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DPoP (Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer)#

Janssen Server supports DPoP (Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession) at the Application Layer, which is OAuth 2.0 feature to enhance the security of resources protected by access tokens.

When DPoP is being used, the Janssen Server checks whether the presenter of the access token is the one to whom the access token was issued. Hence, making sure that a stolen access token is not being used by someone else to access the protected resource. OAuth 2.0 DPoP specification is available here

Janssen Server also supports OAuth MTLS(Mutual TLS) as a mechanism to ensure that the token presenting party is legitimate. While MTLS should be preferred whenever it is possible to use it, for other cases like single page application(SPA), DPoP can be used.

Using DPoP#

Using DPoP Proof JWT#

To use DPoP protection, the client needs to create DPoP Proof JWT (or DPoP Proof) and send it using DPoP request header to Janssen Server when:

  1. Requesting for a new access token
  2. Accessing a protected resource using the access token

DPoP proofs are created differently for the cases listed above. DPoP specification describes how.

When an access token is requested with the DPoP header (1 above), the Janssen Server returns an access token (or refresh token) that is bound(mapped) to the public key attached with the DPoP proof.

Subsequently, when the client uses the access token to access the protected resource (2 above), it again creates and attaches the DPoP Proof with the request. The resource server checks the validity of the request by ensuring that the access token used is bound to the same public key which is presented in the DPoP proof in the request. The resource server uses steps laid out in the specification to acertain this.


title DPoP sender-constraint access_token and refresh_token


note right of RP: Authorization Code Flow
RP->AS: Request authorization with dpop_jtk
AS->AS: dpop_jkt saved for authorization code
AS->RP: Return authorization code

note right of RP: Token Request
RP->AS: Request token with DPoP JWT
AS->AS: Validates DPoP JWT
AS->AS: Validates dpop_jkt against DPoP JWT if it's authz code

AS->AS: Creates access_token bound to public key cnf/jkt
note right of AS: if AT is bearer cnf/jkt is available via introspection 
AS->RP: Returns DPoP-bound access_token with cnf/jkt (response token_type=DPoP)
RP->RS: Request resource with access_token and DPoP JWT (with "ath" - AT hash)
RS->RS: Validates access_token against DPoP (public key match cnf/jkt)
RS->RS: Validates DPoP against access_token (access_token hash in DPoP "ath")
RS->RP: Return protected resource

Authorization Code Binding to DPoP Key#

Authorization Endpoint supports dpop_jkt parameter for DPoP binding of authorization code.

 GET /authorize?response_type=code&client_id=s6BhdRkqt3&state=xyz\
     &dpop_jkt=NzbLsXh8uDCcd-6MNwXF4W_7noWXFZAfHkxZsRGC9Xs HTTP/1.1

For PAR, both ways of binging are supported:

  • Via dpop_jkt
  • Via DPoP header where dpop_jkt is calculated out of DPoP header value

Using Introspection Endpoint#

Janssen Server introspection endpoint supports the JWK thumbprint confirmation method. Using this, the resource server can introspect an access token and obtain the hash of the public key associated with the access token. Response from the introspection endpoint will share this information in the format recommended in the specificaiton

Janssen Server Configuration for DPoP#

Following properties of the Janssen Server can be used to tailor the behavior concerning DPoP.

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Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-07-21