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Fido2 extension


FIDO2 implements attestation and assertion with next endpoints:

https://<myjans-server>/jans-fido2/restv1/attestation/options   (register) 
https://<myjans-server>/jans-fido2/restv1/attestation/result   (verify registration)
https://<myjans-server>/jans-fido2/restv1/assertion/options   (authenticate)
https://<myjans-server>/jans-fido2/restv1/assertion/result   (verify authentication)
each one can be customized just in the moment the endpoint is called, just before to execute the method as usual. You could execute validations, verifications, and modify the params received.


The Fido2 extension script implements the Fido2ExtensionType interface. This extends methods from the base script type in addition to adding new methods:

Inherited Methods#

Method header Method description
def init(self, customScript, configurationAttributes) This method is only called once during the script initialization. It can be used for global script initialization, initiate objects etc
def destroy(self, configurationAttributes) This method is called once to destroy events. It can be used to free resource and objects created in the init() method
def getApiVersion(self, configurationAttributes, customScript) The getApiVersion method allows API changes in order to do transparent migration from an old script to a new API. Only include the customScript variable if the value for getApiVersion is greater than 10

New Methods#

Method header Method description
def registerAttestationStart(self, paramAsJsonNode, context) This method is called in Attestation register endpoint before start the registration process. Method 'throwBadRequestException' could be used to create a BadRequest Exception Response.
def registerAttestationFinish(self, paramAsJsonNode, context) This method is called in Attestation register endpoint after start the registration process. Method 'throwBadRequestException' could be used to create a BadRequest Exception Response.
def verifyAttestationStart(self, paramAsJsonNode, context) This method is called in Attestation verify endpoint before finish the registration verification process. Method 'throwBadRequestException' could be used to create a BadRequest Exception Response.
def verifyAttestationFinish(self, paramAsJsonNode, context) This method is called in Attestation verify endpoint after finish the registration verification process. Method 'throwBadRequestException' could be used to create a BadRequest Exception Response.
def authenticateAssertionStart(self, paramAsJsonNode, context) This method is called in Assertion authenticate endpoint before start the authentication process. Method 'throwBadRequestException' could be used to create a BadRequest Exception Response.
def authenticateAssertionFinish(self, paramAsJsonNode, context) This method is called in Assertion authenticate endpoint after start the authentication process. Method 'throwBadRequestException' could be used to create a BadRequest Exception Response.
def verifyAssertionStart(self, paramAsJsonNode, context) This method is called in Assertion verify endpoint before finish the authentication verification process. Method 'throwBadRequestException' could be used to create a BadRequest Exception Response.
def verifyAssertionFinish(self, paramAsJsonNode, context) This method is called in Assertion verify endpoint after finish the authentication verification process. Method 'throwBadRequestException' could be used to create a BadRequest Exception Response.


Object name Object description
customScript The custom script object. Reference
configurationAttributes configurationProperties passed in when adding custom script. Map<String, SimpleCustomProperty> configurationAttributes
SimpleCustomProperty Map of configuration properties. Reference
context Reference

Use case: Dummy Fido2 Interception Form#

This script has been adapted from the Jans Server sample fido2 interception script.

Script Type: Python#

# Janssen Project software is available under the Apache 2.0 License (2004). See for full text.
# Copyright (c) 2023, Janssen Project
# Author: Jorge Munoz
# Author: Yuriy Movchan
from io.jans.service.cdi.util import CdiUtil
from io.jans.model.custom.script.type.fido2 import Fido2ExtensionType
from io.jans.fido2.service.operation import AttestationService
from io.jans.fido2.service.operation import AssertionService
from io.jans.util import StringHelper
from org.json import JSONObject
from com.fasterxml.jackson.databind import JsonNode
from org.apache.logging.log4j import ThreadContext
from io.jans.fido2.model.u2f.error import Fido2ErrorResponseFactory
from io.jans.fido2.model.u2f.error import Fido2ErrorResponseType
from import Constants

from java.lang import String

class Fido2Extension(Fido2ExtensionType):

    def __init__(self, currentTimeMillis):
        self.currentTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis

    def init(self, customScript, configurationAttributes):
        print "Fido2Extension. Initialization"
        print "Fido2Extension. Initialized successfully"
        return True   

    def destroy(self, configurationAttributes):
        print "Fido2Extension. Destroy"
        print "Fido2Extension. Destroyed successfully"
        return True

    def getApiVersion(self):
        return 11

    # To generate a bad request WebApplicationException giving a message. This method is to be called inside (interceptRegisterAttestation, interceptVerifyAttestation, interceptAuthenticateAssertion, interceptVerifyAssertion)
    def throwBadRequestException(self, title, message, context):
        print "Fido2Extension. Setting Bad request exception"

        errorClaimException = Fido2ErrorResponseFactory.createBadRequestException(Fido2ErrorResponseType.BAD_REQUEST_INTERCEPTION, title, message, ThreadContext.get(Constants.CORRELATION_ID_HEADER))

    # This method is called in Attestation register endpoint before start the registration process
    def registerAttestationStart(self, paramAsJsonNode, context):
        print "Fido2Extension. registerAttestationStart"
        attestationService = CdiUtil.bean(AttestationService)

        return True

    # This method is called in Attestation register endpoint after start the registration process
    def registerAttestationFinish(self, paramAsJsonNode, context):
        print "Fido2Extension. registerAttestationFinish"
        attestationService = CdiUtil.bean(AttestationService)

        return True

    # This method is called in Attestation verify endpoint before finish the registration verification process
    def verifyAttestationStart(self, paramAsJsonNode, context):
        print "Fido2Extension. verifyAttestationStart"
        attestationService = CdiUtil.bean(AttestationService)

        return True

    # This method is called in Attestation verify endpoint after finish the registration verification process
    def verifyAttestationFinish(self, paramAsJsonNode, context):
        print "Fido2Extension. verifyAttestationFinish"
        attestationService = CdiUtil.bean(AttestationService)

        return True

    # This method is called in Assertion authenticate endpoint before start the authentication process
    def authenticateAssertionStart(self, paramAsJsonNode, context):
        print "Fido2Extension. authenticateAssertionStart"

        assertionService = CdiUtil.bean(AssertionService)

        if paramAsJsonNode.hasNonNull("username"):
            print "Fido2Extension. Username: '%s'" % paramAsJsonNode.get("username").asText()
            if paramAsJsonNode.get("username").asText() == 'test_user':
                self.throwBadRequestException("Fido2Extension authenticateAssertionStart : test_user", "Description Error from script : test_user", context)
            self.throwBadRequestException("Fido2Extension authenticateAssertionStart. Username is missing.", "Description Error from script. Username is missing.", context)

        return True

    # This method is called in Assertion authenticate endpoint after start the authentication process
    def authenticateAssertionFinish(self, paramAsJsonNode, context):
        print "Fido2Extension. authenticateAssertionFinish"
        assertionService = CdiUtil.bean(AssertionService)

        return True

    # This method is called in Assertion verify endpoint before finish the authentication verification process
    def verifyAssertionStart(self, paramAsJsonNode, context):
        print "Fido2Extension. verifyAssertionStart"
        assertionService = CdiUtil.bean(AssertionService)

        return True

    # This method is called in Assertion verify endpoint after finish the authentication verification process
    def verifyAssertionFinish(self, paramAsJsonNode, context):
        print "Fido2Extension. verifyAssertionFinish"
        assertionService = CdiUtil.bean(AssertionService)

        return True

Script Type: Java#

import io.jans.model.SimpleCustomProperty;
import io.jans.model.custom.script.model.CustomScript;
import io.jans.model.custom.script.type.fido2.Fido2ExtensionType;
import io.jans.service.custom.script.CustomScriptManager;
import io.jans.fido2.service.external.context.ExternalFido2Context;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.ThreadContext;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.NoLogWebApplicationException;

import java.util.Map;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class Fido2Extension implements Fido2ExtensionType {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomScriptManager.class);

    public boolean init(Map<String, SimpleCustomProperty> configurationAttributes) {"Fido2Interception Script. Initializing...");"Fido2Interception Script. Initialized");
        return true;

    public boolean init(CustomScript customScript, Map<String, SimpleCustomProperty> configurationAttributes) {"Fido2Interception Script. Initializing...");"Fido2Interception Script. Initialized");
        return true;

    public boolean destroy(Map<String, SimpleCustomProperty> configurationAttributes) {"Fido2Interception Script. Destroying...");"Fido2Interception Script. Destroyed.");
        return true;

    public int getApiVersion() {
        return 11;

    public boolean registerAttestationStart(JsonNode paramsAsJsonNode, ExternalFido2InterceptionContext context) {"Fido2Interception Script. Attestation Register (start)...");

        return true;

    public boolean registerAttestationFinish(JsonNode paramsAsJsonNode, ExternalFido2InterceptionContext context) {"Fido2Interception Script. Attestation Register (finish)...");

        return true;

    public boolean verifyAttestationStart(JsonNode paramsAsJsonNode, ExternalFido2InterceptionContext context) {"Fido2Interception Script. Attestation Verify (start)...");

        return true;

    public boolean verifyAttestationFinish(JsonNode paramsAsJsonNode, ExternalFido2InterceptionContext context) {"Fido2Interception Script. Attestation Verify (finish)...");

        return true;

    public boolean authenticateAssertionStart(JsonNode paramsAsJsonNode, ExternalFido2InterceptionContext context) {"Fido2Interception Script. Assertion Authenticate (start)...");

        JsonNode jsonNodeUser = paramsAsJsonNode.get("username");
        if (jsonNodeUser != null) {
  "Fido2Interception. printing username: {}", jsonNodeUser.asText());
            if (jsonNodeUser.asText().equals("test_user")) {
                throwBadRequestException("Fido2Interception interceptAuthenticateAssertion : test_user", "Description Error from script : test_user", context);

        return true;

    public boolean authenticateAssertionFinish(JsonNode paramsAsJsonNode, ExternalFido2InterceptionContext context) {"Fido2Interception Script. Assertion Authenticate (finish)...");

        return true;

    public boolean verifyAssertionStart(JsonNode paramsAsJsonNode, ExternalFido2InterceptionContext context) {"Fido2Interception Script. Assertion Verify (start)...");

        return true;

    public boolean verifyAssertionFinish(JsonNode paramsAsJsonNode, ExternalFido2InterceptionContext context) {"Fido2Interception Script. Assertion Verify (finish)...");

        return true;

    private void throwBadRequestException(String title, String message, ExternalFido2InterceptionContext context) {"Fido2Interception. setting Bad request exception");
        WebApplicationException errorClaimException = Fido2ErrorResponseFactory.createBadRequestException(Fido2ErrorResponseType.BAD_REQUEST_INTERCEPTION, title, message, ThreadContext.get(Constants.CORRELATION_ID_HEADER));
        context.setWebApplicationException((NoLogWebApplicationException) errorClaimException);

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2023-07-28