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Install Janssen Server Locally with minikube and MicroK8s#

System Requirements#

For local deployments like minikube and MicroK8s or cloud installations in demo mode, resources may be set to the minimum as below:

  • 8 GB RAM
  • 4 CPU cores
  • 50 GB hard-disk

Use the listing below for a detailed estimation of minimum required resources. The table contains the default resources recommendation per service. Depending on the use of each service the resources need may increase or decrease.

Service CPU Unit RAM Disk Space Processor Type Required
Auth server 2.5 2.5GB N/A 64 Bit Yes
fido2 0.5 0.5GB N/A 64 Bit No
scim 1 1GB N/A 64 Bit No
config - job 0.3 0.3GB N/A 64 Bit Yes on fresh installs
persistence - job 0.3 0.3GB N/A 64 Bit Yes on fresh installs
nginx 1 1GB N/A 64 Bit Yes ALB/Istio not used
auth-key-rotation 0.3 0.3GB N/A 64 Bit No [Strongly recommended]
config-api 1 1GB N/A 64 Bit No
casa 0.5 0.5GB N/A 64 Bit No
link 0.5 1GB N/A 64 Bit No
saml 0.5 1GB N/A 64 Bit No

Releases of images are in style 1.0.0-beta.0, 1.0.0-0

Installation Steps#

Start a fresh Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04 VM with ports 443 and 80 open. Then execute the following:

sudo su -
wget && chmod u+x && ./

This will install Docker, Microk8s, Helm and Janssen with the default settings that can be found inside values.yaml.

The installer will automatically add a record to your hosts record in the VM but if you want to access the endpoints outside the VM you must map the ip of the instance running Ubuntu to the FQDN you provided and then access the endpoints at your browser such in the example in the table below.

Service Example endpoint
Auth server https://FQDN/.well-known/openid-configuration
fido2 https://FQDN/.well-known/fido2-configuration
scim https://FQDN/.well-known/scim-configuration

Configure Janssen#

You can use the TUI to configure Janssen components. The TUI calls the Config API to perform ad hoc configuration.

Last update: 2024-10-15
Created: 2022-05-18