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Configurator is a tool to load (generate/restore) and/or dump (backup) the configuration (consists of configmaps and secrets).


See Packages for available versions.

Environment Variables#

The following environment variables are supported by the container:

  • CN_CONFIG_ADAPTER: The config backend adapter, can be consul (default), kubernetes, google, or aws.
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_HOST: hostname or IP of Consul (default to localhost).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_PORT: port of Consul (default to 8500).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_CONSISTENCY: Consul consistency mode (choose one of default, consistent, or stale). Default to stale mode.
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_SCHEME: supported Consul scheme (http or https).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_VERIFY: whether to verify cert or not (default to false).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_CACERT_FILE: path to Consul CA cert file (default to /etc/certs/consul_ca.crt). This file will be used if it exists and CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_VERIFY set to true.
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_CERT_FILE: path to Consul cert file (default to /etc/certs/consul_client.crt).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_KEY_FILE: path to Consul key file (default to /etc/certs/consul_client.key).
  • CN_CONFIG_CONSUL_TOKEN_FILE: path to file contains ACL token (default to /etc/certs/consul_token).
  • CN_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace (default to default).
  • CN_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_CONFIGMAP: Kubernetes configmaps name (default to jans).
  • CN_CONFIG_KUBERNETES_USE_KUBE_CONFIG: Load credentials from $HOME/.kube/config, only useful for non-container environment (default to false).
  • CN_SECRET_ADAPTER: The secrets' adapter, can be vault (default), kubernetes, google, or aws.
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_VERIFY: whether to verify cert or not (default to false).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_ROLE_ID_FILE: path to file contains Vault AppRole role ID (default to /etc/certs/vault_role_id).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_SECRET_ID_FILE: path to file contains Vault AppRole secret ID (default to /etc/certs/vault_secret_id).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_CERT_FILE: path to Vault cert file (default to /etc/certs/vault_client.crt).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_KEY_FILE: path to Vault key file (default to /etc/certs/vault_client.key).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_CACERT_FILE: path to Vault CA cert file (default to /etc/certs/vault_ca.crt). This file will be used if it exists and CN_SECRET_VAULT_VERIFY set to true.
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_ADDR: URL of Vault (default to http://localhost:8200).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_NAMESPACE: Namespace used to access secrets (default to empty string).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_KV_PATH: Path to KV secrets engine (default to secret).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_PREFIX: Base prefix name used to build secret path (default to jans).
  • CN_SECRET_VAULT_APPROLE_PATH: Path to AppRole (default to approle).
  • CN_SECRET_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: Kubernetes namespace (default to default).
  • CN_SECRET_KUBERNETES_SECRET: Kubernetes secrets name (default to jans).
  • CN_SECRET_KUBERNETES_USE_KUBE_CONFIG: Load credentials from $HOME/.kube/config, only useful for non-container environment (default to false).
  • CN_WAIT_MAX_TIME: How long the startup "health checks" should run (default to 300 seconds).
  • CN_WAIT_SLEEP_DURATION: Delay between startup "health checks" (default to 10 seconds).
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: Optional JSON file (contains Google credentials) that can be injected into container for authentication. Refer to for supported credentials.
  • GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID: ID of Google project.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SECRET_VERSION_ID: Janssen secret version ID in Google Secret Manager. Defaults to latest, which is recommended.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SECRET_NAME_PREFIX: Prefix for Janssen secret in Google Secret Manager. Defaults to jans. If left jans-secret secret will be created.
  • CN_GOOGLE_SECRET_MANAGER_PASSPHRASE: Passphrase for Janssen secret in Google Secret Manager. This is recommended to be changed and defaults to secret.
  • CN_CONFIGURATION_SKIP_INITIALIZED: skip initialization if backend already initialized (default to false).
  • CN_AWS_SECRETS_ENDPOINT_URL: The URL of AWS secretsmanager service (if omitted, will use the one in specified region).
  • CN_AWS_SECRETS_PREFIX: The prefix name of the secrets (default to jans).
  • CN_AWS_SECRETS_REPLICA_FILE: The location of file contains replica regions definition (if any). This file is mostly used in primary region. Example of contents of the file: [{"Region": "us-west-1"}].
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: The default AWS Region to use, for example, us-west-1 or us-west-2.
  • AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE: The location of the shared credentials file used by the client (see
  • AWS_CONFIG_FILE: The location of the config file used by the client (see
  • AWS_PROFILE: The default profile to use, if any.
  • CN_SSL_CERT_FROM_DOMAIN: Validate certificate is downloaded from given domain. If set to true (default to false), raise an error if cert is not downloaded. Note that the flag is ignored if mounted SSL cert and key files exist.


The following commands are supported by the container:

  • load
  • dump


The load command can be used either to generate/restore configmaps and secrets for the cluster.

For fresh installation, generate the initial configuration by creating /path/to/host/volume/configuration.json similar to example below:

    "_configmap": {
        "hostname": "",
        "country_code": "US",
        "state": "TX",
        "city": "Austin",
        "admin_email": "",
        "orgName": "Gluu Inc."
    "_secret": {
        "admin_password": "S3cr3t+pass"

NOTE: configuration.json has optional attributes as seen below.

  1. _configmap:

    • auth_sig_keys: space-separated key algorithm for signing (default to RS256 RS384 RS512 ES256 ES384 ES512 PS256 PS384 PS512)
    • auth_enc_keys: space-separated key algorithm for encryption (default to RSA1_5 RSA-OAEP)
    • optional_scopes: list of optional scopes (as JSON string) that will be used (supported scopes are couchbase, redis, sql; default to empty list)
    • init_keys_exp: the initial keys expiration time in hours (default to 48; extra 1 hour will be added for hard limit)
  2. _secret:

    • sql_password: user's password to access SQL database (only used if optional_scopes list contains sql scope)
    • couchbase_password: user's password to access Couchbase database (only used if optional_scopes list contains couchbase scope)
    • couchbase_superuser_password: superusers password to access Couchbase database (only used if optional_scopes list contains couchbase scope)
    • encoded_salt: user-defined salt (24 characters length); if omitted, salt will be generated automatically

    Example of generating encoded_salt value:

    # using shell script
    cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 24 | head -n 1
    # output: NFAG5g4R0NSkAZXHL8t2DScL
    # using python oneliner
    python -c 'import random, string; print("".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=24)))'
    # ouput: HsPzqiPkRzNySWlOVui8Ilmw

To generate initial configmaps and secrets:

  1. Create config map config-generate-params to store the contents of configuration.json

    kubectl create cm config-generate-params --from-file=configuration.json
  2. Mount the configmap into container and apply the yaml:

    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
      name: configurator-load-job
          restartPolicy: Never
            - name: config-generate-params
                name: config-generate-params
            - name: configurator-load
                - mountPath: /app/db/configuration.json
                  name: config-generate-params
                  subPath: configuration.json
              - configMapRef:
                  name: config-cm
              args: ["load"]

A successful load command will dump the pre-populated configuration into /app/db/configuration.out.json.

To restore configuration from configuration.out.json file:

  1. Create config map config-dump-params:

    kubectl create cm config-dump-params --from-file=configuration.out.json
  2. Mount the configmap into container and apply the yaml:

    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
      name: configurator-load-job
          restartPolicy: Never
            - name: config-dump-params
                name: config-dump-params
            - name: configurator-load
                - mountPath: /app/db/configuration.out.json
                  name: config-dump-params
                  subPath: configuration.out.json
              - configMapRef:
                  name: config-cm
              args: ["load"]


The dump command will dump all configuration from the backends saved into the /app/db/configuration.out.json file.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: configurator-dump-job
      restartPolicy: Never
        - name: configurator-dump-job
            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - |
                /app/scripts/ dump
                sleep 300
          - configMapRef:
              name: config-cm

Copy over the files to host

kubectl cp configurator-dump-job:/app/db .

Last update: 2024-10-15
Created: 2021-11-26