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Authorization Using Cedarling#

The Policy Store contains the Cedar Policies, Cedar Schema, and optionally, a list of the Trusted IDPs. The Cedarling loads its Policy Store during initialization as a static JSON file or fetched via HTTPS. In enterprise deployments, the Cedarling can retrieve its Policy Store from a Jans Lock Server OAuth protected endpoint.

Developers need to define Cedar Schema that makes sense for their application. For example, a developer writing a customer support application might define an "Issue" Resource and Actions like "Reply" or "Close". Once the schema is defined, developers can author policies to model the fine grain access controls needed to implement the business rules of their application. The easiest way to define schema and policies is to use the AgamaLab Policy Designer. This is a free developer tool hosted by Gluu.

The JWTs, Resource, Action, and Context are sent in the authz request. Cedar Pricipals entities are derived from JWT tokens. The OpenID Connect ("OIDC") JWTs are joined by the Cedarling to create User and Role entities; the OAuth access token is used to create a Workload entity, which is the software that is acting on behalf of the Person (or autonomously). The Cedarling validates that given its policies, both the Person and Workload are authorized.

The Cedarling maps "Roles" out-of-the-box. In Cedar, Roles are a special kind of Principal. Instead of saying "User can perform action", we can say "Role can perform action"--a convenient way to implement RBAC. Developers can specify which JWT claim is used to map Cedar Roles. For example, one domain may use the role user claim of the OpenID Userinfo token; another domain may use the memberOf claim in the OIDC id_token.

Developers can also express a variety of policies beyond the limitations of RBAC by expressing ABAC conditions, or combining ABAC and RBAC conditions. For example, a policy like Admins can access a "private" Resource from the private network, during business hours. In this case "Admins" is the role, but the other conditions are ABAC. Policy evaluation is fast because Cedar uses the RBAC role to "slice" the data, minimizing the number of entries on which to evaluate the ABAC conditions.

The OIDC id_token JWT represents a Person authentication event. The access token JWT represents a Workload authentication event. These tokens contain other interesting contextual data. The id_token tells you who authenticated, when they authenticated, how they authenticatated, and optionally other claims like the User's roles. An OAuth access token can tell you information about the Workload that obtained the JWT, its extent of access as defined by the OAuth Authorization Server (i.e. the values of the scope claim), or other claims--domains frequently enhance the access token to contain business specific data needed for policy evaluation.

The Cedarling authorizes a Person using a certain piece of software, which is called a "Workload". From a logical perspective, person_allowed AND workload_allowed must be True. The JWT's, Action, Resource and Context is sent by the application in the authorization request. For example, this is a sample request from a hypothetical application:

input = { 
           "access_token": "eyJhbGc....", 
           "id_token": "eyJjbGc...", 
           "userinfo_token": "eyJjbGc...",
           "tx_token": "eyJjbGc...",
           "action": "View",
           "resource": {"Ticket": {
                                  "id": "ticket-10101", 
                                  "owner": "", 
                                  "org_id": "Acme"
           "context": {
                       "ip_address": "",
                       "network_type": "VPN",
                       "user_agent": "Chrome 125.0.6422.77 (Official Build) (arm64)",
                       "time": "1719266610.98636",

decision_result = authz(input)

Last update: 2024-10-08
Created: 2024-10-08