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Janssen Agama Engine#


The Janssen Server implements the Agama framework through several components bundled in its authentication server (AS):

  • The engine: the piece of software that actually runs the flows and interacts with the user's browser - sort of a small web application. As expected, these flows are mainly targetted at user authentication

  • A transpiler: code written in Agama language is transpiled to an intermediate representation which can then be interpreted at runtime by the engine

  • The bridge: since the engine itself does not implement an authentication protocol, another piece is required to put flows in the context of a standard authorization framework like OpenId Connect. This is what the bridge does

  • The deployer: a piece of software capable of deploying Agama projects to the engine.

The rest of this document describes implementation-specific details of the engine bundled with the Jans Server. These details give shape to the requirements abstractly defined for an Agama-compliant engine.


Ensure both the Agama engine and the bridge are enabled in the Janssen server to effectively use engine's features

Launching flows#

Flows can be launched by sending an (OpenId Connect) authentication request to the user's browser. This usually boils down to making a redirection to a URL looking like https://<jans-server-name>/jans-auth/restv1/authorize?acr_values=agama_flowQname&scope=...&response_type=...&redirect_uri=https...&client_id=...&state=.... Check the OpenId Connect spec for more details. Note Jans Server is spec-compliant.

Things to highlight:

  • The acr_values parameter carries the qualified name (identifier) of the flow to launch prefixed with the string agama_, for example

  • If the flow to call receives input parameters, this data can be appended to the acr_values parameter: use a hyphen to separate the flow name and the parameters expressed in Base64 URL encoded format. For example, if the flow had inputs height and color, you would encode the string {"height": 190, "color": "blue"} and the resulting value would be When a given input variable is not provided, the engine will assign a null value automatically

Authentication and Finish#

When a top-level flow (i.e. one with no parents) finishes successfully, the selection of the user to authenticate is driven by the userId passed in data, as in

obj = { success: true, data: { userId: "john_doe" } }
// map literals cannot be passed directly to Finish - a variable can be used instead
Finish obj 

By default userId maps to the uid attribute that generally all user entries already have in the database of Jans Server, in other words, the "user name". This attribute is configurable though via property finish_userid_db_attribute of the bridge script. In some cases, you would like to change that to mail in order to pass things like { success: true, data: { userId: "" } } for instance.


If the database lookup does not produce exactly one user entry, this is treated as a failed authentication attempt by the authentication server.

When the authentication succeeds, the whole contents of data are stored in the authentication server's session of the given user under the key agamaData. Contents are serialized to a JSON string previously.

Crashes, timeouts, and failures#

Execution rules define several possible flow states. For crashed, timed out, and finished failed flows, the engine will present proper error pages to users. These are configurable by properties crashErrorPage, interruptionErrorPage, and finishedFlowPage respectively, of the engine-configuration.

How timeouts work#

Authentication flows are normally short-lived. They usually span no more than a few minutes. In Agama, the maximum amount of time an end-user can take to fully complete a flow is driven by the configuration of the authentication server, specifically the sessionIdUnauthenticatedUnusedLifetime property which is measured in seconds. As an example, if this value is 120, any attempt to authenticate taking more than two minutes will throw the given error page.

Moreover, when a flow specifies its own timeout in the header the effective timeout is the smallest value between sessionIdUnauthenticatedUnusedLifetime and the value in the header.

Depending on specific needs, sessionIdUnauthenticatedUnusedLifetime may have to be set to a higher value than the server's default. This may be the case where flows send e-mail notifications with temporary codes, for instance.


There are three relevant sources of log data:

  • The engine. It emits information related to flows transpilation, projects deployment, and flow crashes - generally low-level information
  • Log instructions. These are statements originated directly from the Agama code
  • Call directives. Foreign code can issue logging statements as well as any other code a Call may depend on. See the FAQ

The following table details the location of log data. Paths are relative to directory /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/log:

Source Destination file
Engine jans-auth.log
Log instructions jans-auth_script.log
Foreign code jans-auth.log

Depending on the specificity required, you may have to change the logging level so more or less details appear in the logs. This can be done by altering the loggingLevel property of the auth server configuration. DEBUG usually suffices for troubleshooting.

The available levels for statements issued with the Log instruction are:

Level name shortcut
error e
warn w
info i
debug d
trace t

For instance, these two instructions are equivalent: Log "@e Universe collapsed" and Log "@error Universe collapsed"

The engine will use info when the level is not specified explicitly, as in Log "Look ma!".

RFAC and Callback URL#

Engine's callback URL is https://<your-server-name>/jans-auth/fl/callback. This resource is only be available for a given browser session while RFAC is in execution. Once the callback is visited or the flow times out (whichever occurs first), subsequent requests will respond with an HTTP 404 error.

The mechanism used for redirection is a "302 Found" HTTP redirect that entails a subsequent GET request to the external site. In cases where a POST is expected, the 3-param version of RRF can be useful.

RRF, navigation, and assets handling#

Understanding how RRF works in the engine is key to writing meaningful flows. This topic is fully covered here.

Foreign calls#

In the Jans Agama engine, Java or Groovy code can be called by means of the Call instruction. Specifically, public methods from public classes or static methods from public interfaces.


Java language background is required for this section.

The following exemplifies different kind of usages of Java from Agama code:

Call java.lang.Integer#parseInt "FF" 16
Invokes the parseInt method of Integer class passing the given arguments (i.e. conversion of hexadecimal string to a primitive int). The returned value is ignored
numbers = [ 2, -2, 0, 3, -3, 4 ]
small = Call java.util.Collections#min numbers
Invokes the min method of the Collections class.
Supplies a list of numbers as argument.
The smallest number is stored in variable small
jLocale = Call java.util.Locale#getDefault
localeName = jLocale.displayName
Computes the display name of the JVM default locale
car = { brand: "Ford", model: 1963 }
sidecar = Call java.util.Map#copyOf car
Makes a deep clone of a map
number | E = Call java.lang.Integer#parseInt "AGA" 16
When E is not null
    Log "An error occurred:" E.message 
Similar to the first example.
If an exception is thrown by the invocation, it's caught and assigned to variable E.
Note both checked and unchecked exceptions are caught
| E = Call com.acme.Worker#notifyExternalSystem
//Do something with E
If exception catching is required when calling a method that returns void, there is no need to put a variable before the pipe
p1 = Call java.awt.Point#new
p2 = Call java.awt.Point#new 1 3
Call p2 translate -1 1
Creates instances of class java.awt.Point with different constructors. For p1 the no-args constructor is used.
Method translate is invoked on the p2 instance. Note usage of a space here instead of hash (#)
cls1 = Call java.lang.CharSequence#class
cls2 = Call java.lang.Integer#class
Call cls2 parseInt "FF" 16
Stores in cls1 a reference to interface class CharSequence.class.
Stores in cls2 a reference to Integer.class.
The 3rd line statement achieves the same effect of Call java.lang.Integer#parseInt "FF" 16
L = [ "A", "B", "C" ]
S = Call java.util.Set#of 0 2 4 6
map = { numbers: S, letters: L  }
hasOne = Call map.numbers contains 1
Calls the contains method of the java.util.Set object stored in map.numbers passing 1 as argument and storing the result in hasOne

The usage of a hash sign (or spaces) before a method name helps disambiguate whether the invocation is on a static class method or an object method. This is so because an expression like hey.You may reference the class You on package hey, or the value of key You in a map named hey.


Any method that meets the conditions mentioned (public or interface static) and that is reachable in the JVM classpath can be called; developers are not restricted solely to java.* packages.

When using Call, the method to execute is picked based on the name (e.g. after the # sign) and the number of arguments supplied. If a class/interface exhibits several methods with the same name and arity (number of parameters), the method that best matches the dataypes of the arguments with respect to its signature is selected. Sometimes this requires to perform arguments conversions and they may fail. In such case, the second best suited method is tried and so on.

When all attempts fail or there are no candidate methods to choose from, the Call simply throws a NoSuchMethodException.

For non-static method invocations, i.e. no hash sign, the class used for method lookup is that of the instance passed (the first parameter in the Call directive). This includes all associated superclasses too, as expected. When the instance does not hold a Java but an Agama value, the following is used to pick a class:

Agama type Java class for method lookup
string String
boolean Boolean
number Double
list java.util.List
map java.util.Map


  • list and map literals cannot be passed as arguments to method calls directly. This means the following is illegal: Call co.Utils#myMethod { key: [ 1, 2 , 3] } [ "Yeeha!" ]. To achieve the same effect assign the literal value to a variable and pass that instead

  • Calling a method that mutates one or more of the arguments passed will not work properly if the corresponding parameters in the method signature have type information attached. For example, copying a list into another using java.util.Collections#copy​(List<? super T> dest, List<? extends T> src) may not behave as expected. Conversely, calling java.lang.reflect.Array#set​(Object array, int index, Object value) works fine because array does not have a parameterized type. The practice of mutating passed arguments is unusual and sometimes discouraged in programming

Exception handling#

As seen in the examples Agama engine can deal with Java exceptions, however, this feature should be used sparingly. When exception handling adds undesired complexity to your code, create wrapper methods in Java and do the processing there instead of delegating that to the DSL.

Arguments conversion#

Agama types do not match Java types. This means passing a "native" Agama value as parameter in a method Call requires some form of compatibility with the target (Java) type in the method signature.

An argument (Agama value) is compatible with a method parameter if it can be "converted" successfully. As we'll see, conversion feels pretty natural in practice. If this process fails a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is thrown and the flow will crash unless the exception is caught. Note however the recommended practice is to let flows crash.

The following lists some of the most common successful conversions:

Agama value Can be converted to
string String or char[]
boolean Boolean or primitive equivalent
number Double/Float/Integer/Long/Short/Byte or primitive equivalent
null Any non-primitive
list Array or class implementing Collection<T> as long as items can be converted to type T
map Class implementing Map<K, V> as long as keys and values can be converted to types K and V, respectively
map Java bean. Unrecognized properties in Agama value are ignored

The below table shows some examples of interesting and handy conversions:

Agama value Param data type in target Java method Argument value (Agama) Received param value (in method) Notes
Positive number having fractional part Integer/Long/Short/Byte or primitive equivalent 2.6 2 Integer part kept
Negative number having fractional part Integer/Long/Short/Byte or primitive equivalent -2.4 2 Integer part kept
Integer number Float/Double or primitive equivalent 1 1.0
list of numbers List<Integer> [1, 2.0, 3.1, -4.2] [1, 2, 3, -4] Only integer parts kept
list of integer numbers List<Float>/List<Double> [1, 2, 3, -4] [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -4.0]
string of length 1 Character or primitive equivalent a a Passing a zero, two, or more lengthed string will make the call fail

When the argument is not an Agama but a Java object/primitive, the following rules apply:

  • If the value can be cast to the target type, no conversion is needed, otherwise
  • If it is an instance of java.lang.Number and the type is a numeric primitive or wrapper (e.g. Integer), the value is truncated if required, otherwise
  • The value is serialized to JSON - if possible - and then an attempt to create a Java instance based on the given JSON contents is made. For this purpose, the FasterXML Jackson library is used

This is powerful because it allows to send data of similar shape/structure when data types do not necessarily match. Consider the following example:

s = "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"
jStrArr = Call s split " "
words = Call java.util.Collections#unmodifiableSet jStrArr

This Agama snippet creates the (Java) Set of different words found in a given (Agama) string. Note jStrArr is of type String[] and is passed directly to method unmodifiableSet which originally expects an instance of Set as parameter.

From Java to Agama#

We just saw how Agama values are treated in Java code. Here we make an analysis in the reverse direction: from Java to Agama where Java values are obtained through Call invocations.

The following table relates Java types to Agama types:

Java value (x) Agama equivalent Notes
x is a Java array or implements java.util.List list Changing the list contents (includes updates on x.length) can only be achieved if the Java list is modifiable
x implements java.util.Map and keys are of typejava.lang.String map Changing the map contents can only be achieved if the Java map is modifiable
x is a java.lang.(Double|Float|Long|Integer|Short|Byte) or an equivalent primitive number
x is a (non-null) java.lang.Boolean or equivalent primitive boolean
x is a java.lang.String string (limited) Neither indexing nor x.length can be used
null null

Except for maps, the following holds for a value x obtained through a Java Call:

  • If x's class has getters and/or setters for some fields, they can be called. As an example if age and name are available fields, x.age can be used to get the value of age

  • Likewise, setting a value is possible too: = "Larry" (if a suitable setter exists)

  • In general, a no-args method starting with get or is can be invoked. This is useful for instance to get the (Java) class name of your object ( or determine if a list has no elements (x.empty)


A class/interface is accessible to Agama code as long as it is part of:

  • jans-auth.war > WEB-INF/lib/*.jar or,
  • jans-auth.war > WEB-INF/classes or,
  • /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/libs/*.jar (may require edition of jans-auth.xml descriptor)

Additionally, it is possible to upload source code on the fly to augment the classpath. Any valid Java or Groovy file is accepted and must be located under /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/agama/scripts. For instance, a class named com.acme.Person must reside in folder /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/agama/scripts/com/acme.


Only files with extensions .java or .groovy are accounted

The scripts directory provides automatic "hot" reloading. This is a valuable time saver for developers because there is no need to restart the jans-auth webapp when sources are modified. This feature has some limitations which are explained in the following.

Limitations of code added "on the fly"#

Classes in scripts directory can only be accessed through Call directives. As an example suppose you added classes A and B to scripts, and A depends on B. Calls using class A will work and any change to files A and/or B will be picked automatically. On the contrary, trying to load this kind of classes using Class.forName either from a jar file in custom/libs or from Agama itself will degenerate in ClassNotFoundException. Note A and B can also depend on classes found at any of the locations listed at the beginning of this section.

Note Java sources are actually interpreted as Groovy code. 99% of times this is not a concern since Groovy can be considered a superset of Java, however, there are some minor discrepancies that may exhibit unexpected behaviors. These differences are described here.

We consider the following to be remarkable:

  • Array literals in shorthand syntax not allowed, e.g. int[] array = {1, 2, 3}. Use int[] array = new int[] {1, 2, 3} instead
  • String interpolation: "hello $mark" evaluates the value of variable mark and prepends hello to it!. To avoid this use a backslash, like in "hello \$mark". Learn more about interpolation here. In general, prepend ocurrences of $ in your string literals with a \
  • Usage of == operator actually calls the equals method. Most of times this is fine but can be a problem when you are overriding equals in your class and make use of ==. This will introduce a recursive call in your implementation and may degenerate in a stack overflow. If possible, use the === operator or the is method in these cases

OOP prose warning#

See the recommended practices to learn more about this topic.

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2023-06-06