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Inbound OpenId-Connect Authentication#

In this tutorial, we will see how you can integrate any inbound external oauth2 provider authentication in the Janssen server. If you are looking for social login support then check out passport module for that.

We will use interception authentication script which is a PersonAuthenticationType script for whole flow. Currently, It supports Authorization Code Flow and client_secret_post token endpoint auth method.

Authentication Flow#

You can add any external OAuth2 server authentication option and provision authenticated users to your Janssen server A.K.A. Inbound-identity.


title OIDC Inbound Identity Flow

participant browser as Browser
participant rp as RP
participant jans as Jans Authz Server
participant eidp as External Provider

browser->>rp: Request page
browser->>jans: Invoke /authorize endpoint
jans->>browser: Present "Login with OAuth2" button
browser->>browser: User click on button
browser->>eidp: Redirect login request
loop n times - (multistep authentication)
eidp->>browser: Present login screen
browser->>eidp: Present login credentials
eidp->>eidp: Authenticate user
eidp->>jans: Redirect to callback url with success response(code)
jans->>jans: Validate code, id_token, userinfo
opt if new user
jans->>jans: Dynamic enrollment or registration
jans->>jans: Create internal Jans session
jans->>rp: Redirect with Success response
rp->>rp: Validate response
rp->>browser: Page is accessed


  • The external oauth2 server authentication script
  • External OAuth2 Provider credentials: you can choose any external OP server that follows OAuth2 standards and authentication features.
  • RP application: This is your application that will be used by your users and where you want to add this auth feature.

Configure Janssen server#

1. Add Custom Script#

  • Create cs.json with the contents of a CUSTOM script.

  • Edit the cs.json file's contents to reflect the addition of the oidc custom script.

    • Populate the script field with script. Download script from here.

    • This script needs to accept one property oidc_creds_file. which is a JSON file with your external oauth2 server details:

      // oidc_creds_file: /opt/oidc.json
      "op_server": "https://your.external.oauth2.server",
      "client_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-external-oauth2",
      "client_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-external-oauth2",
      "authorization_uri": "https://your.external.oauth2.server/xx/xxxx",
      "token_uri": "https://your.external.oauth2.server/oauth/xx/xxx",
      "userinfo_uri": "https://your.external.oauth2.server/xxx/xxx",
      "redirect_uri": "https://your.jans.server/jans-auth/postlogin.htm",
      "scope": "openid profile email",
      "auto_redirect": false,
      "title": "Login with OAuth2"
      Property Description
      op_server Your external OAuth2 server FQDN
      client_id Client id of your external OAuth2 server
      client_secret Client secret of your external OAuth2 server
      authorization_uri Authorization endpoint of your external OAuth2 server
      token_uri Token endpoint of your external OAuth2 server
      userinfo_uri Userinfo endpoint of your external OAuth2 server
      redirect_uri Sample: https://<your.jans.server>/jans-auth/postlogin.htm, This is redirect URL where your OAuth2 server redirect back with code. Use this same URL to configure redirect urls at your external OAuth2 server.
      scope OAuth scopes
      auto_redirect If true, it will automatically redirect to external OAuth2 server otherwise you will get one button on jans login page.
      title This property is used to set text for a button which is shown on jans login page
    • name field should reflect the use case i.e. oidc

    • script_type field should be PERSON_AUTHENTICATION
    • cs.json example:

        "dn": null,
        "inum": null,
        "name": "oidc",
        "aliases": [],
        "description": "OIDC Inbound custom script",
        "script": "_file /root/",
        "scriptType": "PERSON_AUTHENTICATION",
        "programmingLanguage": "JYTHON",
        "moduleProperties": {
          "value1": null,
          "value2": null,
          "description": null
        "configurationProperties": [
            "value1": "oidc_creds_file",
            "value2": "/opt/oidc.json",
            "description": "External server details",
            "hide": true
        "level": "integer",
        "revision": 0,
        "enabled": true,
        "scriptError": {
          "raisedAt": null,
          "stackTrace": null
        "modified": false,
        "internal": false
  • Add the custom script

    /opt/jans/jans-cli/ --operation-id post-config-scripts --data /tmp/cs.json

2. Login Page Setup#

  • OIDC Script needs a login page
  • Download oidc-jans-login.xhtml from here
  • Place it here /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages/auth/oidc/. If folders are not there then create them in the same order. Rename it to oidc.xhtml.
  • Restart jans-auth server service jans-auth restart
  • Check here for more details on custom login page.

Now oidc script is an available authentication mechanism for your Janssen Server. This means that using OpenID Connect acr_values, applications can now request your external auth server for authentication.

!!! Note To make sure oidc script has been enabled successfully, you can check your Janssen Server's OpenID Connect configuration by navigating to the following URL: https://<hostname>/.well-known/openid-configuration. Find acr_values_supported: and you should see oidc.

Test with RP Client#

RP(Relying party) is an application that will be used by your users when you want to add authentication and protect resources. Once you initiate auth request from your RP Application make sure to add acr_values=oidc in the request. acr_values is your script name as configured above.

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-10-04