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Cedarling Logs#

Cedarling Audit Logs#

The Cedarling logs contains a record of all a Cedarling's decisions and token validations. Cedarling has four logging options, which are configurable via the CEDARLING_LOG_TYPE bootstrap property:

  • off - no logging
  • memory - logs stored in Cedarling in-memory KV store, fetched by client via logging interface. This is ideal for batching logs without impeding authz performance
  • std_out - write logs synchronously to std_out
  • lock - periodically POST logs to Jans Lock Server /audit endpoint for central archiving.

There are three different log records produced by the Cedarling:

  • Decision - The result and diagnostics of an authz decision
  • System - Startup, debug and other Cedarling messages not related to authz
  • Metric- Performance and usage data

Jans Lock Server#

In enterprise deployments, Janssen Lock Server collects Cedarling logs and can stream to a database or S3 bucket. The Cedarling decision logs provide compliance evidence of usage of the domain's externalized policies. The logs are also useful for forensic analysis to show everything the attacker attempted, both allowed and denied.

Last update: 2024-10-08
Created: 2024-10-08