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Using UniFFI binding iOS App#

Cedarling UniFFI binding exposes its init, authz and log interfaces to different languages and on all the different platforms, including Swift for iOS. This section covers how to build and use Cedarling UniFFI binding in an iOS app.



  1. Clone the jans monorepo and change directory to /path/of/jans/jans-cedarling.

     git clone
     cd /path/of/jans/jans-cedarling

  2. Build the library:

    cargo build
    In target/debug, you should find the libmobile.dylib file.

  3. Generate the bindings:

    cargo run --bin uniffi-bindgen generate --library ./target/debug/libmobile.dylib --language swift --out-dir ./bindings/cedarling_uniffi/output

  4. Building the iOS binaries and adding these targets to Rust.

    rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios-sim aarch64-apple-ios

  5. Build the library for Swift.

    cargo build --release --target=aarch64-apple-ios-sim
    cargo build --release --target=aarch64-apple-ios
    You should have two binaries target/aarch64-apple-ios-sim/release/libmobile.a and target/aarch64-apple-ios/release/libmobile.a.

  6. The XCFramework will allow us to import the library with zero effort in Xcode. First, we need to rename the file ./bindings/cedarling_uniffi/output/mobileFFI.modulemap to ./bindings/cedarling_uniffi/output/module.modulemap. Then, we can create the XCFramework:

    xcodebuild -create-xcframework \
            -library ./target/aarch64-apple-ios-sim/release/libmobile.a -headers ./bindings/cedarling_uniffi/output \
            -library ./target/aarch64-apple-ios/release/libmobile.a -headers ./bindings/cedarling_uniffi/output \
            -output "ios/Mobile.xcframework"

  7. Open ./jans-cedarling/bindings/cedarling_uniffi/iOSApp in Xcode. Import both the XCFramework Mobile.xcframework and the Swift file bindings bindings/output/mobile.swift files into your project (drag and drop should work).

  8. Run iOS project on simulator.

We have included a sample iOS app using Cedarling UniFFI binding for making authorisation decisions. Here is a demonstration video of its working.

Last update: 2025-02-19
Created: 2025-02-18