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/clientinfo endpoint is an OAuth2 protected endpoint that is used to retrieve claims about registered client.

URL to access clientinfo endpoint on Janssen Server is listed in the response of Janssen Server's well-known configuration endpoint given below.

clientinfo_endpoint claim in the response specifies the URL for clientinfo endpoint. By default, clientinfo endpoint looks like below:

Since clientinfo endpoint is an OAuth2 protected resource, a valid access token with appropriate scope is required to access the endpoint. More information about request and response of the clientinfo endpoint can be found in the OpenAPI specification of jans-auth-server module.

Disabling The Endpoint Using Feature Flag#

/clientinfo endpoint can be enabled or disable using clientinfo feature flag. Use Janssen Text-based UI(TUI) or Janssen command-line interface to perform this task.

When using TUI, navigate via Auth Server->Properties->enabledFeatureFlags to screen below. From here, enable or disable clientinfo flag as required.

Configuration Properties#

Clientinfo endpoint can be further configured using Janssen Server configuration properties listed below. When using Janssen Text-based UI(TUI) to configure the properties, navigate via Auth Server->Properties.

Want to contribute?#

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Last update: 2024-09-27
Created: 2022-07-21