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Security Best Practices

Janssen Project distributions are designed to be easy to deploy. Its default security settings may not be strict enough for certain organizations or use cases. This document highlights important security controls and offers best practices for increasing security related to your deployment.


Make sure only required scripts are enabled. It's extremely important to disable any person authentication or other scripts not in use.


Use RSA keys with a minimum strength of 2048 bits and Elliptic Curve keys with a minimum of 160 bits. Also, check the key rotation policy of your Auth Server. This differs based on your deployment model. A single server can handle key rotation locally, but if you have deployed a cluster, you must manage key rotation centrally.

Admin Web Services#

Make sure SCIM and the config API are not Internet facing. If you do expose SCIM, you should network restrict access as much as possible. Although SCIM is protected via OAuth or UMA access tokens, because a breach of SCIM would undermine the integrity of authentications, a multi-layer security approach is warranted. There is no use case for an Internet facing Config API--you should tightly control access to this service.

Make sure no services are listening on external interfaces except for those that are absolutely required--tcp/443 for the OpenID and FIDO endpoints.

On Linux servers, a list of current listeners can be obtained with netstat -nlpt (for TCP) and netstat -nlpu (for UDP). In particular, make sure the internal databases used by Gluu to store all its configuration are not Internet facing.


Review the OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice IETF draft.

Don't use the implicit flow. In the implicit flow, the client is not authenticated, and a token is returned from the Authorization endpoint. If the response_type in your OpenID Authentication contains token, you are using the implicit flow. Section 2.1.2 of the current OAuth Security Best Practices OAuth working group draft specifically warns against using the implicit flow. If you must use the implicit flow, Review the CORS filter configuration for Jans Auth Server. CORS restricts access to trusted domains to execute browser application requests to Auth Server endpoints. By default, the filter allows any RP to call OpenID endpoints.

Review Auth Server properties chosen for sessionIdUnusedLifetime and sessionIdLifetime. Long sessions present higher risks of session hijacking and unauthorized access from shared devices.

OAuth Client Security#

The table below summarizes the default values for dynamically registered clients.

Attribute Default Value
applicationType web
subjectType public
idTokenSignedResponseAlg RS512
userInfoSignedResponseAlg RS512
userInfoEncryptedResponseAlg RSA-OAEP
userInfoEncryptedResponseEnc RSA-OAEP
accessTokenLifetime 3600

Consider whether support of OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration extension is required. If not, disable it by setting dynamicRegistrationEnabled to False. If Dynamic Client Registration is enabled, consider using software statements, and writing a Client Registration interception script to implement extra rules for software statement validation.

Check the list of scopes to quickly assess which scopes the clients can potentially add to their registration entry without consent of OP's administrator. Make sure sensitive scopes are dynamicRegistrationScopesParamEnabled set to False.

The Auth Server property dynamicRegistrationScopesParamEnabled controls whether default scopes are globally enabled; scopes defined as default will be automatically added to any dynamically registered client entry.

For client authentication at the token endpoint, move away from shared secrets-- use either private key authentication or MTLS. A client secret is basically a password for your software application. Utilize asymmetric client authentication.

Make sure your OpenID client applications check the state value, and verify that it is the same state posted in the original request. This is necessary to prevent Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF). Also make sure that clients use a non-static value for state (i.e. a one time non-guessable value). You can also verify the state in the s_hash claim of the id_token in the authentication response.

This may sound obvious, but make sure your clients verify the signature of the id_token. The location of the current public keys of the OpenID Provider can be found in the configuration endpoint (jwks_uri). It is also recommended that clients implement a unique redirect_uri per OP.

This may also sound obvious, but make sure you trust the OpenID Connect client software library that your developers are using to authenticate users. Also make sure OpenID Connect client libraries are updated expeditiously.

Suggest to web developers that they read the OpenID Connect Basic Client Implementer's Guide, which provides a more reader-friendly narrative for how to use the OpenID code flow--the main flow for relying parties.

Client developers should consider using a Request Object JWT, which prevents hackers from tampering with the request parameters. Request objects can mitigate the Malicious Endpoint Attack and the IDP confusion attack.

Mobile developers should read RFC 8252 OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps and follow the recommendations there. It's really important not to store any client secret or private key in the application, because hackers can decompile applications to extract these secrets. That's why RFC 8252 recommends using PKCE to prevent Authorization Code Interception Attack, and use a SHA256 as the code challenge method. Use App Auth if possible for Android, iOS, or JavaScript.

If additional client security is needed, consider using the FAPI profile of OpenID Connect, which adds additional signing, encryption and security mitigations.


The UMA protocol enables post-authentication authorization flows. Consider the following system-level properties:

  • umaGrantAccessIfNoPolicies allows access to a resource even if no policies are defined for the related scopes; though it simplifies initial testing, we recommend disabling this feature in production setups

  • umaRestrictResourceToAssociatedClient won't allow any other client except the one that registered the resource initially to acquire a RPT for it; it's recommended to have it enabled for production setups

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-07-21