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Make it easier for organizations to innovate and scale open source, standards-based identity services.


Using Janssen Project software, organizations can build runtime identity services to meet 100% of their requirements for enrollment, authentication, credential management, and authorization. The Janssen Project includes software tools and services for deploying, operating, testing, and developing identity infrastructure at scale.

Scale is more than cloud-native design patterns. To truly scale, domains have to consider the people and organizational challenges. To scale domains need to:

  • manage the complexity and cost of integrating multiple technologies, platforms, and vendors that may not be compatible or interoperable
  • ensure the security and compliance of data and transactions across different systems, networks, and jurisdictions, especially when dealing with sensitive or regulated information
  • adapt to the changing and unpredictable demands of customers, markets, and deliver fast and reliable services; domains must develop and share the skills and talent needed to design, implement, and operate scalable identity infrastructure, and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration among teams
  • balance the trade-offs between scaling up (adding more resources within a system) and scaling out (adding more systems across a network), and choosing the optimal architecture and configuration for different workloads and scenarios.

At the Janssen Project, we are doing our best to address all these challenges with regard to scaling identity infrastructure.


Janssen Project tackles the most challenging security requirements. This means keeping current with OpenID and FIDO self-certifications, creating distributions that enables conformance with FIPS 140-2, and implementing best practices for software development.

Janssen Project is unapologetically Java. The reason is simple: Java has the most cryptographic implementations. Java Cryptographic Engines (JCE) are written by many companies and open-source projects. It takes a long time to trust a cryptographic implementation. Not only does Java have the most options for cryptography, but it also has some of the most trusted implementations. And when new algorithms are announced, Java SDKs are usually first.


In 2020, Gluu contributed the code to the Linux Foundation Janssen Project. One of the main reasons this was undertaken was to expand the size of the community. Developers don't want to contribute to a project that might change the license at any moment (e.g. Hashicorp, Elastic, MongoDB).

There is room for many companies to productize the Janssen Project software. Governments can feel safe using the Janssen Project--it's been recognized as a Digital Public Good. A healthy ecosystem for infrastructure software results in long-term innovation velocity.

With the introduction of Agama, we're hoping that developers will have an opportunity to build connectors to third-party systems and services. Gluu is hosting the Agama Lab Explore Catalog to help developers publish their Agama projects, making it easier for the community to find ready-built projects that encourage the re-use of code.


  • Developers should have distributions to enable rapid testing for non-production instances.

  • Linux system administrators should have packages for easy installation and update of non-clustered deployments.

  • Cloud-native engineers should have assets for high-end deployments, including high concurrency and high availability.

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-07-21