionStrategy "OLDER"
        string keySignWithSameKeyButDiffAlg "False"
        string keyStoreFile "/etc/certs/jans-auth-keys.pkcs12"

Configuration properties relation to built-in rotation: - keyRegenerationEnabled - boolean value specifying whether to turn on (true value) or off (false value) built-in key rotation - keyRegenerationInterval - the interval for key regeneration in hours - keyAlgsAllowedForGeneration - List of algorithm allowed to be used for key generation

Expiration date during built-in rotation is set as now + keyRegenerationInterval.

External key rotation#

External rotation means that keys are rotated by script. In this case keyRegenerationEnabled must be set to false value. Script can be scheduled to run periodically. Such script must invoke KeyGenerator class from jans-auth-client-jar-with-dependencies.jar which will keep keys in key store and in AS persistence consistent. See Key Generation page for more details how to generate keys externally.

/opt/jre/bin/java -Dlog4j.defaultInitOverride=true -cp /opt/dist/jans/jans-auth-client-jar-with-dependencies.jar -keystore /etc/certs/jans-auth-keys.p12 -keypasswd <Password> -sig_keys RS256 RS384 -enc_keys RSA1_5 RSA-OAEP -key_ops_type ALL -dnname "CN=jansAuth CA Certificates" -expiration 2 > /etc/certs/jans-auth-keys.json

Useful references#

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-07-21