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Advanced usages#

UI templates#

Template overrides#

Template overrides is a mechanism that allows templates customization and promotes flows reuse. If an existing flow serves well the needs of a new flow you are writing, with this feature you can homogenize your UI for a more pleasant user experience.

To start, use Trigger to play around with the existing flow - as is - from the flow you are creating. Collect the URLs of the pages you are not comfortable with: grab them directly from the browser's address bar. Then proceed as follows with every URL to locate the actual templates physically:

  1. Remove the https://.../fl/ portion of the URL
  2. Split the URL obtained into two pieces: a folder name and a remainder. The remainder starts after the last slash found in the URL, and usually ends in .fls
  3. In your Janssen server, locate the directory /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/agama/ftl
  4. cd to the directory specified by the folder
  5. List the contents of the directory and pick the filename that best matches the remainder

Save a copy of every selected file in the directory associated to your flow (basePath directive) or in a subdirectory of it. Rename the files if desired too.

Now, build the Override templates directive passing several pairs of strings separated by lines or spaces. Every pair consists of a string specifying the original template location, that is, <folder>/<filename> followed by the path to the new template version relative to the base path of your flow.

Output encoding#

By default, the engine sends rendered pages using UTF-8 character encoding. To specify a different encoding the ftl directive can be used in pages, for instance, <#ftl encoding="ISO-8859-5">. Always place this at the top of a template.


To implement this behavior, store all messages that your templates may show in the jans-auth resource bundle. This can be done by creating files named or in /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/custom/i18n. As an example, use to hold the messages translated to Japanese, or for German localized to Switzerland.

The syntax of these files adhere to that of Java properties files. The suffixes xx and YY are driven by RFC 4647 and RFC 5646.

Agama engine will pick the messages from the bundle that best matches the language settings of the end-user browser. Normally, this is supplied through the HTTP header Accept-Language.

A file with no suffix, i.e. is used as fallback when a message cannot be found in specific language/country combination. To learn how to reference a message in a template, check this page.

Reusable templates#

A widespread practice in web page authoring is to compose pages based on reusable pieces. As an example, the need for a common header and footer is ubiquitous in HTML projects. With FreeMarker, composition can be achieved by means of macros. These are the equivalent to functions in programming, they can generate output based on parameters passed and can be called anywhere in a template.

Agama already makes use of macros for this purpose. Take a look at the ftlh files found at /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/agama. These templates are used to present errors, like timeouts, flow crashes, etc.


Here, two pages will be built to demonstrate the concept of composition in FreeMarker templates: a homepage and an "about us" page. These will be made up of a header, a sidebar, and their respective main content. Assume the sidebar should be shown only for the home page.


FreeMarker comments are of the form <#-- This won't be printed in the output -->

One way to structure the solution is the following:

<#-- aside.ftlh -->

<#macro sidebar>

  <h2>Recommended tracks</h2>
      <li><a href="#">Efilnikufesin</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">P.O.N.X.</a></li>
      <!--li><a href="#">Planet caravan</a></li-->


aside.ftlh has static markup for a sidebar. It is defined inside a macro called sidebar.

<#-- commons.ftlh -->

<#import "aside.ftlh" as sbar>

<#macro header>

      <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Sign Up</a></li>


<#macro main useSidebar=false>

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <#if useSidebar>


commons.ftlh template imports aside.ftlh associating it with the shortname sbar. Additionally:

  • It defines two macros: header and main. The macro header generates a static navigation menu

  • main macro is the skeleton of a very simple HTML page

  • main has a parameter named useSidebar whose default is false

  • The sidebar macro is called using <@sbar.sidebar/> while header with <@header/> (local macro)

<#-- index.ftlh -->

<#import "commons.ftlh" as com>
<@com.main useSidebar=true>

  <h1>This is the index page!</h1>
  <p>Temporibus ut nisi quibusdam iusto vitae similique laudantium. Minima cumque ducimus sit ut dolores. Autem quam soluta illo et omnis expedita voluptas magnam. Sit aperiam laboriosam magnam et amet deleniti. Sit et velit unde quibusdam esse ullam voluptatem. Enim sint blanditiis dolores. Laborum velit eos dolor ad quaerat. Quo tempora excepturi enim dolor harum sunt ipsa. Quis sit dolorem harum ipsa fuga voluptatem commodi.


index.ftlh is the homepage:

  • Template commons.ftlh is imported and its macro main called passing true for useSidebar

  • The markup inside <@com.main... tag is the content to be "inserted" when the <#nested> directive is reached

<#-- about.ftlh -->

<#import "commons.ftlh" as com>

  <h1>About us</h1>
  <p>We don't know ourselves very well.</p>


about.ftlh is the "about us" page. It works like the homepage except the sidebar will not be shown.



Ensure you have previously gone through the contents of this page before proceeding

This is a feature that in conjuction with template overrides allows developers to implement alternative routing and backtracking. Suppose a flow is designed to reuse two or more existing subflows. As expected these subflows are neither aware of each other nor of its parent. How can the parent make so that once the user has landed at a page belonging to a given subflow A be presented the alternative to take another route, say, to subflow B?

Clearly a page at flow A can be overriden, however, how to abort A and make it jump to B? The answer is cancellation. Through flow cancellation, a running flow can be aborted and the control returned to one of its parents for further processing. This can achieved by overriding a template so that the POST to the current URL includes a form field named _abort.

POSTing this way will provoke the associated Trigger call to return a value like { aborted: true, data: ..., url: ... } where data is a map consisting of the payload (form fields) sent with the POST. Thus, developers can build custom pages and add for example a button to provoke the cancellation. Then, back in the flow implementation take the user to the desired path. The url property will hold the URL where cancellation took place relative to https://your-server/jans-auth/fl/.

As an example, suppose there exists two flows that allow users to enter and validate a one-time passcode (OTP), one flow sends the OTP via e-mail while the other through an SMS. Assume these flows receive a user identifier as input and render a single UI page each to enter the received OTP. If we are interested in building a flow that prompts for username/password credentials and use the SMS-based OTP flow with a customization that consists of showing a link like "Didn't get an SMS?, send the passcode to my e-mail", the following is a sketch of an implementation:

//validate username/password

result = Trigger co.acme.SmsOTP userId
    Override templates "path/to/enter_otp.ftlh" "cust_enter_otp.ftlh"

When result.aborted is true
    //The user clicked on "send the passcode to my e-mail"
    result = Trigger co.acme.EmailOTP userId

When result.success is true = { userId: userId }

Finish result

The overriden template cust_enter_otp.ftlh would have a form like:

<form method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
    <button type="submit" name="_abort">
        Didn't get an SMS?, send the passcode to my e-mail</button>

Note you cannot make cancellation occur at an arbitrary point of a flow. It can only happen when a page has been rendered, that is, an RRF directive is in execution. When a flow is aborted and the control returned back to a parent, there is no way to "resume" execution of the flow target of the cancellation.

Cancellation bubble-up#

In order to override a page, the path to the corresponding template can be easily derived from the URL seen at the browser's address bar when the subflow is Triggered. Note the page may not necessarily belong directly to the subflow triggered but probably to another flow lying deep in a chain of Trigger invocations.

As an example suppose you are interested in building a flow A that reuses flow B. You identify a page shown that needs to be overriden. It might happen this page is actually rendered by C - a flow that B in turn reuses. In scenarios like this cancellation still works transparently and developers need not be aware of flows dependencies. In practice, when cancellation occurs at C, it bubbles up to B and then to A, which is the target of this process.

Note that even flow B (as is) may also be overriding C's templates. Resolution of a template path takes place from the inner to the outer flow, so it occurs this way in the example:

  1. path is as found in C's RRF instruction

  2. path is looked up on the list provided in B's Override templates. If a match is found, path is updated accordingly

  3. path is looked up on the list provided in A's Override templates. If a match is found, path is updated accordingly

  4. The page referenced by path is rendered

Engine internals#

Here we provide insight on some behavioral aspects of the engine that may result of interest to developers.

Flow advance and navigation#

Once a web page (or a response in general) is replied to a client (e.g. web browser), a POST is required to make the flow proceed. The POST is expected to be sent to the current URL only, otherwise, a 404 error will be thrown. The engine will then respond with a redirect (usually 301) so the client will GET the next URL to be rendered. This pattern of navigation is known as "POST-REDIRECT-GET".

There is a clear correspondence of the "current URL" with the physical path of the template rendered. As an example, if the browser location shows https://<your-host>/jans-auth/fl/foo/bar.fls, the involved template is stored at /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/agama/ftl/foo and has name bar. This makes flows more predictable and easier to reason about.

Note however URLs are not manipulable: an attempt to set the browser location to a URL corresponding to a different template will not make that template be rendered or provoke any unexpected jump in the flow control. Instead, an error page is shown that allows users to re-take where they left off or to restart from scratch. In other words, navigation honors the "current flow URL" avoiding attempts to re-visit past stages or make unexpected moves to future ones.

Additionally, the engine by default sends responses with proper HTTP headers so page contents are not cached. This is key to prevent manipulation and allows a safe usage of the browser's back button, where it will not be possible to visit past stages.

Code transpilation#

The engine has some timers running in the background. One of them transpiles code when a change is detected in a given flow's source (written in Agama language). The transpilation process generates vanilla Javascript code runnable through Mozilla Rhino by using a transformation chain like (DSL) flow code -> (ANTLR4) parse tree -> (XML) abstract syntax tree -> JS.

The transformation chain guarantees that a flow written in Agama DSL cannot:

  • Access Java classes/instances not specified in the original flow code (i.e. the only bridge to Java world is via Calls)
  • Access/modify the standard javascript built-in objects directly
  • Conflict with javascript keywords


  • You can find the (ANTLR4) DSL grammar here.
  • The last step of the transformation chain is carried out by means of this Freemarker transformer

Other engine characteristics#

Some interesting facts for the curious:

  • The engine does not use asynchronous paradigms: no events, callbacks, extra threads, etc. All computations remain in the classic request/response servlet lifecycle familiar to most Java developers
  • Continuations allow to express a flow as if it were a straight sequence of commands despite there are actual pauses in the middle: the gaps between an HTTP response and the next request
  • Currently Mozilla Rhino seems to be the only mechanism that brings continuations into the Java language
  • In order to preserve server statelessness, continuations are persisted to storage at every flow pause. This way the proper state can be restored when the continuation is resumed in the upcoming HTTP request

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2023-06-06