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Most organizations will want to edit and customize the look and feel of public-facing jans server pages to match their own corporate branding. The following documentation provides the file locations of public facing pages, as well as instructions for adding custom HTML, CSS, and Javascript files to your jans server.


All web pages are xhtml files.

Default pages bundled in the jans-auth.war are:#

To override default pages listed above:#

Put a modified login.xhtml or authorize.xhtml or error.xhtml or logout.xhtml under /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages/

Directory structure for customization#

|-- custom
|   |-- i18n (resource bundles)
|   |-- libs (library files used by custom script)
|   |-- pages (web pages)
|   |-- static (images and css files)

Adding a new web page for Person Authentication scripts#

  1. If enterOTP.xhtml is your webpage for step 2 of authentication, place it under /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages/auth/enterOTP.xhtml
  2. Reference it in the custom script as follows:
        def getPageForStep(self, configurationAttributes, step):
            # Used to specify the page you want to return for a given step
            if (step == 1):
              return "/auth/login.xhtml"
            if (step == 2)
              return "/auth/enterOTP.xhtml"

Reference login pages#

Here you will find several login pages for different authentication methods.

Customized resource bundles#

  1. Resource bundles that are present in the jans-auth.war are present in this folder

  2. To override the defaults, custom .properties files should be placed in the following file under this path : /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/i18n/ Resource bundle names to support other languages should be placed under the same folder /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/i18n/. Some examples of file names are :

  3. To add translation for a language that is not yet supported, create new properties file in resource folder and name it jans-auth_[language_code].properties, then add language code as supported-locale to the faces-config.xml present in the same folder.

Custom CSS files#

  1. Place the file in /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/static/stylesheet/theme.css
  2. Reference it in .xhtml file using the URL https://your.jans.server/jans-auth/ext/resources/stylesheet/theme.css or /jans-auth/ext/resources/stylesheet/theme.css

Custom image files#

  1. All images should be placed under /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/static/img
  2. Reference it in .xhtml file using the URL https://your.jans.server/jans-auth/ext/resources/img/fileName.png or /jans-auth/ext/resources/img/fileName.jpg

Templates refers to the common interface layout and style. For example, a banner, logo in common header and copyright information in footer.

  1. All templates should be placed under /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages/WEB-INF/incl/layout/
  2. Place a modified template.xhtml in the above location which will override the default template file from the war

Custom Jar file for scripts#

for JARs less than 1MB#

  1. Create a configmap with the custom jar file: kubectl -n <namespace> create cm my-custom-jar --from-file=mycustom.jar

  2. Mount the configmap in your values.yaml under auth-server.volumes and auth-server.volumeMounts

        - name: my-custom-jar-volume
          mountPath: /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/libs/mycustom.jar
          subPath: mycustom.jar
        - name: my-custom-jar-volume
            name: my-custom-jar
  3. Run helm install or helm upgrade if Jans has been already installed.

    helm upgrade <helm-release-name> janssen/janssen -n <namespace> -f values.yaml --version=1.0.x

For JARs greater than 1MB#

  1. Create a configmap or secret for a shell script that contains instructions to pull the custom jar file:

    # This script will pull the custom jar file from a remote location
    # and place it in the correct location for the Jans Auth server to use it
    wget -O /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/libs/mycustom.jar
    kubectl -n <namespace> create cm my-custom-jar

  2. Mount the configmap or secret in your values.yaml under auth-server.volumes and auth-server.volumeMounts

        - name: my-custom-jar-volume
          mountPath: /tmp/
        - name: my-custom-jar-volume
            name: my-custom-jar
            defaultMode: 0755
        - /tmp/
  3. Run helm install or helm upgrade if Jans has been already installed.

    helm upgrade <helm-release-name> janssen/janssen -n <namespace> -f values.yaml --version=1.0.x

Customized pages examples#

Custom Login page#

This guide will demonstrate how to customize the html and css of the default login page.

Here's a screenshot of the default login page.


As an example, we will add text to the top of the form and change the color of the button using the following steps:

  1. Locate the directory that contains exploded auth-server WAR

    kubectl exec -n <namespace> <auth-server-pod-name> -- ls /tmp

    Output example:

  2. Get the login.xhtml from the auth-server pod:

    kubectl -n jans cp <auth-server-pod-name>:tmp/jetty-0_0_0_0-8080-jans-auth_war-_jans-auth-any-15449359106458251753/webapp/login.xhtml login.xhtml

    Modify the file locally:

    <h:form id="loginForm" style="padding:30px;">
        <!-- customization -->
        <div class="row"><p id="creds-title">Enter Credentials</p></div>
        <!-- end of customization -->
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm-3 col-md-3">
                <h:outputText value="#{msgs['login.username']}" />
  3. Get the login-template.xhtml from the auth-server pod:

    kubectl -n jans cp <auth-server-pod-name>:tmp/jetty-0_0_0_0-8080-jans-auth_war-_jans-auth-any-15449359106458251753/webapp/WEB-INF/incl/layout/login-template.xhtml login-template.xhtml
    Modify the file locally:

        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=",400,600" />
        <!-- customization -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/jans-auth/ext/resources/stylesheet/custom.css" />
        <!-- end of customization -->
  4. Copy the following text and save it as custom.css:

      #creds-title {
        font-style: italic;
        font-weight: bolder;
  5. Create configmaps to store the content of login.xhtml, login-template.xhtml and custom.css.

    kubectl -n <namespace> create cm auth-server-custom-html --from-file=login.xhtml
    kubectl -n <namespace> create cm auth-server-custom-layout-html --from-file=login-template.xhtml
    kubectl -n <namespace> create cm auth-server-custom-css --from-file=custom.css
  6. Mount the configmaps in your values.yaml under auth-server.volumes and auth-server.volumeMounts:

        - name: auth-server-pages-volume
          mountPath: /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages # login.xthml will be mounted under this directory
        - name: auth-server-layout-volume
          mountPath: /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages/WEB-INF/incl/layout # login-template.xthml will be mounted under this directory
        - name: auth-server-static-volume
          mountPath: /tmp/static #custom.css will be mounted in the temporary location
            command: [ "sh", "-c", "mkdir /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/static/stylesheet/ && cp /tmp/static/custom.css /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/static/stylesheet/"] # custom.css will be copied from the temporary to the desired location
        - name: auth-server-pages-volume
            name: auth-server-custom-html
        - name: auth-server-layout-volume
            name: auth-server-custom-layout-html
        - name: auth-server-static-volume
            name: auth-server-custom-css
  7. Run helm install or helm upgrade if Jans has been already installed.

    helm upgrade <helm-release-name> janssen/janssen -n <namespace> -f values.yaml --version=1.0.x

Here's a screenshot of the customized login page.


Custom Device-code page#

This guide will demonstrate how to customize the html and css of the device-code page.

Here's a screenshot of the device-code page.


As an example, we will change the color of the button to blue using the following steps:

  1. Locate the directory that contains exploded auth-server WAR

    kubectl exec -n <namespace> <auth-server-pod-name> -- ls /tmp

    Output example:

  2. Get the device_authorization.xhtml from the auth-server pod:

    kubectl -n jans cp <auth-server-pod-name>:tmp/jetty-0_0_0_0-8080-jans-auth_war-_jans-auth-any-15449359106458251753/webapp/device_authorization.xhtml device_authorization.xhtml

    Modify the file locally:

    <div class="col-sm-8 col-md-6">
      <!-- customization -->
      <h:commandButton id="continueButton"
        style="background-color: red; color:white;"
        styleClass="btn col-sm-12" value="#{msgs['device.authorization.confirm.button']}"
       <!-- end of customization --> 
        <f:ajax execute="@form" render="@form messages" listener="#{deviceAuthorizationAction.processUserCodeVerification}" />
  3. Create a configmap to store the content of device_authorization.xhtml.

    kubectl -n <namespace> create cm device-code-custom-html --from-file=device_authorization.xhtml
  4. Mount the configmap in your values.yaml under auth-server.volumes and auth-server.volumeMounts:

        - name: device-code-pages-volume
          mountPath: /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages # device_authorization.xthml will be mounted under this directory
        - name: device-code-pages-volume
            name: device-code-custom-html
  5. Run helm install or helm upgrade if Jans has been already installed.

    helm upgrade <helm-release-name> janssen/janssen -n <namespace> -f values.yaml --version=1.0.x

Here's a screenshot of the customized device-code page.


Custom Error page#

This guide will demonstrate how to customize the html and css of the error page.

Here's a screenshot of the default Error page.


As an example, we will change the color of the text at the top of the error page:

  1. Locate the directory that contains exploded auth-server WAR

    kubectl exec -n <namespace> <auth-server-pod-name> -- ls /tmp

    Output example:

  2. Get the error.xhtml from the auth-server pod:

    kubectl -n jans cp <auth-server-pod-name>:tmp/jetty-0_0_0_0-8080-jans-auth_war-_jans-auth-any-15449359106458251753/webapp/error.xhtml error.xhtml

    Modify the file locally:

    <div class="section">
       <!-- customization -->
        style="color: red; font-size: 3em; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial">
      <!-- end of customization -->
  3. Create a configmap to store the content of error.xhtml.

    kubectl -n <namespace> create cm error-custom-html --from-file=error.xhtml
  4. Mount the configmap in your values.yaml under auth-server.volumes and auth-server.volumeMounts:

        - name: error-pages-volume
          mountPath: /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/pages # error.xthml will be mounted under this directory
        - name: error-pages-volume
            name: error-custom-html
  5. Run helm install or helm upgrade if Jans has been already installed.

    helm upgrade <helm-release-name> janssen/janssen -n <namespace> -f values.yaml --version=1.0.x

Here's a screenshot of the customized error page.


Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-07-21