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MySQL Schema#


Table names


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
jansStartDate datetime(3) YES None Start date
jansActive smallint YES None
jansEndDate datetime(3) YES None End date
adsPrjAssets longtext YES None Assets of an ADS project
adsPrjDeplDetails text YES None Misc details associated to an ADS project


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
agFlowQname varchar(64) YES None Full name of an agama flow
agFlowMeta text YES None Metadata of an agama flow
jansScr text YES None Attr that contains script (python, java script)
jansEnabled smallint YES None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
jansScrError text YES None Attr that contains first error which application get during it execution
agFlowTrans text YES None Transpiled code of an agama flow
jansRevision int YES None Revision
jansCustomMessage varchar(128) YES None exclude custom welcome message


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
agFlowSt text YES None Details of a running agama flow instance
agFlowEncCont mediumtext YES None Continuation associated to a running agama flow instance
jansCustomMessage varchar(128) YES None exclude custom welcome message
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
c varchar(2) YES None
ou varchar(64) YES None
description varchar(768) YES None
displayName varchar(128) YES None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
jansHostname varchar(64) YES None The hostname of the Jans Server instance
jansLastUpd datetime(3) YES None Monitors last time the server was able to connect to the monitoring system.
jansManager varchar(64) YES None Used to specify if a person has the manager role
jansOrgProfileMgt smallint YES None enable or disable profile management feature in exclude
jansScimEnabled smallint YES None exclude SCIM feature - enabled or disabled
jansEmail json YES None
jansSmtpConf json YES None SMTP configuration
jansSslExpiry varchar(64) YES None SAML Trust Relationship configuration
jansStatus varchar(16) YES None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
jansUrl varchar(64) YES None Jans instance URL
inum varchar(64) YES None XRI i-number
o varchar(64) YES None
jansAuthMode varchar(64) YES None
jansDbAuth json YES None Custom IDP authentication configuration
jansLogViewerConfig varchar(64) YES None Log viewer configuration
jansLogConfigLocation varchar(64) YES None Path to external log4j2.xml
jansCacheConf text YES None Cache configuration
jansDocStoreConf text YES None jansDocStoreConf
jansSoftVer varchar(64) YES None
userPassword varchar(256) YES None
jansConfDyn text YES None jans Dyn Conf
jansConfErrors text YES None jans Errors Conf
jansConfStatic text YES None jans Static Conf
jansConfWebKeys text YES None jans Web Keys Conf
jansWebKeysSettings varchar(64) YES None jans Web Keys Conf
jansConfApp text YES None jans App Conf
jansRevision int YES None Revision


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
description varchar(768) YES MUL None
displayName varchar(128) YES MUL None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
jansAttrEditTyp json YES None Specify in exclude who can update an attribute, admin or user
jansAttrName varchar(64) YES MUL None Specify an identifier for an attribute. May be multi-value where an attribute has two names, like givenName and first-name.
jansAttrOrigin varchar(64) YES MUL None Specify the person objectclass associated with the attribute, used for display purposes in exclude.
jansAttrSystemEditTyp varchar(64) YES None TODO - still required?
jansAttrTyp varchar(64) YES None Data type of attribute. Values can be string, photo, numeric, date
jansClaimName varchar(64) YES None Used by jans in conjunction with jansttributeName to map claims to attributes in LDAP.
jansAttrUsgTyp varchar(64) YES None TODO - Usg? Value can be OpenID
jansAttrViewTyp json YES None Specify in exclude who can view an attribute, admin or user
jansSAML1URI varchar(64) YES None SAML 1 uri of attribute
jansSAML2URI varchar(64) YES None SAML 2 uri of attribute
jansStatus varchar(16) YES None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
inum varchar(64) YES MUL None XRI i-number
jansMultivaluedAttr smallint YES None
jansHideOnDiscovery smallint YES None
jansNameIdTyp varchar(64) YES None NameId Typ
jansScimCustomAttr smallint YES None
jansSourceAttr varchar(64) YES None Source Attr for this Attr
seeAlso varchar(64) YES None
urn varchar(128) YES None
jansRegExp varchar(64) YES None Regular expression used to validate attribute data
jansTooltip varchar(64) YES None Custom tooltip to be shown on the UI
jansValidation tinytext YES None This data has information about attribute Validation


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
uuid varchar(64) YES None Unique identifier
iat datetime(3) YES None jans Creation
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del
dat text YES None OX data


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
authReqId varchar(64) YES None Authn request id
clnId varchar(64) YES None jans Clnt id
usrId varchar(64) YES None jans user id
creationDate datetime(3) YES None Creation Date used for password reset requests
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
jansStatus varchar(16) YES MUL None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
o varchar(64) YES None
jansGrp varchar(64) YES None Group
displayName varchar(128) YES MUL None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
displayNameLocalized json YES None jans Display Name Localized
description varchar(768) YES MUL None
inum varchar(64) YES MUL None XRI i-number
jansAppTyp varchar(64) YES None jans App Typ
jansClntIdIssuedAt datetime(3) YES None jans Clnt Issued At
jansClntSecret varchar(64) YES None jans Clnt Secret
jansClntSecretExpAt datetime(3) YES MUL None Date client expires
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del
jansClntURI tinytext YES None jans Clnt URI
jansClntURILocalized json YES None jans Clnt URI localized
jansContact json YES None jans Contact
jansDefAcrValues json YES None jans Def Acr Values
jansDefMaxAge int YES None jans Def Max Age
jansGrantTyp json YES None jans Grant Typ
jansIdTknEncRespAlg varchar(64) YES None jans ID Tkn Enc Resp Alg
jansIdTknEncRespEnc varchar(64) YES None jans ID Tkn Enc Resp Enc
jansIdTknSignedRespAlg varchar(64) YES None jans ID Tkn Signed Resp Alg
jansInitiateLoginURI tinytext YES None jans Initiate Login URI
jansJwksURI tinytext YES None jans JWKs URI
jansJwks text YES None jans JWKs
jansLogoURI tinytext YES None jans Logo URI
jansLogoURILocalized json YES None jans Logo URI localized
jansPolicyURI tinytext YES None jans Policy URI
jansPolicyURILocalized json YES None jans Policy URI localized
jansPostLogoutRedirectURI json YES None jans Post Logout Redirect URI
jansRedirectURI json YES None jans Redirect URI
jansRegistrationAccessTkn varchar(64) YES MUL None jans Registration Access Tkn
jansReqObjSigAlg varchar(64) YES None jans Req Obj Sig Alg
jansReqObjEncAlg varchar(64) YES None jans Req Obj Enc Alg
jansReqObjEncEnc varchar(64) YES None jans Req Obj Enc Enc
jansReqURI json YES None jans Req URI
jansRespTyp json YES None jans Resp Typ
jansScope json YES None jans Attr Scope
jansClaim json YES None jans Attr Claim
jansSectorIdentifierURI tinytext YES None jans Sector Identifier URI
jansSignedRespAlg varchar(64) YES None jans Signed Resp Alg
jansSubjectTyp varchar(64) YES None jans Subject Typ
jansTknEndpointAuthMethod varchar(64) YES None jans Tkn Endpoint Auth Method
jansTknEndpointAuthSigAlg varchar(64) YES None jans Tkn Endpoint Auth Sig Alg
jansTosURI tinytext YES None jans TOS URI
jansTosURILocalized json YES None jans Tos URI localized
jansTrustedClnt smallint YES None jans Trusted Clnt
jansUsrInfEncRespAlg varchar(64) YES None jans Usr Inf Enc Resp Alg
jansUsrInfEncRespEnc varchar(64) YES None jans Usr Inf Enc Resp Enc
jansExtraConf varchar(64) YES None jans additional configuration
jansClaimRedirectURI json YES None Claim Redirect URI
jansLastAccessTime datetime(3) YES None Last access time
jansLastLogonTime datetime(3) YES None Last logon time
jansPersistClntAuthzs smallint YES None jans Persist Clnt Authzs
jansInclClaimsInIdTkn smallint YES None jans Incl Claims In Id Tkn
jansRefreshTknLife int YES None Life of refresh token
jansDisabled smallint YES None Status of client
jansLogoutURI json YES None jans Policy URI
jansLogoutSessRequired smallint YES None jans Policy URI
jansdId varchar(64) YES None jansd Id
jansAuthorizedOrigins json YES None jans Authorized Origins
tknBndCnf tinytext YES None jansauth - Tkn Binding Id Hash
jansAccessTknAsJwt smallint YES None jansauth - indicator whether to return access token as JWT
jansAccessTknSigAlg varchar(64) YES None jansauth - access token signing algorithm
jansAccessTknLife int YES None Life of access token
jansSoftId varchar(64) YES None Soft Identifier
jansSoftVer varchar(64) YES None
jansSoftStatement text YES None Soft Statement
jansRptAsJwt smallint YES None jansRptAsJwt
jansAttrs text YES None Attrs
jansBackchannelTknDeliveryMode varchar(64) YES None jans Backchannel Tkn Delivery Mode
jansBackchannelClntNotificationEndpoint varchar(64) YES None jans Backchannel Clnt Notification Endpoint
jansBackchannelAuthnReqSigAlg varchar(64) YES None jans Backchannel Authn Req Sig Alg
jansBackchannelUsrCodeParameter smallint YES None jans Backchannel Usr Code Parameter


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(100) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
jansClntId json YES None jans Clnt id
jansUsrId varchar(64) YES MUL None jans user id
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del
jansScope json YES None jans Attr Scope


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
inum varchar(64) YES MUL None XRI i-number
displayName varchar(128) YES None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
description varchar(768) YES None
jansScr text YES None Attr that contains script (python, java script)
jansScrTyp varchar(64) YES MUL None Attr that contains script type (e.g. python, java script)
jansProgLng varchar(64) YES None programming language
jansModuleProperty json YES None Module property
jansConfProperty json YES None Conf property
jansLevel int YES None Level
jansRevision int YES None Revision
jansEnabled smallint YES None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
jansScrError text YES None Attr that contains first error which application get during it execution
jansAlias json YES None jansAlias


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
displayName varchar(128) YES None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
description varchar(768) YES None
jansDeviceKeyHandle varchar(128) YES MUL None jansDeviceKeyHandle
jansDeviceHashCode int YES MUL None jansDeviceHashCode
jansApp varchar(96) YES MUL None jansApp
jansDeviceRegistrationConf text YES None jansDeviceRegistrationConf
jansDeviceNotificationConf varchar(64) YES None Extended push notification configuration
jansNickName varchar(64) YES None jansNickName
jansDeviceData tinytext YES None jansDeviceData
jansCounter int YES None jansCounter
jansStatus varchar(16) YES MUL None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
del smallint YES MUL None del
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
personInum varchar(64) YES MUL None Inum of a person
creationDate datetime(3) YES MUL None Creation Date used for password reset requests
jansLastAccessTime datetime(3) YES None Last access time
jansMetaLastMod varchar(64) YES None
jansMetaLocation tinytext YES None
jansMetaVer varchar(64) YES None


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
inum varchar(64) YES None XRI i-number
ou varchar(64) YES None
displayName varchar(128) YES None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
description varchar(768) YES None
document varchar(64) YES None Save Document in DB
creationDate datetime(3) YES None Creation Date used for password reset requests
jansModuleProperty json YES None Module property
jansLevel int YES None Level
jansRevision int YES None Revision
jansEnabled smallint YES None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
jansAlias json YES None jansAlias


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
creationDate datetime(3) YES MUL None Creation Date used for password reset requests
jansApp varchar(96) YES MUL None jansApp
jansSessStateId varchar(64) YES None jansSessStateId
jansCodeChallenge varchar(64) YES MUL None OX PKCE code challenge
jansCodeChallengeHash int YES MUL None OX code challenge hash
personInum varchar(64) YES MUL None Inum of a person
jansAuthData text YES None jansAuthData
jansStatus varchar(16) YES MUL None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
creationDate datetime(3) YES MUL None Creation Date used for password reset requests
displayName varchar(128) YES None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
jansApp varchar(96) YES MUL None jansApp
jansSessStateId varchar(64) YES None jansSessStateId
jansCodeChallenge varchar(64) YES MUL None OX PKCE code challenge
jansCodeChallengeHash int YES MUL None OX code challenge hash
jansPublicKeyId varchar(96) YES MUL None jansPublicKeyId
jansPublicKeyIdHash int YES MUL None jansPublicKeyIdHash
personInum varchar(64) YES MUL None Inum of a person
jansRegistrationData text YES None jansRegistrationData
jansDeviceData tinytext YES None jansDeviceData
jansDeviceNotificationConf varchar(64) YES None Extended push notification configuration
jansCounter int YES None jansCounter
jansStatus varchar(16) YES MUL None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
grtId varchar(64) YES None jans grant id
iat datetime(3) YES None jans Creation


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
c varchar(2) YES None
description varchar(768) YES MUL None
displayName varchar(128) YES MUL None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
jansStatus varchar(16) YES None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
inum varchar(64) YES MUL None XRI i-number
member json YES None
o varchar(64) YES None
owner varchar(64) YES None
seeAlso varchar(64) YES None
jansMetaCreated varchar(64) YES None
jansMetaLastMod varchar(64) YES None
jansMetaLocation tinytext YES None
jansMetaVer varchar(64) YES None


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansStatus varchar(16) YES MUL None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
inum varchar(64) YES MUL None XRI i-number
jansPrimaryKeyAttrName varchar(64) YES None Primary Key Attribute Name
jansPrimaryKeyValue varchar(64) YES None Primary Key Value
jansSecondaryKeyAttrName varchar(64) YES None Secondary Key Attribute Name
jansSecondaryKeyValue varchar(64) YES None Secondary Key Value
jansTertiaryKeyAttrName varchar(64) YES None Tertiary Key Attribute Name
jansTertiaryKeyValue varchar(64) YES None Tertiary Key Value


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
uniqueIdentifier varchar(64) YES None
jansStartDate datetime(3) YES MUL None Start date
jansEndDate datetime(3) YES MUL None End date
jansAppTyp varchar(64) YES MUL None jans App Typ
jansMetricTyp varchar(64) YES MUL None Metric type
creationDate datetime(3) YES None Creation Date used for password reset requests
del smallint YES MUL None del
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
jansData text YES None OX data
jansHost varchar(64) YES None jans host


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
c varchar(2) YES None
description varchar(768) YES None
displayName varchar(128) YES None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
jansCustomMessage varchar(128) YES None exclude custom welcome message
jansFaviconImage varchar(64) YES None TODO - Stores URL of favicon
jansLogoImage varchar(64) YES None Logo used by exclude for default look and feel.
jansManager varchar(64) YES None Used to specify if a person has the manager role
jansManagerGrp tinytext YES None Used in organizatoin entry to specifies the dn of the group that has admin priviledges in exclude.
jansOrgShortName varchar(64) YES None Short description, as few letters as possible, no spaces.
jansThemeColor varchar(64) YES None exclude login page configuration
inum varchar(64) YES None XRI i-number
l varchar(64) YES None
mail varchar(96) YES None
memberOf json YES None
o varchar(64) YES None
jansCreationTimestamp datetime(3) YES None Registration time
jansRegistrationConf varchar(64) YES None Registration Conf
postalCode varchar(16) YES None
st varchar(64) YES None
street tinytext YES None
telephoneNumber varchar(20) YES None
title varchar(64) YES None
uid varchar(64) YES MUL None
jansLogoPath varchar(64) YES None jansLogoPath
jansStatus varchar(16) YES None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
jansFaviconPath varchar(64) YES None jansFaviconPath


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
jansSectorIdentifier varchar(64) YES None jans Sector Identifier
jansClntId json YES None jans Clnt id
jansUsrId varchar(64) YES None jans user id


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES MUL None Identifier
jansAttrs text YES None Attrs
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
creationDate datetime(3) YES MUL None Creation Date used for password reset requests
jansGuid varchar(64) YES None A random string to mark temporary tokens
personInum varchar(64) YES None Inum of a person


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansAssociatedClnt json YES None Associate the dn of an OAuth2 client with a person or UMA Resource Set.
c varchar(2) YES None
displayName varchar(128) YES MUL None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
givenName varchar(128) YES MUL None
jansManagedOrganizations varchar(64) YES None Used to track with which organizations a person is associated
jansOptOuts json YES None White pages attributes restricted by person in exclude profile management
jansStatus varchar(16) YES None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses
inum varchar(64) YES MUL None XRI i-number
mail varchar(96) YES MUL None
memberOf json YES None
o varchar(64) YES None
jansPersistentJWT json YES None jans Persistent JWT
jansCreationTimestamp datetime(3) YES None Registration time
jansExtUid json YES None
jansOTPCache json YES None Stores a used OTP to prevent a hacker from using it again. Complementary to jansExtUid attribute
jansLastLogonTime datetime(3) YES None Last logon time
jansActive smallint YES None
jansAddres json YES None
jansEmail json YES None
jansEntitlements json YES None
jansExtId varchar(128) YES None
jansImsValue json YES None
jansMetaCreated varchar(64) YES None
jansMetaLastMod varchar(64) YES None
jansMetaLocation tinytext YES None
jansMetaVer varchar(64) YES None
jansNameFormatted tinytext YES None
jansPhoneValue json YES None
jansPhotos json YES None
jansProfileURL varchar(256) YES None
jansRole json YES None
jansTitle varchar(64) YES None
jansUsrTyp varchar(64) YES None
jansHonorificPrefix varchar(64) YES None
jansHonorificSuffix varchar(64) YES None
jans509Certificate json YES None
jansPassExpDate datetime(3) YES None Pass Exp date, represented as an ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) format
persistentId varchar(64) YES None PersistentId
middleName varchar(64) YES None Middle name(s)
nickname varchar(64) YES None Casual name of the End-Usr
jansPrefUsrName varchar(64) YES None Shorthand Name
profile varchar(64) YES None Profile page URL of the person
picture tinytext YES None Profile picture URL of the person
website varchar(64) YES None Web page or blog URL of the person
emailVerified smallint YES None True if the e-mail address of the person has been verified; otherwise false
gender varchar(32) YES None Gender of the person either female or male
birthdate datetime(3) YES None Birthday of the person, represented as an ISO 8601:2004 [ISO8601-2004] YYYY-MM-DD format
zoneinfo varchar(64) YES None Time zone database representing the End-Usrs time zone. For example, Europe/Paris or America/Los_Angeles
locale varchar(64) YES None Locale of the person, represented as a BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag
phoneNumberVerified smallint YES None True if the phone number of the person has been verified, otherwise false
address tinytext YES None OpenID Connect formatted JSON object representing the address of the person
updatedAt datetime(3) YES None Time the information of the person was last updated. Seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z
preferredLanguage varchar(64) YES None preferred written or spoken language for a person
role json YES None Role
secretAnswer tinytext YES None Secret Answer
secretQuestion tinytext YES None Secret Question
seeAlso varchar(64) YES None
sn varchar(128) YES MUL None
cn varchar(128) YES None
transientId varchar(64) YES None TransientId
uid varchar(64) YES MUL None
userPassword varchar(256) YES None
st varchar(64) YES None
street tinytext YES None
l varchar(64) YES None
jansCountInvalidLogin varchar(64) YES None Invalid login attempts count
jansEnrollmentCode varchar(64) YES None jansEnrollmentCode
jansIMAPData varchar(64) YES None This data has information about your imap connection
jansPPID json YES None Persistent Pairwise ID for OpenID Connect
jansGuid varchar(64) YES None A random string to mark temporary tokens
jansPreferredMethod varchar(64) YES None Casa - Preferred method to use for user authentication
userCertificate blob YES None
jansOTPDevices varchar(512) YES None Casa - Json representation of OTP devices. Complementary to jansExtUid attribute
jansMobileDevices varchar(512) YES None Casa - Json representation of mobile devices. Complementary to mobile attribute
jansTrustedDevices text YES None Casa - Devices with which strong authentication may be skipped
jansStrongAuthPolicy varchar(64) YES None Casa - 2FA Enforcement Policy for User
jansUnlinkedExternalUids varchar(64) YES None Casa - List of unlinked social accounts (ie disabled jansExtUids)
jansBackchannelDeviceRegistrationTkn varchar(64) YES None jans Backchannel Device Registration Tkn
jansBackchannelUsrCode varchar(64) YES None jans Backchannel Usr Code
telephoneNumber varchar(20) YES None
mobile json YES None
carLicense varchar(64) YES None vehicle license or registration plate
facsimileTelephoneNumber varchar(20) YES None
departmentNumber varchar(64) YES None identifies a department within an organization
employeeType varchar(64) YES None type of employment for a person
manager tinytext YES None
postOfficeBox varchar(64) YES None
employeeNumber varchar(64) YES None numerically identifies an employee within an organization
preferredDeliveryMethod varchar(50) YES None
roomNumber varchar(64) YES None
secretary tinytext YES None
homePostalAddress tinytext YES None
postalCode varchar(16) YES None
description varchar(768) YES None
title varchar(64) YES None
jansAdminUIRole json YES None jansAdminUIRole


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
displayName varchar(128) YES None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
jansName varchar(64) YES None Name
jansPushAppConf varchar(64) YES None jansPush application configuration


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansUsrId varchar(64) YES None jans user id
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
jansPushApp tinytext YES None jansPush application DN
jansPushDeviceConf varchar(64) YES None jansPush device configuration
jansTyp varchar(64) YES None jans type


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
dat text YES None OX data


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansDefScope smallint YES None Track the default scope for an custom OAuth2 Scope.
description varchar(768) YES MUL None
displayName varchar(128) YES MUL None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
inum varchar(64) YES None XRI i-number
jansScopeTyp varchar(64) YES None OX Attr Scope type
creatorId varchar(64) YES None Creator Id
creatorTyp varchar(64) YES None Creator type
creatorAttrs varchar(64) YES None Creator Attrs
creationDate datetime(3) YES None Creation Date used for password reset requests
jansClaim json YES None jans Attr Claim
jansScrDn json YES None Script object DN
jansGrpClaims smallint YES None jans Grp Attr Claims (true or false)
jansId varchar(128) YES MUL None Identifier
jansIconUrl varchar(64) YES None jans icon url
jansUmaPolicyScrDn tinytext YES None OX policy script Dn
jansAttrs text YES None Attrs
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
inum varchar(64) YES None XRI i-number
jansScr text YES None Attr that contains script (python, java script)
jansScrTyp varchar(64) YES None Attr that contains script type (e.g. python, java script)


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
description varchar(768) YES None
jansRedirectURI json YES None jans Redirect URI
jansClntId json YES None jans Clnt id


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
sid varchar(64) YES MUL None Sess Identifier
creationDate datetime(3) YES None Creation Date used for password reset requests
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del
jansLastAccessTime datetime(3) YES None Last access time
jansUsrDN varchar(128) YES MUL None jans Usr DN
authnTime datetime(3) YES None jans Authn Time
jansState varchar(64) YES None jansState
jansSessState text YES None jans Sess State
jansPermissionGranted smallint YES None jans Permission Granted
jansAsJwt smallint YES None Boolean field to indicate whether object is used as JWT
jansJwt text YES None JWT representation of the object or otherwise jwt associated with the object
jansPermissionGrantedMap text YES None jans Permission Granted Map
jansInvolvedClnts text YES None Involved clients
deviceSecret varchar(64) YES MUL None deviceSecret
jansSessAttr text YES None jansSessAttr


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
inum varchar(64) YES None XRI i-number
o varchar(64) YES None
jansAttrs text YES None Attrs
description varchar(768) YES None
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES None del
jansState varchar(64) YES None jansState
creatorId varchar(64) YES None Creator Id
creatorTyp varchar(64) YES None Creator type
creationDate datetime(3) YES None Creation Date used for password reset requests


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES MUL None Identifier
dat text YES None OX data
jansData text YES None OX data
attr text YES None Attrs


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
authnTime datetime(3) YES None jans Authn Time
authzCode varchar(64) YES MUL None jans authorization code
iat datetime(3) YES None jans Creation
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del
grtId varchar(64) YES MUL None jans grant id
grtTyp varchar(64) YES None jans Grant Typ
jwtReq text YES None jans JWT Req
nnc text YES None jans nonce
scp text YES None jans Attr Scope
tknCde varchar(80) YES MUL None jans Tkn Code
tknTyp varchar(32) YES None jans Tkn Typ
usrId varchar(64) YES None jans user id
jansUsrDN varchar(128) YES None jans Usr DN
clnId varchar(64) YES None jans Clnt id
acr varchar(48) YES None
uuid varchar(64) YES None Unique identifier
chlng varchar(64) YES None OX PKCE code challenge
chlngMth varchar(64) YES None OX PKCE code challenge method
clms varchar(64) YES None jans Claims
ssnId varchar(64) YES MUL None jans Sess DN
attr text YES None Attrs
tknBndCnf tinytext YES None jansauth - Tkn Binding Id Hash
dpop varchar(64) YES None DPoP Proof


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
jansId varchar(128) YES None Identifier
jansReqId varchar(64) YES None jansReqId
jansReq text YES None jansReq
jansSessStateId varchar(64) YES None jansSessStateId
del smallint YES MUL None del
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
personInum varchar(64) YES None Inum of a person
creationDate datetime(3) YES MUL None Creation Date used for password reset requests


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
clnId varchar(64) YES None jans Clnt id
iat datetime(3) YES None jans Creation
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del
tknCde varchar(80) YES MUL None jans Tkn Code
ssnId varchar(64) YES None jans Sess DN
jansClaimValues varchar(64) YES None Claim Values
dpop varchar(64) YES None DPoP Proof
authnTime datetime(3) YES None jans Authn Time
authzCode varchar(64) YES None jans authorization code
grtId varchar(64) YES None jans grant id
grtTyp varchar(64) YES None jans Grant Typ
jwtReq text YES None jans JWT Req
nnc text YES None jans nonce
scp text YES None jans Attr Scope
tknTyp varchar(32) YES None jans Tkn Typ
usrId varchar(64) YES None jans user id
jansUsrDN varchar(128) YES None jans Usr DN
acr varchar(48) YES None
uuid varchar(64) YES None Unique identifier
chlng varchar(64) YES None OX PKCE code challenge
chlngMth varchar(64) YES None OX PKCE code challenge method
clms varchar(64) YES None jans Claims
attr text YES None Attrs
tknBndCnf tinytext YES None jansauth - Tkn Binding Id Hash


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
authnTime datetime(3) YES None jans Authn Time
clnId varchar(64) YES None jans Clnt id
iat datetime(3) YES None jans Creation
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES None del
tknCde varchar(80) YES None jans Tkn Code
usrId varchar(64) YES None jans user id
ssnId varchar(64) YES None jans Sess DN
jansUmaPermission json YES None jans uma permission
uuid varchar(64) YES None Unique identifier
dpop varchar(64) YES None DPoP Proof
authzCode varchar(64) YES None jans authorization code
grtId varchar(64) YES None jans grant id
grtTyp varchar(64) YES None jans Grant Typ
jwtReq text YES None jans JWT Req
nnc text YES None jans nonce
scp text YES None jans Attr Scope
tknTyp varchar(32) YES None jans Tkn Typ
jansUsrDN varchar(128) YES None jans Usr DN
acr varchar(48) YES None
chlng varchar(64) YES None OX PKCE code challenge
chlngMth varchar(64) YES None OX PKCE code challenge method
clms varchar(64) YES None jans Claims
attr text YES None Attrs
tknBndCnf tinytext YES None jansauth - Tkn Binding Id Hash


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
displayName varchar(128) YES MUL None preferred name of a person to be used when displaying entries
inum varchar(64) YES None XRI i-number
owner varchar(64) YES None
jansAssociatedClnt json YES None Associate the dn of an OAuth2 client with a person or UMA Resource Set.
jansUmaScope varchar(768) YES MUL None URI reference of scope descriptor
jansFaviconImage varchar(64) YES None TODO - Stores URL of favicon
jansGrp varchar(64) YES None Group
jansId varchar(128) YES MUL None Identifier
jansResource tinytext YES None Host path
jansRevision int YES None Revision
jansTyp varchar(64) YES None jans type
jansScopeExpression text YES None Scope expression
iat datetime(3) YES None jans Creation
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES MUL None del
description varchar(768) YES None


Field Type Null Key Default Comment
doc_id varchar(64) NO PRI None
objectClass varchar(48) YES None
dn varchar(128) YES None
exp datetime(3) YES None jans Exp
del smallint YES None del
jansUmaScope varchar(768) YES None URI reference of scope descriptor
jansConfCode varchar(64) YES None jans configuration code
jansResourceSetId varchar(64) YES None jans resource set id
jansAttrs text YES None Attrs
jansTicket varchar(64) YES MUL None jans ticket
jansStatus varchar(16) YES None Status of the entry, used by many objectclasses

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-05-18