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Janssen Server supports token revocation endpoint enables a client to notify the server that previously obtained refresh or access token is no longer needed, allowing the server to clean up security credentials. Implementation conforms with token revocation specification.

Since a token is part of a grant, when the token is invalidated, all other token within the same grant are also revoked. i.e when a refresh token related to a grant is invalidated, all access tokens from the same grant are also invalidated and vice-versa.

URL to access revocation endpoint on Janssen Server is listed in the response of Janssen Server's well-known configuration endpoint given below.


revocation_endpoint claim in the response specifies the URL for revocation endpoint. By default, revocation endpoint looks like below:


More information about request and response of the revocation endpoint can be found in the OpenAPI specification of jans-auth-server module.

Disabling The Endpoint Using Feature Flag#

Token revocation endpoint can be enabled or disable using REVOKE_TOKEN feature flag. Use Janssen Text-based UI(TUI) or Janssen command-line interface to perform this task.

When using TUI, navigate via Auth Server->Properties->enabledFeatureFlags to screen below. From here, enable or disable REVOKE_TOKEN flag as required.

Configuration Properties#

Token revocation endpoint can be further configured using Janssen Server configuration properties listed below. When using Janssen Text-based UI(TUI) to configure the properties, navigate via Auth Server->Properties.

Revoke all tokens by client_id#

To remove all tokens for given client_id it's required: - set allowAllValueForRevokeEndpoint AS configuration property to true - pass in request parameter token_type_hint=all

client is identified by Client Authentication performed by AS to grant access to /revoke endpoint.

Revoke tokens of other clients#

By default Revoke Endpoint allows revoke only own client's tokens. However it is possible to allow revoking of any token (which is issued with other client).

For this it is required: - set global AS configuration property allowRevokeForOtherClients to true - add revoke_any_token scope to client which performs revoke call

Revoke Interception Script#

Endpoint can provide custom behavior via implementing Revoke Token interception script.

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-07-21