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Cedarling JWT Flow#

Trusted Issuer Schema#

  • name : String, no spaces
  • description : String
  • openid_configuration_endpoint : String with https url of .well-known for domain.
  • access_tokens : Object with claims:
  • trusted: True | False
  • id_tokens : Object with claims:
  • trusted: True | False
  • principal_identifier: the token claim used to identify the User entity (in SAML jargon it's the "NameID format"). This claim is optional--it may be present in the Userinfo token. Defaults to sub.
  • role_mapping: A list of the User's roles
  • userinfo_tokens :
  • trusted: True | False
  • principal_identifier: the token claim used to identify the User entity (in SAML jargon it's the "NameID format"). This claim is optional--it may be present in the Userinfo token. Defaults to sub.
  • role_mapping: A list of the User's roles
  • tx_tokens :
  • trusted: True | False

Non-normative example:

{"name": "IDP-1", 
 "description": "Acme IDP", 
 "openid_configuration_endpoint": "",
 "access_tokens": {"trusted": True}, 
 "id_tokens": {"trusted": True, "principal_identifier": "email"},
 "userinfo_tokens": {"trusted": True},
 "tx_tokens": {"trusted": True}

JWT Validation#

Optionally, the Cedarling can validate the signatures of the JWTs for developers. To enable this, set the CEDARLING_JWT_VALIDATION bootstrap property to True. For testing, developers can set this property to False and submit an unsigned JWT, for example a JWT generated on

If token validation is enabled, on initiatilization the Cedarling downloads the public keys of the Trusted IDPs specified in the Cedarling policy store. The Cedarling uses the JWT iss claim to determine the right keys for validation.

In an enterprise deployment, the Cedarling can also check for JWT revocation. The Cedarling checks the status following a mechanism described in the OAuth Status Lists draft. Enforcing the status of tokens helps limit the damage of account takeover--i.e. to immediately recursively revoke all the tokens issued to an attacker. Domains may want to use Token Status also to implement single-transaction tokens.

Here is a summary of the ways the Cedarling may validate a JWT, depending on your bootstrap properties:

  • Validate signature from Trusted Issuer
  • Check JWT status
  • Discard id_token if aud does not match access_token client_id
  • Discard Userinfo token not associated with a sub from the id_token
  • Check access token and id_token exp and nbf claims if time sent in Context

Last update: 2024-10-08
Created: 2024-10-08