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SSA Configuration#

The Janssen Server provides multiple configuration tools to perform these tasks.

Use the command line to perform actions from the terminal. Learn how to use Jans CLI here or jump straight to the Using Command Line

Use a fully functional text-based user interface from the terminal. Learn how to use Jans Text-based UI (TUI) here or jump straight to the Using Text-based UI

Use REST API for programmatic access or invoke via tools like CURL or Postman. Learn how to use Janssen Server Config API here or Jump straight to the Using Configuration REST API

Using Command Line#

In the Janssen Server, you can deploy and customize the SSA using the command line. To get the details of Janssen command line operations relevant to SSA Configuration, you can check the operations under Ssa task using the command below:

jans cli -auth --info Ssa
Sample Output
Operation ID: post-register-ssa
  Description: # Create SSA for the organization with `expiration` (optional).

**Security: Bearer Auth**

Provide your bearer token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources.

Example: `Authorization: Bearer {{your-access-token}}`

**Security: OAuth 2.0**

- `` - **SSA Admin**, You can create `SSA`.
    org_id*: The `org_id` is used for organization identification.
    description: Description SSA.
    expiration: Expiration date. If this field is not sent, it will take days to expire, according to how it has been configured.
    software_id*: The `software_id` is used for software identification.
    software_roles*: List of string values, fixed value ["password", "notify"].
    grant_types*: Fixed value ["client_credentials"].
    one_time_use*: Defined whether the SSA will be used only once or can be used multiple times.
    rotate_ssa*: TODO - Will be used to rotate expiration of the SSA, currently is only saved as part of the SSA.
    lifetime: SSA lifetime in seconds.
Operation ID: get-ssa
  Description: # Get all SSA list based on `jti` or `org_id`.

**Security: Bearer Auth**

Provide your bearer token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources.

Example: `Authorization: Bearer {{your-access-token}}`

**Security: OAuth 2.0**

- `` - **SSA Adm
.in**, Retrieves all `SSA`
- `` - **SSA Portal**, Retrieves all `SSA`
- `` - **SSA Developer**, Retrieves the `SSA` created by the same client
  jti: Unique Identifier [string]
  org_id: Organization ID [string]
Operation ID: delete-ssa
  Description: # Revokes existing active SSA based on `jti` or `org_id`

- `jti` - for delete only one SSA, the specified by `jti` 
- `org_id` - for delete all SSA of the specified organization.

**Security: Bearer Auth**

Provide your bearer token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources.

Example: `Authorization: Bearer {{your-access-token}}`

**Security: OAuth 2.0**

- `` - **SSA Admin**, You can revoke `SSA`.
  jti: A unique identifier for the token, which can be used to prevent reuse of the token. [string]
  org_id: Delete all SSAs of the specified organization. [string]
Operation ID: validate-ssa
  Description: # Validates that a given SSA `jti` exists and is valid

This endpoint does not have any security, it is an open endpoint.
  jti: Unique Identifier [string]
Operation ID: get-jwt-ssa
  Description: # Get JWT of SSA based on `jti`.

**Security: Bearer Auth**

Provide your bearer token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources.

Example: `Authorization: Bearer {{your-access-token}}`

**Security: OAuth 2.0**

- `` - **SSA Admin**, Retrieve `JWT` of `SSA`
  jti: Unique Identifier. [string]

Get all SSA#

Use the get-ssa operation to retrieve the list of SSA configuration, run the following command line:

jans cli -auth --operation-id get-ssa
Sample Output
    "ssa": {
      "software_id": "SW123456",
      "one_time_use": false,
      "grant_types": [
      "org_id": "jans",
      "iss": "",
      "description": "admin all access",
      "software_roles": [
      "exp": 3315119711,
      "iat": 1738319712,
      "jti": "92fd9751-bdd5-474e-be9c-ba38a582b54b",
      "rotate_ssa": false
    "iss": "2000.cad384cc-2459-4e15-a205-2cb5fa69de35",
    "created_at": 1738319712,
    "expiration": 3315119711,
    "status": "ACTIVE"
    "ssa": {
      "software_id": "SW987654",
      "one_time_use": false,
      "grant_types": [
      "org_id": "gluu",
      "iss": "",
      "description": "gluu admin",
      "software_roles": [
      "exp": 3315120318,
      "iat": 1738320318,
      "jti": "e94aae83-5a88-410c-a988-277919bdcdaf",
      "rotate_ssa": false
    "iss": "2000.cad384cc-2459-4e15-a205-2cb5fa69de35",
    "created_at": 1738320318,
    "expiration": 3315120318,
    "status": "ACTIVE"

Create SSA#

To create a new SSA, we can use post-register-ssa operation id. As shown in the output for --info command, the post-register-ssa operation requires data to create new SSA.

we have added below key data to the file /tmp/ssa.json.

        "software_id": "SS652413",
        "grant_types": [
        "org_id": "janssen",
        "description": "admin all access",
        "software_roles": [

Now let's post this SSA to the Janssen Server to be added to the existing set:

 jans cli -auth --operation-id post-register-ssa --data /tmp/ssa.json

Get JWT of SSA based on jti#

Provide to bearer token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources.

jans cli -auth --operation-id get-jwt-ssa \
Sample Output
  "ssa": "eyJraWQiOiJjb25uZWN0X2RkM2MzNDYwLTc3YjUtNDMyOS1iN2M0LTY4YTU5MDc5YTNmZF9zaWdfcnMyNTYiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzb2Z0d2FyZV9pZCI6IlNXOTg3NjU0IiwiZ3JhbnRfdHlwZXMiOlsiYXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbl9jb2RlIiwicmVmcmVzaF90b2tlbiJdLCJvcmdfaWQiOiJnbHV1IiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9vc3NkaGF2YWwtaGFyZHktdG9ydG9pc2UuZ2x1dS5pbmZvIiwic29mdHdhcmVfcm9sZXMiOlsiYWRtaW4iXSwiZXhwIjozMzE1MTIwMzE4LCJpYXQiOjE3MzgzMjAzMTgsImp0aSI6ImU5NGFhZTgzLTVhODgtNDEwYy1hOTg4LTI3NzkxOWJkY2RhZiJ9.DIDdlnlMHUxlNIMWtauu4Eg5SdyPZG5DthYXCFoRFkXpy8m9lGONPd0IMY18Tp0TKTHy4j2hPCzesEYGXAGPihqCP-ZYz0Jdv0mGd6I3yw_Z4iyNgF9GRVYHWp98wUA1WGqj-Y0oyolhPZmpDtwD2pCFCBWe4taAHmsr5UGBnIUVCSVexpGzX44GDny7TD3_05It8AfcHzQ4NrrCfz0DsYxfkgs7hpcgb4FJuuGczOm2J-vFvb62ReXP7pfWqwZ0oeM-Dik_ScHUEBhKj5jrZyKhUc-ow66zlCmNGkGXDUfTDFgiJ1K1DywqYZzPWc5XD0VnBstKlh230YaURYqq1A"

Delete SSA#

We can delete the specific SSA through its jti using delete-ssa operation. For example, We can put jti:e94aae83-5a88-410c-a988-277919bdcdaf with --url-suffix to delete the session. The following command as below:

jans cli -auth --operation-id delete-ssa \

To delete all SSA of the specified organization through its org_id. The following command as below:

jans cli -auth --operation-id delete-ssa --url-suffix="org_id:gluu"

Using Text-based UI#

Start TUI using the command below:

jans tui

SSA Screen#

Navigate to Auth Server -> SSA to open the SSA screen as shown in the image below.


To get the list of currently added SSA, bring the control to Search box (using the tab key), and press Enter. Type the search string to search for SSA with matching names.

Add a new SSA using the Add SSA button. It will open a dialogue where you can add an SSA detail and save it. as shown in the image below.


To get the detail of any SSA, bring the control on that SSA (using the tab key), and press v. Also can export the detail.


Using Configuration REST API#

Janssen Server Configuration REST API exposes relevant endpoints for managing and configuring SSA. Endpoint details are published in the Swagger document.

Last update: 2025-02-14
Created: 2022-07-21