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MySQL ORM persistence layer#

The recommended MySQL version is 8.x or newer. Before running installation the administrator can pre-install DB and provide credentials to access it or he can select option to install MySQL on same server during setup.

During installation setup generates default /etc/jans/conf/ and creates jansdb schema with tables and initial data set.

Configuration properties#

List of specific for MySQL default setting from


# Prefix connection.driver-property.key=value will be coverterd to key=value JDBC driver properties



# Password hash method

# Connection pool size

# Max time needed to create connection pool in milliseconds

# Max wait 20 seconds

# Allow to evict connection in pool after 30 minutes

# Sets whether objects created for the pool will be validated before being returned from it

# Sets whether objects borrowed from the pool will be validated when they are returned to the pool

The rest of properties are static for all other supported DB:


doc_id building rules#

In order to support transparency for end applications and allow data migration from one DB to another ORM requires DN attribute in each entry. This attribute it also uses to build doc_id. Here is example of this DN -> doc_id conversion:

doc_id is primary key. In order to build unique document identifier ORM uses another unique attribute DN. doc_id is last RDN value.

Generic tables structure#

Each table in jansdb MySQL schema follow next rules:

  1. one table for every LDAP objectClass
  2. has 2 mandatory column DN and doc_id
  3. Index for primary key

Data mapping rules#

ORM uses VARCHAR / DATETIME(3) / INT / BINARY / SMALLINT / BLOB / JSON data types. SMALLINT represents boolean attribute type.

JSON it uses to store multi-valued attribute values. The generic format of such values is:

{"v": ["value_1", "value_2", ...]}
ORM add v key on top level due to MySQL limitations of indexing JSON array if they are on to level. If it's specified in schema that application can do search in multi-valued attribute setup add next indexes for each column:

  KEY `jansExtUid_json_1` ((cast(json_extract(`jansExtUid`,_utf8mb4'$.v') as char(128) array))),
  KEY `jansExtUid_json_2` ((cast(json_extract(`jansExtUid`,_utf8mb4'$.v[0]') as char(128) charset utf8mb4))),
  KEY `jansExtUid_json_3` ((cast(json_extract(`jansExtUid`,_utf8mb4'$.v[1]') as char(128) charset utf8mb4))),
  KEY `jansExtUid_json_4` ((cast(json_extract(`jansExtUid`,_utf8mb4'$.v[2]') as char(128) charset utf8mb4))),
By default it creates indexes for first 3 values. Administrator should add more indexes to confrom maximum count of values.

In future versions if top level JSON array indexing will work well we can review format to use simple JSON array.

For user password field ORM on persist/update operations automatically create hash. On authentication ORM compares hashes.

To store attributes defined in java beans with @JsonObject annotation ORM uses TEXT column type.

Java example#

This example shows how to use ORM. It opens connection to MySQL DB and add user entry to it:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create Sql entry manager
        SqlEntryManager couchbaseEntryManager = createSqlEntryManager();

        // Create and fill user bean
        SimpleUser newUser = new SimpleUser();
        newUser.setDn(String.format("inum=%s,ou=people,o=jans", System.currentTimeMillis()));
        newUser.setUserId("sample_user_" + System.currentTimeMillis());
        newUser.getCustomAttributes().add(new CustomObjectAttribute("jansAddres", Arrays.asList("London", "Texas", "New York")));
        newUser.getCustomAttributes().add(new CustomObjectAttribute("jansGuid", "test_value"));

        // Call ORM API to store entry


    public static SqlEntryManager createSqlEntryManager() {
        SqlEntryManagerFactory couchbaseEntryManagerFactory = new SqlEntryManagerFactory();
        Properties connectionProperties = getSampleConnectionProperties();

        SqlEntryManager couchbaseEntryManager = couchbaseEntryManagerFactory.createEntryManager(connectionProperties);

        return couchbaseEntryManager;

    private static Properties getSampleConnectionProperties() {
        Properties connectionProperties = new Properties();

        connectionProperties.put("", "jansdb");
        connectionProperties.put("sql#connection.uri", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jansdb?profileSQL=true");

        connectionProperties.put("sql#connection.driver-property.serverTimezone", "GMT+2");
        connectionProperties.put("sql#connection.pool.max-total", "300");
        connectionProperties.put("sql#connection.pool.max-idle", "300");

        connectionProperties.put("sql#auth.userName", "jans");
        connectionProperties.put("sql#auth.userPassword", "secret");

        // Password hash method
        connectionProperties.put("sql#password.encryption.method", "SSHA-256");

        // Max time needed to create connection pool in milliseconds
        connectionProperties.put("sql#connection.pool.create-max-wait-time-millis", "20000");

        // Max wait 20 seconds
        connectionProperties.put("sql#connection.pool.max-wait-time-millis", "20000");

        // Allow to evict connection in pool after 30 minutes
        connectionProperties.put("sql#connection.pool.min-evictable-idle-time-millis", "1800000");

        connectionProperties.put("sql#binaryAttributes", "objectGUID");
        connectionProperties.put("sql#certificateAttributes", "userCertificate");

        return connectionProperties;

More MySQL ORM examples is in this sample module.

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-07-21