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Logging Overview#

All jans-auth-server log files are located in /opt/jans/jetty/jans-auth/logs/.

Use log levels to control noise of logs in standard logs.

Following AS configuration properties can be used to customize AS logging:

  • loggingLevel - Specify the log levels of loggers
  • loggingLayout - Logging layout used for Jans Authorization Server loggers
  • httpLoggingEnabled - Enable/disable request/response logging filter. Disabled by default.
  • disableJdkLogger - Choose whether to disable JDK loggers
  • enabledOAuthAuditLogging - enable OAuth Audit Logging
  • externalLoggerConfiguration - The path to the external log4j2 logging configuration
  • httpLoggingExcludePaths - This list details the base URIs for which the request/response logging filter will not record activity

AS has pre-defined set of standard logs which can be overwritten by own log4j2 xml.

AS under the hood is using log4j2 and slf4j thus please reference log4j configuration for available logging options.

AS support audit logs.

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Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-09-02