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PostgreSQL Operations#

PostgreSQL is a versatile and reliable database management system that empowers developers and organizations to build robust and efficient applications.

Establish Connection to Jans PostgreSQL Server#

Connect to PostgreSql workspace: sudo -u postgres psql

Show all Database list : \list or \l

You will see jansdb in the list of database.

Let's make a connection with jansdb : \c jansdb

Search user#

  • Change database: \c jansdb
  • Search for user testUser: SELECT * FROM "jansPerson" WHERE uid = 'testuser';
  • If you want pretty output, enable display mode with \x
  • Re-run search query.

Change password for user jans#

  • Changing user 'jans' password to "secret": ALTER USER jans WITH PASSWORD 'secret';

Add user in Jans Group#

  • Get DN of target user. i.e. we are searching for DN of user 'testUser' with: SELECT * FROM "jansPerson" WHERE uid = 'testuser';
  • Get DN of Jans Admin Group. i.e. SELECT * FROM "jansGrp";
  • Add ( actually append ) new user in member of this group:
    UPDATE "jansGrp" SET member = '["inum=d33a2ce9-e9de-4f74-8a7d-2519f73635b7,ou=people,o=jans", "inum=618d7792-caca-4915-8b92-9955bf94affb,ou=people,o=jans"]';

List users with specific filter#

To search for users with a filter using PostgreSQL's command-line tool psql, you can use the SELECT statement with the WHERE clause to apply filters to the query. Here's the query to find specific user:

SELECT * FROM "jansPerson" WHERE uid= '<uid>';

Modify column size of Jans postgresql#

The psql command-line tool, you can use the \d+ command to display detailed information about a table, including its columns. Lets see the details of jansPerson table:

\d+ "jansPerson";

To modify the size of a column in a PostgreSQL table, you will need to use the ALTER TABLE statement along with the ALTER COLUMN clause. Here's how you can modify the size of a column:

ALTER TABLE "jansPerson" 

Add custom attribute#

To add a custom attribute to an existing PostgreSQL table, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement with the ADD COLUMN clause. Here's how you can add a custom attribute in jansPerson table:

ALTER TABLE "jansPerson"
ADD COLUMN membership_level VARCHAR(50);
You can also specify additional constraints, defaults, or other attributes for the new column as needed. Here's an example with a default value:

ALTER TABLE "jansPerson"
ADD COLUMN membership_level VARCHAR DEFAULT 'Basic';

Output column data into txt#

If you want to output the data from a PostgreSQL table's column into a text file, you can use the COPY command. This command allows you to copy the contents of a table or query result into an external file. Here's how you can do it:

COPY (SELECT * FROM "jansPerson") TO '/tmp/output.txt';

After executing the command, the data from the specified column will be copied into the specified text file.

Back-up and re-store#

PostgreSQL is a popular open-source relational database management system used for web applications, business intelligence, and other data-intensive applications. A critical aspect of managing a PostgreSQL database is ensuring data protection by having a backup and restore strategy in place.


To dump the PostgreSQL database, you can use the pg_dump command-line utility. To back-up your database

pg_dump -h localhost -U "<user>" "<dbName>" -Fc > /tmp/back-up.sql


To restore the backup file you need to use pg_restore.

pg_restore -h localhost -U "<user>" -d <db_name> <back-up.sql>

Want to contribute?#

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Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-07-21