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Introspection Endpoint#

Introspection endpoint allows a protected resource to determine the active state of an OAuth 2.0 token and to determine meta-information about this token. This endpoint can be used to introspect both opaque token (i.e. reference tokens) and structured tokens(i.e. value tokens). This endpoint conforms to OAuth2 token introspection specifications.

The URI to invoke the introspection endpoint in Janssen Server can be found by checking the introspection_endpoint claim of the OpenID Connect configuration response, typically deployed at

"introspection_endpoint" : "" `

More information about request and response of the Introspection endpoint can be found in the OpenAPI specification of jans-auth-server module.

Request parameters

  • token - REQUIRED. The string value of the token. For access tokens, this is the "access_token" value returned from the token endpoint
  • token_type_hint - OPTIONAL. A hint about the type of the token submitted for introspection. Not used in current implementation of the AS.
  • response_as_jwt - OPTIONAL. Boolean value with default value false. If true, returns introspection response as JWT (signed based on client configuration used for authentication to Introspection Endpoint).

Sample GET Request#


curl -X 'GET'   ''   -H 'accept: application/json' -H   "Authorization: Bearer 111d51a4-2828-4b47-abce-77034cddcfb5"


    "sub": "",
    "iss": "",
    "active": true,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "client_id": "1800.df1bb233-10b8-40ed-bbb9-07da50892a35",
    "aud": "1800.df1bb233-10b8-40ed-bbb9-07da50892a35",
    "nbf": null,
    "scope": "",
    "acr_values": null,
    "cnf": null,
    "exp": 1668705523,
    "iat": 1668705223,
    "jti": null,
    "username": null

Sample POST Request#


curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'token=eyJra....3ZkB-Ajwg'  
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJra...BpKo7g"


    "sub": "",
    "iss": "",
    "active": true,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "client_id": "3000.5829c1f8-7554-41ab-a7d6-3513a5e9c4ad",
    "aud": "3000.5829c1f8-7554-41ab-a7d6-3513a5e9c4ad",
    "nbf": null,
    "scope": "",
    "acr_values": null,
    "cnf": null,
    "exp": 1668941216,
    "iat": 1668781885,
    "jti": null,
    "username": null

Response as JWT#

Response is returned as JWT if Accept header has value application/token-introspection+jwt or otherwise if explicit endpoint parameter response_as_jwt is set to true.

POST /introspect HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/token-introspection+jwt

Sample decoded JWT payload

        "scope":"read write dolphin",

Sample response (line breaks in payload is for convenience)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/token-introspection+jwt


Disabling The Endpoint Using Feature Flag#

/introspection endpoint can be enabled or disable using END_SESSION feature flag. Use Janssen Text-based UI(TUI) or Janssen command-line interface to perform this task.

When using TUI, navigate via Auth Server->Properties->enabledFeatureFlags to screen below. From here, enable or disable INTROSPECTION flag as required.

Configuration Properties#

Introspection endpoint can be further configured using Janssen Server configuration properties listed below. When using Janssen Text-based UI(TUI) to configure the properties, navigate via Auth Server->Properties.

There difference between introspectionAccessTokenMustHaveUmaProtectionScope and introspectionAccessTokenMustHaveIntrospectionScope is that uma_protection scope is enabled for Dynamic Client Registration while introspection scope is not. Thus if set introspectionAccessTokenMustHaveIntrospectionScope to true value allows disable access to Introspection Endpoint to all clients which does not have explicitly granted introspection scope.

Customising Introspection Endpoint Behaviour using Custom script:#

Customizing certain aspects of endpoint behaviour, for example, one can modify claims of an access token as JWT, using introspection scripts. Use update token introspection script for transformation of claims and values in id-token and access-token.

Configure below-mentioned client properties to enable usage of introspection scripts. When using Janssen Text-based UI(TUI) to configure these client properties, navigate to

  • accessTokenAsJwt:

Auth Server->Clients->select the client->Tokens->Access Token Type->Select JWT

  • runIntrospectionScriptBeforeJwtCreation:

Auth Server->Clients->select the client->Tokens->enable Run Introspection Script before JWT access token creation

References for custom scripts#

  1. Interface - IntrospectionType
  2. Introspection scripts
  3. Introspection script vs Update Token Script

Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-07-21