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Janssen Auth Server Configuration Properties#

Property Name Description
accessTokenLifetime The lifetime of the short lived Access Token Details
accessTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported A list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for the access token to encode the Claims in a JWT Details
activeSessionAuthorizationScope Authorization Scope for active session Details
agamaConfiguration Engine Config which offers an alternative way to build authentication flows in Janssen server Details
allowAllValueForRevokeEndpoint Boolean value true allow all value for revoke endpoint Details
allowBlankValuesInDiscoveryResponse Boolean value specifying whether to allow blank values in discovery response Details
allowEndSessionWithUnmatchedSid default value false. If true, sid check will be skipped Details
allowIdTokenWithoutImplicitGrantType Specifies if a token without implicit grant types is allowed Details
allowPostLogoutRedirectWithoutValidation Allows post-logout redirect without validation for the End Session endpoint (still AS validates it against clientWhiteList url pattern property) Details
allowSpontaneousScopes Specifies whether to allow spontaneous scopes Details
authenticationFilters This list details filters for user authentication Details
authenticationFiltersEnabled Boolean value specifying whether to enable user authentication filters Details
authenticationProtectionConfiguration Authentication Brute Force Protection Configuration Details
authorizationCodeLifetime The lifetime of the Authorization Code Details
authorizationEncryptionAlgValuesSupported List of authorization encryption algorithms supported by this OP Details
authorizationEncryptionEncValuesSupported A list of the authorization encryption algorithms supported Details
authorizationEndpoint The authorization endpoint URL Details
authorizationRequestCustomAllowedParameters This list details the allowed custom parameters for authorization requests Details
authorizationSigningAlgValuesSupported List of authorization signing algorithms supported by this OP Details
backchannelAuthenticationEndpoint Backchannel Authentication Endpoint Details
backchannelAuthenticationRequestSigningAlgValuesSupported Backchannel Authentication Request Signing Alg Values Supported Details
backchannelAuthenticationResponseExpiresIn Backchannel Authentication Response Expires In Details
backchannelAuthenticationResponseInterval Backchannel Authentication Response Interval Details
backchannelBindingMessagePattern Backchannel Binding Message Pattern Details
backchannelClientId Backchannel Client Id Details
backchannelDeviceRegistrationEndpoint Backchannel Device Registration Endpoint Details
backchannelLoginHintClaims Backchannel Login Hint Claims Details
backchannelRedirectUri Backchannel Redirect Uri Details
backchannelRequestsProcessorJobChunkSize Each backchannel request processor iteration fetches chunk of data to be processed Details
backchannelRequestsProcessorJobIntervalSec Specifies the allowable elapsed time in seconds backchannel request processor executes Details
backchannelTokenDeliveryModesSupported Backchannel Token Delivery Modes Supported Details
backchannelUserCodeParameterSupported Backchannel User Code Parameter Supported Details
baseEndpoint The base URL for endpoints Details
blockWebviewAuthorizationEnabled Enable/Disable block authorizations that originate from Webview (Mobile apps). Details
changeSessionIdOnAuthentication Boolean value specifying whether change session_id on authentication. Default value is true Details
checkSessionIFrame URL for an OP IFrame that supports cross-origin communications for session state information with the RP Client using the HTML5 postMessage API Details
checkUserPresenceOnRefreshToken Check whether user exists and is active before creating RefreshToken. Set it to true if check is needed(Default value is false - don't check. Details
cibaEndUserNotificationConfig CIBA End User Notification Config Details
cibaGrantLifeExtraTimeSec Specifies the CIBA Grant life extra time in seconds Details
cibaMaxExpirationTimeAllowedSec Specifies the CIBA token expiration time in seconds Details
claimsLocalesSupported This list details the languages and scripts supported for values in the claims being returned Details
claimsParameterSupported Specifies whether the OP supports use of the claims parameter Details
claimTypesSupported A list of the Claim Types that the OpenID Provider supports Details
cleanServiceBatchChunkSize Clean service chunk size which is used during clean up Details
cleanServiceInterval Time interval for the Clean Service in seconds Details
clientAuthenticationFilters This list details filters for client authentication Details
clientAuthenticationFiltersEnabled Boolean value specifying whether to enable client authentication filters Details
clientBlackList This list specified which client redirection URIs are black-listed Details
clientInfoEndpoint The Client Info endpoint URL Details
clientRegDefaultToCodeFlowWithRefresh Boolean value specifying whether to add Authorization Code Flow with Refresh grant during client registratio Details
clientWhiteList This list specifies which client redirection URIs are white-listed Details
configurationUpdateInterval The interval for configuration update in seconds Details
consentGatheringScriptBackwardCompatibility Boolean value specifying whether to turn on Consent Gathering Script backward compatibility mode. If true AS will pick up script with higher level globally. If false (default) AS will pick up script based on client configuration Details
cookieDomain Sets cookie domain for all cookies created by OP Details
corsConfigurationFilters This list specifies the CORS configuration filters Details
cssLocation The location for CSS files Details
customHeadersWithAuthorizationResponse Choose whether to enable the custom response header parameter to return custom headers with the authorization response Details
dateFormatterPatterns List of key value date formatters, e.g. 'userinfo: 'yyyy-MM-dd', etc. Details
dcrAuthorizationWithClientCredentials Boolean value indicating if DCR authorization to be performed using client credentials Details
dcrAuthorizationWithMTLS Boolean value indicating if DCR authorization allowed with MTLS Details
dcrForbidExpirationTimeInRequest Boolean value specifying whether to allow to set client's expiration time in seconds during dynamic registration. Details
dcrSignatureValidationEnabled Boolean value enables DCR signature validation. Default is false Details
dcrSignatureValidationJwks Specifies JWKS for all DCR's validations Details
dcrSignatureValidationJwksUri Specifies JWKS URI for all DCR's validations Details
dcrSignatureValidationSharedSecret Specifies shared secret for Dynamic Client Registration Details
dcrSignatureValidationSoftwareStatementJwksClaim Specifies claim name inside software statement. Value of claim should point to inlined JWKS Details
dcrSignatureValidationSoftwareStatementJwksURIClaim Specifies claim name inside software statement. Value of claim should point to JWKS URI Details
dcrSsaValidationConfigs DCR SSA Validation configurations used to perform validation of SSA or DCR Details
defaultSignatureAlgorithm The default signature algorithm to sign ID Tokens Details
defaultSubjectType The default subject type used for dynamic client registration Details
deviceAuthzAcr Device authz acr Details
deviceAuthzEndpoint URL for the Device Authorization Details
deviceAuthzRequestExpiresIn Expiration time given for device authorization requests Details
deviceAuthzResponseTypeToProcessAuthz Response type used to process device authz requests Details
deviceAuthzTokenPollInterval Default interval returned to the client to process device token requests Details
disableAuthnForMaxAgeZero Boolean value specifying whether to disable authentication when max_age=0 Details
disableJdkLogger Choose whether to disable JDK loggers Details
disablePromptConsent Boolean value specifying whether to disable prompt=consent Details
disablePromptLogin Boolean value specifying whether to disable prompt=login Details
disableU2fEndpoint Choose whether to disable U2F endpoints Details
discoveryAllowedKeys List of configuration response claim allowed to be displayed in discovery endpoint Details
discoveryCacheLifetimeInMinutes Lifetime of discovery cache Details
discoveryDenyKeys List of configuration response claims which must not be displayed in discovery endpoint response Details
displayValuesSupported A list of the display parameter values that the OpenID Provider supports Details
dnName DN of certificate issuer Details
dpopJtiCacheTime Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) cache time Details
dpopNonceCacheTime Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) nonce cache time Details
dpopSigningAlgValuesSupported Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) authorization signing algorithms supported Details
dpopTimeframe Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) timeout Details
dpopUseNonce Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) use nonce Details
grantTypesSupportedByDynamicRegistration This list details which OAuth 2.0 grant types can be set up with the client registration API Details
dynamicRegistrationAllowedPasswordGrantScopes List of grant scopes for dynamic registration Details
dynamicRegistrationCustomAttributes This list details the custom attributes allowed for dynamic registration Details
dynamicRegistrationCustomObjectClass LDAP custom object class for dynamic registration Details
dynamicRegistrationDefaultCustomAttributes This map provides default custom attributes with values for dynamic registration Details
dynamicRegistrationExpirationTime Expiration time in seconds for clients created with dynamic registration, 0 or -1 means never expire Details
dynamicRegistrationPasswordGrantTypeEnabled Boolean value specifying whether to enable Password Grant Type during Dynamic Registration Details
dynamicRegistrationPersistClientAuthorizations Boolean value specifying whether to persist client authorizations Details
dynamicRegistrationScopesParamEnabled Boolean value specifying whether to enable scopes parameter in dynamic registration Details
enableClientGrantTypeUpdate Choose if client can update Grant Type values Details
enabledOAuthAuditLogging enable OAuth Audit Logging Details
endSessionEndpoint URL at the OP to which an RP can perform a redirect to request that the end user be logged out at the OP Details
endSessionWithAccessToken Choose whether to accept access tokens to call end_session endpoint Details
errorHandlingMethod A list of possible error handling methods. Possible values: remote (send error back to RP), internal (show error page) Details
errorReasonEnabled Boolean value specifying whether to return detailed reason of the error from AS. Default value is false Details
expirationNotificatorEnabled Boolean value specifying whether expiration notificator is enabled (used to identify expiration for persistence that support TTL, like Couchbase) Details
expirationNotificatorIntervalInSeconds The expiration notificator interval in second Details
expirationNotificatorMapSizeLimit The expiration notificator maximum size limit Details
externalLoggerConfiguration The path to the external log4j2 logging configuration Details
externalUriWhiteList This list specifies which external URIs can be called by AS (if empty any URI can be called) Details
fapiCompatibility Boolean value specifying whether to turn on FAPI compatibility mode. If true AS behaves in more strict mode Details
featureFlags List of enabled feature flags Details
forceIdTokenHintPresence Boolean value specifying whether force id_token_hint parameter presence Details
forceOfflineAccessScopeToEnableRefreshToken Boolean value specifying whether force offline_access scope to enable refresh_token grant type. Default value is true Details
forceSignedRequestObject Boolean value true indicates that signed request object is mandatory Details
frontChannelLogoutSessionSupported Choose whether to support front channel session logout Details
grantTypesAndResponseTypesAutofixEnabled Boolean value specifying whether to Grant types and Response types can be auto fixed Details
grantTypesSupported This list details which OAuth 2.0 grant types are supported by this OP Details
httpLoggingEnabled Enable/disable request/response logging filter Details
httpLoggingExcludePaths This list details the base URIs for which the request/response logging filter will not record activity Details
httpLoggingResponseBodyContent Defines if Response body will be logged. Default value is false Details
idGenerationEndpoint ID Generation endpoint URL Details
idTokenEncryptionAlgValuesSupported A list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for the ID Token to encode the Claims in a JWT Details
idTokenEncryptionEncValuesSupported A list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) supported by the OP for the ID Token to encode the Claims in a JWT Details
idTokenFilterClaimsBasedOnAccessToken Boolean value specifying whether idToken filters claims based on accessToken Details
idTokenLifetime The lifetime of the ID Token Details
idTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported A list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for the ID Token to encode the Claims in a JWT Details
idTokenTokenBindingCnfValuesSupported Array containing a list of the JWT Confirmation Method member names supported by the OP for Token Binding of ID Tokens. The presence of this parameter indicates that the OpenID Provider supports Token Binding of ID Tokens. If omitted, the default is that the OpenID Provider does not support Token Binding of ID Tokens Details
imgLocation The location for image files Details
includeSidInResponse Boolean value specifying whether to include sessionId in response Details
introspectionAccessTokenMustHaveIntrospectionScope If True, rejects introspection requests if access_token does not have the 'introspection' scope in its authorization header. Comparing to 'uma_protection', 'introspection' scope is not allowed for dynamic registration' Details
introspectionAccessTokenMustHaveUmaProtectionScope If True, rejects introspection requests if access_token does not have the uma_protection scope in its authorization header Details
introspectionEndpoint Introspection endpoint URL Details
introspectionResponseScopesBackwardCompatibility Boolean value specifying introspection response backward compatibility mode Details
introspectionScriptBackwardCompatibility Boolean value specifying whether switch off client's introspection scripts (true value) and run all scripts that exists on server. Default value is false Details
introspectionSkipAuthorization Specifies if authorization to be skipped for introspection Details
invalidateSessionCookiesAfterAuthorizationFlow Boolean value to specify whether to invalidate session_id and consent_session_id cookies right after successful or unsuccessful authorization Details
issuer URL using the https scheme that OP asserts as Issuer identifier Details
jansId URL for the Inum generator Service Details
jansOpenIdConnectVersion OpenID Connect Version Details
jmsBrokerURISet JMS Broker URI Set Details
jmsPassword JMS Password Details
jmsUserName JMS UserName Details
jsLocation The location for JavaScript files Details
jwksAlgorithmsSupported A list of algorithms that will be used in JWKS endpoint Details
jwksUri URL of the OP's JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document. This contains the signing key(s) the RP uses to validate signatures from the OP Details
keepAuthenticatorAttributesOnAcrChange Boolean value specifying whether to keep authenticator attributes on ACR change Details
keyAlgsAllowedForGeneration List of algorithm allowed to be used for key generation Details
keyRegenerationEnabled Boolean value specifying whether to regenerate keys Details
keyRegenerationInterval The interval for key regeneration in hours Details
keySelectionStrategy Key Selection Strategy : OLDER, NEWER, FIRST Details
keySignWithSameKeyButDiffAlg Specifies if signing to be done with same key but apply different algorithms Details
keyStoreFile The Key Store File (JKS) Details
keyStoreSecret The Key Store password Details
legacyIdTokenClaims Choose whether to include claims in ID tokens Details
logClientIdOnClientAuthentication Choose if application should log the Client ID on client authentication Details
logClientNameOnClientAuthentication Choose if application should log the Client Name on client authentication Details
loggingLayout Logging layout used for Jans Authorization Server loggers Details
loggingLevel Specify the logging level of loggers Details
logNotFoundEntityAsError Boolean value specifying whether to log not_found entity exception as error or as trace. Default value is false (trace). Details
metricReporterInterval The interval for metric reporter in seconds Details
metricReporterKeepDataDays The days to keep metric reported data Details
mtlsAuthorizationEndpoint URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens (MTLS) Endpoint Details
mtlsCheckSessionIFrame URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) IFrame that supports cross-origin communications for session state information with the RP Client using the HTML5 postMessage API Details
mtlsClientInfoEndpoint URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) Client Info endpoint Details
mtlsDeviceAuthzEndpoint Mutual TLS (mTLS) device authorization endpoint URL Details
mtlsEndSessionEndpoint URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) to which an RP can perform a redirect to request that the end user be logged out at the OP Details
mtlsIdGenerationEndpoint Mutual TLS (mTLS) ID generation endpoint URL Details
mtlsIntrospectionEndpoint Mutual TLS (mTLS) introspection endpoint URL Details
mtlsJwksUri URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) of the OP's JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document Details
mtlsParEndpoint Mutual TLS (mTLS) Pushed Authorization Requests(PAR) endpoint URL Details
mtlsRegistrationEndpoint Mutual TLS (mTLS) registration endpoint URL Details
mtlsTokenEndpoint URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) Authorization token Endpoint Details
mtlsTokenRevocationEndpoint URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) Authorization token revocation endpoint Details
mtlsUserInfoEndpoint Mutual TLS (mTLS) user info endpoint URL Details
openIdConfigurationEndpoint URL for the Open ID Connect Configuration Endpoint Details
openIdDiscoveryEndpoint Discovery endpoint URL Details
openidScopeBackwardCompatibility Set to false to only allow token endpoint request for openid scope with grant type equals to authorization_code, restrict access to userinfo to scope openid and only return id_token if scope contains openid Details
openidSubAttribute Specifies which LDAP attribute is used for the subject identifier claim Details
opPolicyUri URL that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the Client to read about the OP's requirements on how the Relying Party can use the data provided by the OP Details
opTosUri URL that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the Client to read about OpenID Provider's terms of service Details
pairwiseCalculationKey Key to calculate algorithmic pairwise IDs Details
pairwiseCalculationSalt Salt to calculate algorithmic pairwise IDs Details
pairwiseIdType the pairwise ID type Details
parEndpoint URL for Pushed Authorisation Request (PAR) Endpoint Details
persistIdToken Specifies whether to persist id_token (otherwise saves into cache) Details
persistRefreshToken Specifies whether to persist refresh_token (otherwise saves into cache) Details
personCustomObjectClassList This list details LDAP custom object classes for dynamic person enrollment Details
publicSubjectIdentifierPerClientEnabled Specifies whether public subject identifier is allowed per client Details
redirectUrisRegexEnabled Enable/Disable redirect uris validation using regular expression Details
refreshTokenExtendLifetimeOnRotation Boolean value specifying whether to extend refresh tokens on rotation Details
refreshTokenLifetime The lifetime of the Refresh Token Details
registrationEndpoint Registration endpoint URL Details
rejectEndSessionIfIdTokenExpired default value false. If true and id_token is not found in db, request is rejected Details
rejectJwtWithNoneAlg Boolean value specifying whether reject JWT requested or validated with algorithm None. Default value is true Details
removeRefreshTokensForClientOnLogout Boolean value specifying whether to remove Refresh Tokens on logout. Default value is true Details
requestObjectEncryptionAlgValuesSupported A list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for Request Objects Details
requestObjectEncryptionEncValuesSupported A list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) supported by the OP for Request Objects Details
requestObjectSigningAlgValuesSupported A list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for Request Objects Details
requestParameterSupported Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request parameter Details
requestUriBlockList Block list for requestUri that can come to Authorization Endpoint (e.g. localhost) Details
requestUriHashVerificationEnabled Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request_uri hash verification Details
requestUriParameterSupported Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request_uri parameter Details
requirePar Boolean value to indicate of Pushed Authorisation Request(PAR)is required Details
requirePkce Boolean value true check for Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Details
requireRequestObjectEncryption Boolean value true encrypts request object Details
requireRequestUriRegistration Boolean value specifying whether the OP requires any request_uri values used to be pre-registered using the request_uris registration parameter Details
responseModesSupported This list details which OAuth 2.0 response modes are supported by this OP Details
responseTypesSupported This list details which OAuth 2.0 response_type values are supported by this OP. Details
returnClientSecretOnRead Boolean value specifying whether a client_secret is returned on client GET or PUT. Set to true by default which means to return secret Details
returnDeviceSecretFromAuthzEndpoint Details
rotateClientRegistrationAccessTokenOnUsage Boolean value specifying whether to rotate client registration access token after each usage Details
rotateDeviceSecret Details
sectorIdentifierCacheLifetimeInMinutes Sector Identifier cache lifetime in minutes Details
serverSessionIdLifetime Dedicated property to control lifetime of the server side OP session object in seconds. Overrides sessionIdLifetime. By default value is 0, so object lifetime equals sessionIdLifetime (which sets both cookie and object expiration). It can be useful if goal is to keep different values for client cookie and server object Details
serviceDocumentation URL of a page containing human-readable information that developers might want or need to know when using the OpenID Provider Details
sessionIdLifetime The lifetime of session id in seconds. If 0 or -1 then expiration is not set. session_id cookie expires when browser session ends Details
sessionIdPersistInCache Boolean value specifying whether to persist session_id in cache Details
sessionIdPersistOnPromptNone Boolean value specifying whether to persist session ID on prompt none Details
sessionIdRequestParameterEnabled Boolean value specifying whether to enable session_id HTTP request parameter Details
sessionIdUnauthenticatedUnusedLifetime The lifetime for unused unauthenticated session states Details
sessionIdUnusedLifetime The lifetime for unused session states Details
shareSubjectIdBetweenClientsWithSameSectorId When true, clients with the same Sector ID also share the same Subject ID Details
skipAuthenticationFilterOptionsMethod Force Authentication Filtker to process OPTIONS request Details
skipAuthorizationForOpenIdScopeAndPairwiseId Choose whether to skip authorization if a client has an OpenId scope and a pairwise ID Details
skipRefreshTokenDuringRefreshing Boolean value specifying whether to skip refreshing tokens on refreshing Details
softwareStatementValidationClaimName Validation claim name for software statement Details
softwareStatementValidationType Validation type used for software statement Details
spontaneousScopeLifetime The lifetime of spontaneous scope in seconds Details
ssaConfiguration SSA Configuration Details
statAuthorizationScope Scope required for Statistical Authorization Details
staticDecryptionKid Specifies static decryption Kid Details
staticKid Specifies static Kid Details
statTimerIntervalInSeconds Statistical data capture time interval Details
subjectIdentifiersPerClientSupported A list of the subject identifiers supported per client Details
subjectTypesSupported This list details which Subject Identifier types that the OP supports. Valid types include pairwise and public. Details
tokenEndpoint The token endpoint URL Details
tokenEndpointAuthMethodsSupported A list of Client Authentication methods supported by this Token Endpoint Details
tokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgValuesSupported A list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the Token Endpoint for the signature on the JWT used to authenticate the Client at the Token Endpoint for the private_key_jwt and client_secret_jwt authentication methods Details
tokenRevocationEndpoint The URL for the access_token or refresh_token revocation endpoint Details
trustedClientEnabled Boolean value specifying whether a client is trusted and no authorization is required Details
trustedSsaIssuers List of trusted SSA issuers with configuration (e.g. automatically granted scopes). Details
uiLocalesSupported This list details the languages and scripts supported for the user interface Details
umaAddScopesAutomatically Add UMA scopes automatically if it is not registered yet Details
umaConfigurationEndpoint UMA Configuration endpoint URL Details
umaGrantAccessIfNoPolicies Specify whether to grant access to resources if there is no any policies associated with scopes Details
umaPctLifetime UMA PCT lifetime Details
umaResourceLifetime UMA Resource lifetime Details
umaRestrictResourceToAssociatedClient Restrict access to resource by associated client Details
umaRptAsJwt Issue RPT as JWT or as random string Details
umaRptLifetime UMA RPT lifetime Details
umaTicketLifetime UMA ticket lifetime Details
umaValidateClaimToken Validate claim_token as id_token assuming it is issued by local id Details
updateClientAccessTime Choose if application should update oxLastAccessTime/oxLastLogonTime attributes upon client authentication Details
updateUserLastLogonTime Choose if application should update oxLastLogonTime attribute upon user authentication Details
useHighestLevelScriptIfAcrScriptNotFound Enable/Disable usage of highest level script in case ACR script does not exist Details
useLocalCache Cache in local memory cache attributes, scopes, clients and organization entry with expiration 60 seconds Details
useNestedJwtDuringEncryption Boolean value specifying whether to use nested Jwt during encryption Details
userInfoEncryptionAlgValuesSupported This JSON Array lists which JWS encryption algorithms (alg values) [JWA] can be used by for the UserInfo endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT Details
userInfoEncryptionEncValuesSupported This JSON Array lists which JWS encryption algorithms (enc values) [JWA] can be used by for the UserInfo endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT Details
userInfoEndpoint The User Info endpoint URL Details
userInfoSigningAlgValuesSupported This JSON Array lists which JWS signing algorithms (alg values) [JWA] can be used by for the UserInfo endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT Details
webKeysStorage Web Key Storage Type Details


  • Description: The lifetime of the short lived Access Token

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for the access token to encode the Claims in a JWT

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Authorization Scope for active session

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Engine Config which offers an alternative way to build authentication flows in Janssen server

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value true allow all value for revoke endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to allow blank values in discovery response

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: default value false. If true, sid check will be skipped

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Specifies if a token without implicit grant types is allowed

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Allows post-logout redirect without validation for the End Session endpoint (still AS validates it against clientWhiteList url pattern property)

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Specifies whether to allow spontaneous scopes

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details filters for user authentication

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to enable user authentication filters

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Authentication Brute Force Protection Configuration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The lifetime of the Authorization Code

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: List of authorization encryption algorithms supported by this OP

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the authorization encryption algorithms supported

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The authorization endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details the allowed custom parameters for authorization requests

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: List of authorization signing algorithms supported by this OP

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel Authentication Endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel Authentication Request Signing Alg Values Supported

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel Authentication Response Expires In

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel Authentication Response Interval

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel Binding Message Pattern

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel Client Id

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel Device Registration Endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel Login Hint Claims

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel Redirect Uri

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Each backchannel request processor iteration fetches chunk of data to be processed

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies the allowable elapsed time in seconds backchannel request processor executes

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel Token Delivery Modes Supported

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Backchannel User Code Parameter Supported

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The base URL for endpoints

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Enable/Disable block authorizations that originate from Webview (Mobile apps).

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether change session_id on authentication. Default value is true

  • Required: No

  • Default value: true


  • Description: URL for an OP IFrame that supports cross-origin communications for session state information with the RP Client using the HTML5 postMessage API

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Check whether user exists and is active before creating RefreshToken. Set it to true if check is needed(Default value is false - don't check.

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: CIBA End User Notification Config

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies the CIBA Grant life extra time in seconds

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies the CIBA token expiration time in seconds

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details the languages and scripts supported for values in the claims being returned

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies whether the OP supports use of the claims parameter

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the Claim Types that the OpenID Provider supports

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Clean service chunk size which is used during clean up

  • Required: No

  • Default value: 100


  • Description: Time interval for the Clean Service in seconds

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details filters for client authentication

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to enable client authentication filters

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list specified which client redirection URIs are black-listed

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The Client Info endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to add Authorization Code Flow with Refresh grant during client registratio

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list specifies which client redirection URIs are white-listed

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The interval for configuration update in seconds

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to turn on Consent Gathering Script backward compatibility mode. If true AS will pick up script with higher level globally. If false (default) AS will pick up script based on client configuration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Sets cookie domain for all cookies created by OP

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list specifies the CORS configuration filters

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The location for CSS files

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Choose whether to enable the custom response header parameter to return custom headers with the authorization response

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: List of key value date formatters, e.g. 'userinfo: 'yyyy-MM-dd', etc.

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value indicating if DCR authorization to be performed using client credentials

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value indicating if DCR authorization allowed with MTLS

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to allow to set client's expiration time in seconds during dynamic registration.

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value enables DCR signature validation. Default is false

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Specifies JWKS for all DCR's validations

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies JWKS URI for all DCR's validations

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies shared secret for Dynamic Client Registration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies claim name inside software statement. Value of claim should point to inlined JWKS

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies claim name inside software statement. Value of claim should point to JWKS URI

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: DCR SSA Validation configurations used to perform validation of SSA or DCR

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The default signature algorithm to sign ID Tokens

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The default subject type used for dynamic client registration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Device authz acr

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for the Device Authorization

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Expiration time given for device authorization requests

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Response type used to process device authz requests

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Default interval returned to the client to process device token requests

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to disable authentication when max_age=0

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Choose whether to disable JDK loggers

  • Required: No

  • Default value: true


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to disable prompt=consent

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to disable prompt=login

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Choose whether to disable U2F endpoints

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: List of configuration response claim allowed to be displayed in discovery endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Lifetime of discovery cache

  • Required: No

  • Default value: 60


  • Description: List of configuration response claims which must not be displayed in discovery endpoint response

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the display parameter values that the OpenID Provider supports

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: DN of certificate issuer

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) cache time

  • Required: No

  • Default value: 3600


  • Description: Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) nonce cache time

  • Required: No

  • Default value: 3600


  • Description: Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) authorization signing algorithms supported

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) timeout

  • Required: No

  • Default value: 5


  • Description: Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession (DPoP) use nonce

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: This list details which OAuth 2.0 grant types can be set up with the client registration API

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: List of grant scopes for dynamic registration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details the custom attributes allowed for dynamic registration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: LDAP custom object class for dynamic registration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This map provides default custom attributes with values for dynamic registration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Expiration time in seconds for clients created with dynamic registration, 0 or -1 means never expire

  • Required: No

  • Default value: -1


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to enable Password Grant Type during Dynamic Registration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to persist client authorizations

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to enable scopes parameter in dynamic registration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Choose if client can update Grant Type values

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: enable OAuth Audit Logging

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL at the OP to which an RP can perform a redirect to request that the end user be logged out at the OP

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Choose whether to accept access tokens to call end_session endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of possible error handling methods. Possible values: remote (send error back to RP), internal (show error page)

  • Required: No

  • Default value: remote


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to return detailed reason of the error from AS. Default value is false

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether expiration notificator is enabled (used to identify expiration for persistence that support TTL, like Couchbase)

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: The expiration notificator interval in second

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The expiration notificator maximum size limit

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The path to the external log4j2 logging configuration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list specifies which external URIs can be called by AS (if empty any URI can be called)

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to turn on FAPI compatibility mode. If true AS behaves in more strict mode

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: List of enabled feature flags

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether force id_token_hint parameter presence

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether force offline_access scope to enable refresh_token grant type. Default value is true

  • Required: No

  • Default value: true


  • Description: Boolean value true indicates that signed request object is mandatory

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Choose whether to support front channel session logout

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to Grant types and Response types can be auto fixed

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details which OAuth 2.0 grant types are supported by this OP

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Enable/disable request/response logging filter

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details the base URIs for which the request/response logging filter will not record activity

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Defines if Response body will be logged. Default value is false

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: ID Generation endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for the ID Token to encode the Claims in a JWT

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) supported by the OP for the ID Token to encode the Claims in a JWT

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether idToken filters claims based on accessToken

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The lifetime of the ID Token

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for the ID Token to encode the Claims in a JWT

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Array containing a list of the JWT Confirmation Method member names supported by the OP for Token Binding of ID Tokens. The presence of this parameter indicates that the OpenID Provider supports Token Binding of ID Tokens. If omitted, the default is that the OpenID Provider does not support Token Binding of ID Tokens

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The location for image files

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to include sessionId in response

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: If True, rejects introspection requests if access_token does not have the 'introspection' scope in its authorization header. Comparing to 'uma_protection', 'introspection' scope is not allowed for dynamic registration'

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: If True, rejects introspection requests if access_token does not have the uma_protection scope in its authorization header

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Introspection endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying introspection response backward compatibility mode

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether switch off client's introspection scripts (true value) and run all scripts that exists on server. Default value is false

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Specifies if authorization to be skipped for introspection

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value to specify whether to invalidate session_id and consent_session_id cookies right after successful or unsuccessful authorization

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: URL using the https scheme that OP asserts as Issuer identifier

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for the Inum generator Service

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: OpenID Connect Version

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: JMS Broker URI Set

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: JMS Password

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: JMS UserName

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The location for JavaScript files

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of algorithms that will be used in JWKS endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL of the OP's JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document. This contains the signing key(s) the RP uses to validate signatures from the OP

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to keep authenticator attributes on ACR change

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: List of algorithm allowed to be used for key generation

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to regenerate keys

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The interval for key regeneration in hours

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Key Selection Strategy : OLDER, NEWER, FIRST

  • Required: No

  • Default value: OLDER


  • Description: Specifies if signing to be done with same key but apply different algorithms

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The Key Store File (JKS)

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The Key Store password

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Choose whether to include claims in ID tokens

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Choose if application should log the Client ID on client authentication

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Choose if application should log the Client Name on client authentication

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Logging layout used for Jans Authorization Server loggers

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specify the logging level of loggers

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to log not_found entity exception as error or as trace. Default value is false (trace).

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The interval for metric reporter in seconds

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The days to keep metric reported data

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens (MTLS) Endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) IFrame that supports cross-origin communications for session state information with the RP Client using the HTML5 postMessage API

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) Client Info endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Mutual TLS (mTLS) device authorization endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) to which an RP can perform a redirect to request that the end user be logged out at the OP

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Mutual TLS (mTLS) ID generation endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Mutual TLS (mTLS) introspection endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) of the OP's JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Mutual TLS (mTLS) Pushed Authorization Requests(PAR) endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Mutual TLS (mTLS) registration endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) Authorization token Endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for Mutual TLS (mTLS) Authorization token revocation endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Mutual TLS (mTLS) user info endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for the Open ID Connect Configuration Endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Discovery endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Set to false to only allow token endpoint request for openid scope with grant type equals to authorization_code, restrict access to userinfo to scope openid and only return id_token if scope contains openid

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Specifies which LDAP attribute is used for the subject identifier claim

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the Client to read about the OP's requirements on how the Relying Party can use the data provided by the OP

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the Client to read about OpenID Provider's terms of service

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Key to calculate algorithmic pairwise IDs

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Salt to calculate algorithmic pairwise IDs

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: the pairwise ID type

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL for Pushed Authorisation Request (PAR) Endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies whether to persist id_token (otherwise saves into cache)

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Specifies whether to persist refresh_token (otherwise saves into cache)

  • Required: No

  • Default value: true


  • Description: This list details LDAP custom object classes for dynamic person enrollment

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies whether public subject identifier is allowed per client

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Enable/Disable redirect uris validation using regular expression

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to extend refresh tokens on rotation

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: The lifetime of the Refresh Token

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Registration endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: default value false. If true and id_token is not found in db, request is rejected

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether reject JWT requested or validated with algorithm None. Default value is true

  • Required: No

  • Default value: true


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to remove Refresh Tokens on logout. Default value is true

  • Required: No

  • Default value: true


  • Description: A list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for Request Objects

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) supported by the OP for Request Objects

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for Request Objects

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request parameter

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Block list for requestUri that can come to Authorization Endpoint (e.g. localhost)

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request_uri hash verification

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request_uri parameter

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value to indicate of Pushed Authorisation Request(PAR)is required

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value true check for Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value true encrypts request object

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether the OP requires any request_uri values used to be pre-registered using the request_uris registration parameter

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details which OAuth 2.0 response modes are supported by this OP

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details which OAuth 2.0 response_type values are supported by this OP.

  • Required: No

  • Default value: By default, every combination of code, token and id_token is supported.


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether a client_secret is returned on client GET or PUT. Set to true by default which means to return secret

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description:

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to rotate client registration access token after each usage

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description:

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Sector Identifier cache lifetime in minutes

  • Required: No

  • Default value: 1440


  • Description: Dedicated property to control lifetime of the server side OP session object in seconds. Overrides sessionIdLifetime. By default value is 0, so object lifetime equals sessionIdLifetime (which sets both cookie and object expiration). It can be useful if goal is to keep different values for client cookie and server object

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: URL of a page containing human-readable information that developers might want or need to know when using the OpenID Provider

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The lifetime of session id in seconds. If 0 or -1 then expiration is not set. session_id cookie expires when browser session ends

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to persist session_id in cache

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to persist session ID on prompt none

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to enable session_id HTTP request parameter

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: The lifetime for unused unauthenticated session states

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The lifetime for unused session states

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: When true, clients with the same Sector ID also share the same Subject ID

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Force Authentication Filtker to process OPTIONS request

  • Required: No

  • Default value: true


  • Description: Choose whether to skip authorization if a client has an OpenId scope and a pairwise ID

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to skip refreshing tokens on refreshing

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Validation claim name for software statement

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Validation type used for software statement

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The lifetime of spontaneous scope in seconds

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: SSA Configuration

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Scope required for Statistical Authorization

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies static decryption Kid

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specifies static Kid

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Statistical data capture time interval

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the subject identifiers supported per client

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details which Subject Identifier types that the OP supports. Valid types include pairwise and public.

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The token endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of Client Authentication methods supported by this Token Endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: A list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the Token Endpoint for the signature on the JWT used to authenticate the Client at the Token Endpoint for the private_key_jwt and client_secret_jwt authentication methods

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The URL for the access_token or refresh_token revocation endpoint

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether a client is trusted and no authorization is required

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: List of trusted SSA issuers with configuration (e.g. automatically granted scopes).

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This list details the languages and scripts supported for the user interface

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Add UMA scopes automatically if it is not registered yet

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: UMA Configuration endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Specify whether to grant access to resources if there is no any policies associated with scopes

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: UMA PCT lifetime

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: UMA Resource lifetime

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Restrict access to resource by associated client

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Issue RPT as JWT or as random string

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: UMA RPT lifetime

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: UMA ticket lifetime

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Validate claim_token as id_token assuming it is issued by local id

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Choose if application should update oxLastAccessTime/oxLastLogonTime attributes upon client authentication

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Choose if application should update oxLastLogonTime attribute upon user authentication

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Enable/Disable usage of highest level script in case ACR script does not exist

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Cache in local memory cache attributes, scopes, clients and organization entry with expiration 60 seconds

  • Required: No

  • Default value: false


  • Description: Boolean value specifying whether to use nested Jwt during encryption

  • Required: No

  • Default value: true


  • Description: This JSON Array lists which JWS encryption algorithms (alg values) [JWA] can be used by for the UserInfo endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This JSON Array lists which JWS encryption algorithms (enc values) [JWA] can be used by for the UserInfo endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: The User Info endpoint URL

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: This JSON Array lists which JWS signing algorithms (alg values) [JWA] can be used by for the UserInfo endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None


  • Description: Web Key Storage Type

  • Required: No

  • Default value: None

Last update: 2024-10-01
Created: 2022-07-21