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Authorization Server (AS) supports different metric data: - Monthly Active Users (MAU) - Health Check - Token Issued - Audit Logs

Statistic Endpoint#

Statistic data (MAU, Token Issued) is returned from /jans-auth/restv1/internal/stat protected endpoint.

Endpoint is protected by authorization token which must contain configurable scope (via statAuthorizationScope AS configuration property). Default scope value of statAuthorizationScope is jans_stat which means that token must contain this scope or otherwise UNAUTHORIZED 401 response is returned.

Parameters - month - specify month in YYYYMM format (e.g. January 2022 is 202201) - start-month - start month for range request - end-month - end month for range request - format - if no value is specified than json value is returns. Possible explicit values are openmetrics (open metrics format) and jsonmonth (all data are flattened for given month)

Example: Request single month data (recommended)

GET /jans-auth/restv1/internal/stat?month=202101
Authorization: Bearer czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

Example: request multiple months data

GET /jans-auth/restv1/internal/stat?month=202012%20202101
Authorization: Bearer czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

It is also possible to request data by specifying month ranges via start-month and end-month parameters.

Example: request multiple months by specifying month range (all months from February 2021 till February 2022)

GET /jans-auth/restv1/internal/stat?start-month=202102&end-month=202202
Authorization: Bearer czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

If both month range parameters (start-month or end-month ) and month parameter are used at the same time AS will return 400 Bad Request error.

Note that data returned by endpoint is calculated and depending on request can be expensive to recalculate each time. Thus data (response) is cached during one hour and is not refreshed during this period.

Example: response when format=jsonmonth

    "month": "202108",
    "montly_active_users": 5,
    "token_count_per_granttype": {
    "month": "202109",
    "montly_active_users": 7,
    "token_count_per_granttype": {

Monthly Active Users#

Server uses algorithmic HLL approach of tracking active users. Means it is not exact number but approximation. MAU can be requested at /jans-auth/restv1/internal/stat protected endpoint and is returned per month in YYYYMM format for month.

Example: 10 servers with 1000000 unique users with 10M total logins. log2m=15, regwidth = 5

server0 - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 996522
server1 - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 998560
server2 - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 1001721
server3 - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 988345
server4 - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 998151
server5 - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 1005606
server6 - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 993774
server7 - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 992465
server8 - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 988403
server9 - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 1002353
UNION - size: 20483bytes, cardinality: 10010897

Example: MAU with no format parameter in request

  "response": {
    "202101": {       
      "monthly_active_users": 1939497078,
    "202102": {       
          "monthly_active_users": 1939497078,

Health Check#

AS provides /sys/health-check endpoint which can be used to perform health check.

Sample reply

  "status": "running", 

Sample curl

curl -k https://janssen-host-name/jans-auth/sys/health-check

Token Issued#

Token Issued report shows how many tokens were issued per grant type.

Sample response from /jans-auth/restv1/internal/stat protected endpoint.

  "response": {
    "202101": {
      "monthly_active_users": 1939497078,
      "token_count_per_granttype": {
        "implicit": {
          "access_token": 8843443,
          "refresh_token": 361678620,
          "uma_token": 257653798,
          "id_token": 1196937417
        "refresh_token": {
          "access_token": 198484847,
          "refresh_token": 527458534,
          "uma_token": 1552211159,
          "id_token": 2077968838
        "password": {
          "access_token": 21293868,
          "refresh_token": 2003904704,
          "uma_token": 44144850,
          "id_token": 1713870170
        "client_credentials": {
          "access_token": 1656091541,
          "refresh_token": 875245682,
          "uma_token": 1920358732,
          "id_token": 2029924857
        "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code": {
          "access_token": 871050693,
          "refresh_token": 735390384,
          "uma_token": 902227655,
          "id_token": 572398177
        "authorization_code": {
          "access_token": 1468057290,
          "refresh_token": 1576996227,
          "uma_token": 1755565333,
          "id_token": 944346498
        "urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba": {
          "access_token": 1187334485,
          "refresh_token": 1043290537,
          "uma_token": 206572517,
          "id_token": 1850166398
        "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket": {
          "access_token": 933970698,
          "refresh_token": 1089756841,
          "uma_token": 352343374,
          "id_token": 645686974
    "202012": {
      "monthly_active_users": 1620607010,
      "token_count_per_granttype": {
        "implicit": {
          "access_token": 20676511,
          "refresh_token": 960308503,
          "uma_token": 703633153,
          "id_token": 573544490
        "refresh_token": {
          "access_token": 526463917,
          "refresh_token": 483679318,
          "uma_token": 545888615,
          "id_token": 951286042
        "password": {
          "access_token": 1883167951,
          "refresh_token": 1636169697,
          "uma_token": 1753544837,
          "id_token": 1675535757
        "client_credentials": {
          "access_token": 290209545,
          "refresh_token": 1635984977,
          "uma_token": 1066472511,
          "id_token": 463520941
        "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code": {
          "access_token": 84124820,
          "refresh_token": 1705729386,
          "uma_token": 2070635541,
          "id_token": 970034925
        "authorization_code": {
          "access_token": 387026047,
          "refresh_token": 907425179,
          "uma_token": 370523863,
          "id_token": 1807260512
        "urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba": {
          "access_token": 1408098991,
          "refresh_token": 819153423,
          "uma_token": 936295536,
          "id_token": 378210748
        "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket": {
          "access_token": 381038617,
          "refresh_token": 828068056,
          "uma_token": 448746427,
          "id_token": 650520169

Audit logs#

AS supports audit logs. Please check audit logs page

It can help answer on questions like: - successful (USER_AUTHORIZATION with isSuccess=true) vs failed authentication (USER_AUTHORIZATION with isSuccess=false) - client registration and update, etc.

which can help track successful vs failed authenticatio Success vs Failed authentications

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Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-09-02