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Cedarling Properties#

These Bootstrap Properties control default application level behavior.

  • CEDARLING_APPLICATION_NAME : Human friendly identifier for this application
  • CEDARLING_POLICY_STORE_URI : Location of policy store JSON, used if policy store is not local.
  • CEDARLING_POLICY_STORE_ID : The identifier of the policy store in case there is more then one policy_store_id in the policy store.
  • CEDARLING_USER_AUTHZ : When enabled, Cedar engine authorization is queried for a User principal.
  • CEDARLING_WORKLOAD_AUTHZ : When enabled, Cedar engine authorization is queried for a Workload principal.
  • CEDARLING_MAPPING_USER : Name of Cedar User schema entity if we don't want to use default. When specified cedarling try build defined entity (from schema) as user instead of default User entity defined in cedar schema. Works in namespace defined in the policy store.
  • CEDARLING_MAPPING_WORKLOAD : Name of Cedar Workload schema entity
  • CEDARLING_MAPPING_ROLE : Name of Cedar Role schema entity

The following bootstrap properties are needed to configure log behavior:

  • CEDARLING_LOG_TYPE : off, memory, std_out
  • CEDARLING_LOG_LEVEL : System Log Level See here. Default to WARN
  • CEDARLING_LOG_STDOUT_TYPE : Either System, Metric, or Decision. Default to System.
  • CEDARLING_DECISION_LOG_USER_CLAIMS : List of claims to map from user entity, such as ["sub", "email", "username", ...]
  • CEDARLING_DECISION_LOG_WORKLOAD_CLAIMS : List of claims to map from user entity, such as ["client_id", "rp_id", ...]
  • CEDARLING_DECISION_LOG_DEFAULT_JWT_ID : Token claims that will be used for decision logging. Default is "jti", but perhaps some other claim is needed.
  • CEDARLING_LOG_TTL : in case of memory store, TTL (time to live) of log entities in seconds.

The following bootstrap properties are needed to configure JWT and cryptographic behavior:

  • CEDARLING_LOCAL_JWKS : JWKS file with public keys
  • CEDARLING_POLICY_STORE_LOCAL : JSON object with policy store
  • CEDARLING_POLICY_STORE_LOCAL_FN : Local file with JSON object with policy store
  • CEDARLING_JWT_SIG_VALIDATION : enabled | disabled -- Whether to check the signature of all JWT tokens. This requires an iss is present.
  • CEDARLING_JWT_STATUS_VALIDATION : enabled | disabled -- Whether to check the status of the JWT. On startup, the Cedarling should fetch and retreive the latest Status List JWT from the .well-known/openid-configuration via the status_list_endpoint claim and cache it. See the IETF Draft for more info.
  • CEDARLING_JWT_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS_SUPPORTED : Only tokens signed with these algorithms are acceptable to the Cedarling.
  • CEDARLING_TOKEN_CONFIGS : JSON object containing token specific configs. See: Token Configs.
  • CEDARLING_ID_TOKEN_TRUST_MODE : Strict | None. Varying levels of validations based on the preference of the developer. Strict mode requires (1) id_token aud matches the access_token client_id; (2) if a Userinfo token is present, the sub matches the id_token, and that the aud matches the access token client_id.

The following bootstrap properties are only needed for enterprise deployments.

  • CEDARLING_LOCK : enabled | disabled. If enabled, the Cedarling will connect to the Lock Server for policies, and subscribe for SSE events.
  • CEDARLING_LOCK_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_URI : Required if LOCK == enabled. URI where Cedarling can get JSON file with all required metadata about the Lock Server, i.e. .well-known/lock-master-configuration.
  • CEDARLING_LOCK_DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION : enabled | disabled, controls whether Cedarling should listen for SSE config updates.
  • CEDARLING_LOCK_SSA_JWT : SSA for DCR in a Lock Server deployment. The Cedarling will validate this SSA JWT prior to DCR.
  • CEDARLING_LOCK_LOG_INTERVAL : How often to send log messages to Lock Server (0 to turn off trasmission).
  • CEDARLING_LOCK_HEALTH_INTERVAL : How often to send health messages to Lock Server (0 to turn off transmission).
  • CEDARLING_LOCK_TELEMETRY_INTERVAL : How often to send telemetry messages to Lock Server (0 to turn off transmission).
  • CEDARLING_LOCK_LISTEN_SSE : enabled | disabled: controls whether Cedarling should listen for updates from the Lock Server.

Required keys for startup#

  • **CEDARLING_TOKEN_CONFIGS - check if default implementation of Token Config is suitable for you.

To enable usage of principals at least one of the following keys must be provided:


To load policy store one of the following keys must be provided:


All other fields are optional and can be omitted. If a field is not provided, Cedarling will use the default value specified in the property definition.

User-Workload Boolean Operation#

The CEDARLING_USER_WORKLOAD_BOOLEAN_OPERATION property specifies what boolean operation to use for the USER and WORKLOAD when making authz (authorization) decisions.

Available Operations#

  • AND: authz will be successful if USER AND WORKLOAD is valid.
  • OR: authz will be successful if USER OR WORKLOAD is valid.

Token Configs#

The token configs property sets the entity type name of a token and it's validation settings. Below is an example of the CEDARLING_TOKEN_CONFIGS:

  "access_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "Access_token",
    "iss": "enabled",
    "aud": "enabled",
    "sub": "enabled",
    "jti": "enabled",
    "nbf": "enabled",
    "iat": "enabled",
    "exp": "enabled",
  "id_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "id_token",
    "exp": "enabled",
  "userinfo_token": {
    "entity_type_name": "Userinfo_token",
    "exp": "enabled",
  "custom_token1": {
    "entity_type_name": "SomeCustom_token",
    "exp": "enabled",
  "custom_token2": {
    "entity_type_name": "AnotherCustom_token",
    "exp": "enabled",
  // more custom tokens can be added here

Default implementation of Token Config#

Here is rust code default implementation of Token Configs (CEDARLING_TOKEN_CONFIGS). This is used when no custom token config is provided.

impl Default for TokenConfigs {
    fn default() -> Self {
            ("access_token".to_string(), TokenConfig {
                entity_type_name: "Access_token".to_string(),
                claims: ClaimsValidationConfig {
                    iss: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
                    sub: FeatureToggle::Disabled,
                    aud: FeatureToggle::Disabled,
                    exp: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
                    nbf: FeatureToggle::Disabled,
                    iat: FeatureToggle::Disabled,
                    jti: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
            ("id_token".to_string(), TokenConfig {
                entity_type_name: "id_token".to_string(),
                claims: ClaimsValidationConfig {
                    iss: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
                    sub: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
                    aud: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
                    exp: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
                    nbf: FeatureToggle::Disabled,
                    iat: FeatureToggle::Disabled,
                    jti: FeatureToggle::Disabled,
            ("userinfo_token".to_string(), TokenConfig {
                entity_type_name: "Userinfo_token".to_string(),
                claims: ClaimsValidationConfig {
                    iss: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
                    sub: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
                    aud: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
                    exp: FeatureToggle::Enabled,
                    nbf: FeatureToggle::Disabled,
                    iat: FeatureToggle::Disabled,
                    jti: FeatureToggle::Disabled,

ID Token Trust Mode#

The level of validation for the ID Token JWT can be set to either None or Strict.

None Mode#

Setting the validation level to None will not check for the conditions outlined in Strict Mode.

Strict Mode#

Strict mode requires:

  1. The id_token's aud matches the access_token's client_id;
  2. if a Userinfo token is present, the sub matches the id_token, and that the aud matches the access token's client_id.

Local JWKS#

A local JWKS can be used by setting the CEDARLING_LOCAL_JWKS bootstrap property to a path to a local JSON file. When providing a local Json Web Key Store (JWKS), the file must follow the following schema:

    "trusted_issuer_id": [ ... ]
    "another_trusted_issuer_id": [ ... ]
  • Where keys are Trusted Issuer IDs assigned to each key store
  • and the values contains the JSON Web Keys as defined in RFC 7517.
  • The trusted_issuers_id is used to tag a JWKS with a unique identifier and enables using multiple key stores.

Loading the bootstrap config#

There are multiple ways to load your bootstrap config:

You can load from both file types using the following code snippet:

use cedarling::BootstrapConfig;

let config =

// Load the bootstrap config from the environment variables. Properties that are not defined will be assigned a default value.
let config = BootstrapConfig::from_env().unwrap();

// Load the bootstrap config from the environment variables and a given config if env var is not present.
let config = BootstrapConfig::from_raw_config_and_env(Some(BootstrapConfigRaw { ... })).unwrap();

Loading From JSON#

Below is an example of a bootstrap config in JSON format. Not all fields should be specified, almost all have default value.

  "CEDARLING_USER_AUTHZ": "enabled",
  "CEDARLING_POLICY_STORE_LOCAL_FN": "./example_files/policy-store.json",
    "access_token": {
      "entity_type_name": "Access_token"
    "id_token": {
      "entity_type_name": "id_token"
    "userinfo_token": {
      "entity_type_name": "Userinfo_token"
  "CEDARLING_LOG_TYPE": "std_out",
  "CEDARLING_LOCK": "disabled",
  • Note that properties set to "disabled", an empty string "", zero 0, and null can be ommited since they are the defaults.

Local JWKS#

A local JWKS can be used by setting the CEDARLING_LOCAL_JWKS bootstrap property to a path to a local JSON file. When providing a local Json Web Key Store (JWKS), the file must follow the following schema:

    "trusted_issuer_id": [ ... ]
    "another_trusted_issuer_id": [ ... ]
  • Where keys are Trusted Issuer IDs assigned to each key store
  • and the values contains the JSON Web Keys as defined in RFC 7517.
  • The trusted_issuers_id is used to tag a JWKS with a unique identifier and enables using multiple key stores.

  • Note that properties set to "disabled", an empty string "", zero 0, and null can be ommited since they are the defaults.

Loading From YAML#

Below is an example of a bootstrap config in YAML format. Not all fields should be specified, almost all have default value.

CEDARLING_POLICY_STORE_LOCAL_FN: ./example_files/policy-store.json
    access_token: { entity_type_name: "Access_token" }
    id_token: { entity_type_name: "id_token" }
    userinfo_token: { entity_type_name: "Userinfo_token" }

    - HS256
    - RS256

  • Note that properties set to 'disabled', an empty string '', zero 0, and null can be ommited since they are the defaults.

Last update: 2025-02-17
Created: 2024-10-08