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Benefits of Terraform and IaC#

Consistency: you create one Terraform configuration and use it to configure environments repeatedly.

Minimized human error: the configuration is now as code and is deployed automatically.

Fast: with a single command, you can have all your configuration provisioned.

Observability: the configuration are made as code, you now have one place to review all the configuration and who changed what.

Janssen Terraform provider#


Every instance of Janssen comes with a set of configurations, which are valid for the whole instance. These resources cannot be created or destroyed, as they are always present in a Janssen instance. Instead, they can be imported and updated. The creation of such a resource will result in an error. Deletion on the other hand will result in the resource being removed from the state file.

The Janssen Terraform provider is used to manage resources in a Janssen deployment. This includes all configurations, users, groups, OIDC clients, and more.

Directory structure#

The directory holding Terraform configuration files may look like the following:

|-- specify the required providers, i.e. Janssen, with their respective version 
|-- defines where the state file of the current infrastructure will be stored. Terraform keeps track of the managed resources using the Terraform state file.
|-- specify the variables, with their type and optionally the default values.
|-- using the Jans provider and creating other resources.
|-- file that holds the configuration for Janssen clients creation if needed.
|-- file that holds the configuration for Janssen scopes creation if needed.
|-- file that holds the configuration for Janssen scripts creation if needed.

Example - Configure Janssen#

Let's have an example on importing the current logging level of a deployment and changing it using Terraform.

  1. Configure Terraform to install the required plugins for the Janssen provider. Add this to your file:

    terraform {
     required_providers {
        jans = {
        source = "JanssenProject/jans"
        version = "1.1.5" #update based on your targeted version
  2. Now we can run terraform init, which will fetch the plugins needed.

  3. In we define where we store the Terraform state file. By default it's stored locally. However, configuring a remote backend like S3 to store the state file allows multiple people to collaborate and work on the same infrastructure.

    terraform {
        backend "local" {
            path = "relative/path/to/terraform.tfstate"
  4. Have a client_id and client_secret with sufficient scopes and permissions.

    • VM: grab client_id and client_pw from /opt/jans/jans-setup/ file.

    • K8s:

      1. client_id: kubectl get cm cn -n <namespace> --template={{.data.test_client_id}}

      2. client_secret: kubectl get secret cn -n <namespace> --template={{.data.test_client_pw}} | base64 -d

  5. In your file, add your client_id, client_secret and FQDN

    variable "jans_fqdn" {
        description = "Jans FQQN"
        type        = string
        default     = "" #Replace with https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>
        variable "jans_client_id" {
        description = "The Jans client id with sufficient scopes"
        type        = string
        default     = "1800.b8c31be4-952b-4770-b1e8-824187e940c9" #Replace with your client id 
        variable "jans_client_secret" {
        description = "The Jans client secret with sufficient scopes"
        type        = string
        default     = "mf7ELLeF6JSI" #Replace with your client secret 

  6. Configure the provider section in file:

    provider "jans" {
        url           = var.jans_fqdn
        client_id     = var.jans_client_id
        client_secret = var.jans_client_secret
        insecure_client = true # Optional. If set to `true`, the provider will not verify the TLS certificate of the Janssen server. This is useful for testing purposes and should not be used in production, unless absolutely unavoidable.
  7. Before importing, we have to define a resource configuration in

    resource "jans_logging_configuration" "global" {
  8. Import: terraform import global

    Now after importing, the logging configuration is in the Terraform state file, i.e. terraform.tfstate, and it's under Terraform management.

    terraform state list will output:

    You can see the current logging configuration details using terraform state show which will output something like that:

    resource "jans_logging_configuration" "global" {
        disable_jdk_logger          = true
        enabled_oauth_audit_logging = false
        http_logging_enabled        = false
        http_logging_exclude_paths  = []
        id                          = "jans_logging_configuration"
        logging_layout              = "text"
        logging_level               = "INFO"

    As you can see the current logging level is INFO. We can double-check that in the TUI svg

  9. Add configuration to your file

    resource "jans_logging_configuration" "global" {
    logging_level = "TRACE"

  10. You can run terraform fmt to rewrite Terraform configuration files to a canonical format and style.

  11. You can validate your Terraform syntax using terraform validate

  12. Plan and then apply changes using terraform plan and terraform apply respectivley.

  13. Review the changes now using terraform state show Now it should show logging_level = "TRACE".

  14. We can double-check the logging level in the TUI svg


You can find the full list of resources you can import and manage using Terraform under the Resources sidebar in the Janssen Terraform documentation

Last update: 2024-10-08
Created: 2023-05-24